Sunday, May 7, 2017

Kalvin Korff Married... Bulbous Chance.

Frame grab from Kalvin's Template Web Site - 05/07/17


  1. AnonymousMay 07, 2017


    Korff hasn't mentioned his "wife" in over 2 years now. There's no sign of her, no evidence of her on any of his social networks.

    Korff is not married, if he ever was.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. AnonymousMay 09, 2017

    Look out! Signs of Korff going into another tailspin are there. Back to making bullshit claims about books that will never come true and surrounding his image with pics of beautiful women that would slap Kal's fat face on sight. All too familiar. Agent Urvashi??? This stinks of that Lt. Tycova or whatever the Czech lady's name is. Working for some third rate newspaper? Hailing Apple products like the second coming? Promises of a massive flying saucer exposé? Writing third rate columns about the CIA? It won't be long at all until the delusions of nanotechnology and being in counter terrorism for a nonexistent group starts. The vicious little cycle is about to repeat. I should start a pool on when Kal flips out and leaves India in a hurry. I give it 7 months until he implodes and wrecks himself again. Wash, rinse, repeat. Relapse. Kal just can't help himself and I'm sure it has been all he can do to hold it in. But he isn't strong enough to stop it. Being a delusional loser is what Kal loves and all he's ever known. Failure is in his DNA. Born to lose.

  4. AnonymousMay 09, 2017

    Kal Korff - April 22 at 1:35am ·


    Hi everyone. I am pleased to announce that starting the first week of May 2017, my new book shown in this photo below, will be available for sale to the public. Price is only $8.95.

  5. AnonymousMay 09, 2017

    Maybe Kal doesn't know the difference between the first week in May and never.

  6. AnonymousMay 10, 2017

    Yup. Born Loser. The Korff family must be grateful that the people of India are willing to put up with Kal so he can stay as far away from them as possible.

    ..... I wonder how the lie about the bogus "Diary of the Last Roswell Investigator" came to be.

  7. AnonymousMay 10, 2017

    like most lies. kal felt the urge to lie about it, and so he lied. its really that simple.

  8. happy red mogul balloon!May 10, 2017

    a vial amature

