Friday, June 9, 2017

I Am Better Than You and Your Country


  1. AnonymousJune 09, 2017

    Dear international community,

    On behalf of decent, civilized, and cultured Americans, I offer sincere and humble apologies that our village idiot, Kal K. Korff, has now become your village idiot. Kal is not representative of the United States or its citizens.

    We realize how much of an imbecile Kal is and hope you do not judge all Americans based on the lying, conniving, thieving, and despicable behavior Kal has shown in other countries, not to mention your being subjected to Kal's rambling and grossly amateurish writing full of nearly every elementary spelling, grammar, and sentence structure error possible.

    Kal, you see, really doesn't know much about being a global citizen let alone a decent human. Kal only wants to come to your country and try to take advantage of your citizens for his own benefit. Please feel free to kick him out of your country and send him anywhere but back to America, we don't want him back due to our country having more than enough clowns in it.

    Our Most Sincere Regards,

    The Korffing Syndicate

  2. AnonymousJune 10, 2017

    Well typed fellow Korffer.

  3. AnonymousJune 10, 2017

    Love that Amwan guy calling Korff out. You really should not shit where you live especially if you're a foreigner living in a foreign country. I read most of that chat board about Kal when he was living in Prague and the citizens there saw through his bullshit. I guess Kal complained and tried to get that chat board shut down and he couldn't do it. So much for the powerful special secret services. LMFAO

  4. AnonymousJune 11, 2017

    yep trying to make himself appear more mature, experienced and worldly at your expense. first you're expected to welcome and give Kal haven from the cruel world which expected him to find a full time job and keep it. now you are expected to be silent like a good pigeon while he uses your culture to show off what a big man he is.

    when he really isn't. kind of small, insignificant and filled with troubling issues that only come to light when you look into what Kal Korff is on your own. go to Kal and you'll hear about him advising the president or something. Go to Google and you'll find us.

  5. Red is not the right color for you, KalJune 11, 2017

    .... ....

    I am speechless. Just ... speechless.

  6. AnonymousJune 11, 2017

    My God... Jabba, he's your father.

  7. AnonymousJune 12, 2017

    proof that not only does kalvin korff regard women as distant and alien creatures, but that he is pretty much a complete fucking IDIOT of a kind most of us are just not used to encountering in our lives. a mega-idiot who has no concept of what is appropriate. its not just slack-jawed stupidity either. there's something fundamentally wrong with the way Kal's brain is wired. to Kal that was probably the report of a lifetime! meant to demonstrate not just a sensitivity towards females but heaping praise on them by equating them with ... a computer.

    There's not just no wife, Korff is completely incompatible with human females. Look at how the hot Indian babes are all gone. Its because they weren't stupid, realized Korff was a pervert of some kind and were outta there, later requesting that their "interviews" be deleted.

  8. AnonymousJune 12, 2017

    "... there's something fundamentally wrong with Kal's brain... " "... there's something fundamentally wrong with Kal's brain... " "... there's something fundamentally wrong with Kal's brain... " "... there's something fundamentally wrong with Kal's brain... " "... there's something fundamentally wrong with Kal's brain... " "... there's something fundamentally wrong with Kal's brain... " "... there's something fundamentally wrong with Kal's brain... " "... there's something fundamentally wrong with Kal's brain... " "... there's something fundamentally wrong with Kal's brain... "

  9. AnonymousJune 13, 2017

    good job to the guy for calling Korff out on his Facebook. takes guts to face a bully. has it been deleted yet? i would figure not since for Korff attention is attention. just no response prolly.

    More stolen valor douchebaggery in the paranormal interest community. Jerk off actually served (briefly) which does not excuse a thing.

  10. AnonymousJune 13, 2017

    Here the entire back and forth. That person was not delete.

    Aman Jaiswal: Wonder Woman got like 96 on rotten tomatoes ..its quite obvious it'll play big and with the current audience ! Just know that you don't always have to do this , somethings are just not required! I'm sorry if i offended you but it really feels bad when you just post the bad things you know about India!

    Kal Korff: Aman Jaiswal I think remaining silent about issues is the worst thing one can do.

    No offense taken, I appreciate the fact you took time to share your views.

  11. AnonymousJune 13, 2017

    This is how that thread closed out. Kalvin, the reporter... posted grosses of the last few Marvel movies, taken from Box Office Mojo, etc.

    Dhruv Sharma: Kal ur analysis is mostly true, but Dangal Aamir Khans movie has made more money in China than in India also.. its made about 130 million dollars in china

    Dhruv Sharma: Haha Kal there is no competition.. the numer of screens in India is less and also average price of ticket is much lower in India than usa... maybe after say 20 years it can be a fair compariosn... but u have to see the profitability as well.. the cost of these indian films is so less .. most of the big indian films are made for less than 15 million usd

    Dhruv Sharma: 15 mil usd is the budget of a big indian film.. whereas 125 mil atleast is the budget for a us film, and thats not including marketing.. marketing is another 40 million usd for american films

    Dhruv Sharma: maybe after 25 years or so when gdp of india(ppp) crosses that of usa, we can make a fair comparison haha

    Dhruv Sharma: marketing cost is maybe 5-7 million at most for indian films.. so in all total budget of 22 million versus 175 million... thats not a fair comparison... if u see profitability indian films might be more profitable than american films... and isnt profit the biggest factor?... also usa has international stars like Tom cruise who is huge in China , India , europe.. making films in global language does have its plus points .

  12. AnonymousJune 13, 2017

    Kal obvious knows nothing about geographical economics. Kal won't remain silent on issues? This is about movies. What a wanker. I wonder then why has Kal remained silent on his lies and being exposed as a fake? LMFAO Kal is so transparent and shallow. He wants to argue with everyone over trivial things.

  13. AnonymousJune 13, 2017

    as an instant expert on whatever subject he wishes to LECTURE people on Kal is surely as knowledgable about global entertainment economics as he is about counter terrorism, astronomy, forensics, archaeology, nano technology, and of course, women.

  14. Just STFU Already, KorffJune 13, 2017

    I think remaining silent about issues is the worst thing one can do.

    actually coming off like a pompous bossy know it all asswipe is indeed worse than "remaining silent" on a trivial matter that you have no real grasp of. that's why you only get two or three "Likes" rather than a number which might actually represent the total number of "friends" who otherwise should/would be reacting to the post. they aren't because they tuned Kal out long ago after realizing that he was a pompous bossy know it all asswipe.

  15. AnonymousJune 13, 2017

    ... a pompous bossy know it all asswipe... ... a pompous bossy know it all asswipe... ... a pompous bossy know it all asswipe... ... a pompous bossy know it all asswipe... ... a pompous bossy know it all asswipe... ... a pompous bossy know it all asswipe... ... a pompous bossy know it all asswipe... ... a pompous bossy know it all asswipe... ... a pompous bossy know it all asswipe... ... a pompous bossy know it all asswipe...

  16. The Laughing GnomeJune 14, 2017

    dunno if anyone else had noticed, but the Daily World "television" page on YouTube hasn't had any new content uploaded to it in a month

    same with the Daily World website's "television" page

    Guess Kal is getting bored?

  17. AnonymousJune 14, 2017

    Daily World 2,086 videos 1,784 views Last updated on May 10, 2017

    That interesting bit of information found here

    It might also be of interest that the most recent content on DWs YT with Kal Korff s name on it was this pathetic item from January 6 2017 -- the eighth and final episode of the ALL YOUTUBE BASED "Kal Korff TV Show".

    Since then Korff has not used his own name on any of the video upload titles. I gotta say too, 1,784 total page views is extremely paltry for a "media giant".

  18. AnonymousJune 15, 2017

    Kal Israel's YouTube video about Korff got over 7,600 views, nearly 5 times that of Kal K. Korff and his supposed media giant. LMFAO I'd like to hear Kal's bullshit excuse for that. LOL The majority of DW videos don't break 100 views and once again the delusional claims of Korff working for a "media giant" are exposed as lies. Let's all start using this: #kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff

  19. AnonymousJune 15, 2017

    #kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff#kalkorff #kalkorffidiot #kalkkorff

  20. AnonymousJune 16, 2017

    I hear Kal Korff is poking his head around UFO stuff again and posting in some facebook threads. Nobody in these threads is posting anything about Kal's delusions about being a colonel in a fake spy agency or his 25 million dollar Saudi sugar daddy.

  21. AnonymousJune 16, 2017

    Please post the FB group names here....

  22. AnonymousJune 16, 2017

    For those of you on Facebook, The Syndicate posts things there first, just easier. Korff just released more info on his UFO "movie":

  23. AnonymousJune 16, 2017

    Kal is back on facebook rating about politics and telling everyone how smart he is by criticizing everything wrong with the world. Get a clue Kal you fat schmuck waste of space.

    "Hi everyone. I'd like to introduce to you Ms. Urvashi Tripathi, who is the 'star' of the upcoming movie, The Zeta Reticuli CONspiracy, which is the first movie ever made that exposes the world famous Betty and Barney Hill UFO 'abduction' case." Kal talking about once again being associated with a model/actress. Sounds a bit too much like Martina Tychova and I think Kal is about to flip out again with his delusions. It is always just a matter of time with Kal before he crawls out of his hole and lets everyone see just how fucking nuts he is. In usual fashion Kal uses his meager presets in iMovie to cobble together this poorly shot video. We all know this "movie" will never see the light of day beyond Kal talking about it.

    "Looks like it's now at 50 percent. People tend to cite polls they like and ignore others they do not" Kal quoting a poll favorable to Trump's approval rating then stating the obvious when asked why another poll shows different results. Duh. Looks like Kal is pining for the moment he can get on his knees and suck Trump's dick.

    "These leaks run the risk of derailing and undermining the investigation, but it seems that these leakers do not care." Kal is talking about the investigation into the Trump team and the reports that have been getting leaked. Kal wouldn't know anything about ethics and real investigation if it came up and flicked him in his small dick.

    "Hi everyone. According to Facebook I have 54,000 'likes' concerning the stuff I have posted over the years. I am humbled by this, genuinely grateful and I sincerely appreciate your support. THANKS again!" Kal should stop using the word humble because his behaviors shows so clearly he knows nothing about humility. 54,000 seems like a very paltry number since Kal makes himself out to be such a world media figure.

    "Only in India do you get stupid medical advice like avoid eating meat with complete proteins and amino acids when you're pregnant. They should throw these moron doctors in jail and take away their licenses." Kal only realized this after he read the article and in usual fashion speaks as though he is an expert. Kal should be in jail for stealing valor and stealing Apple products.

    "I've seen it firsthand here. Stupid laws like banning the eating of beef long predate Modi and until most Indians are no longer held back by such views, things will only get worse." Kal is the last person I'd take any health advice from. Kal should look at his fat ass in the mirror then shut up until he actually loses 150 pounds from his fat slimy ass. Kal ought to know since he's coming off as such a big health expert that beef is terrible for you but that never stopped his dumb fat ass from eating Big Mac after Big Mac with french fries, soda, apple pies, KFC, and grease.

    "WHERE is your 'outrage' over this, Trump haters? Obama did largely nothing about the M13 gang, and you remained silent. Now they're being hunted down and dealt with and you still say nothing. I'm glad I don't have your 'progressive' morals." Maybe Kal means like his uneven standards and always shifting morals when it best suits his situation? Fuck off Kal. And someone should let Kal know the gang is called MS-13 and not M13. And Kal thinks anyone would ever believe him to be an actual journalist. What exactly has Kal done about any of the problems he complains about? He's done NOTHING.

    "According to the shooter's Facebook page, he was a huge fan of Bernie Sanders and Rachel Maddow. The LACK of outrage over this by the Democrats so far is very revealing." Kal repeating what he reads and takes as gospel. He really is that fucking stupid.

  24. AnonymousJune 16, 2017

    "It's possible that some Trump haters will 'blame Trump' and the Republicans for the fact this shooting has now happened. Instead of blaming the people who COMMIT the crime, they'll find another excuse." Finding another excuse and not taking responsibility has been Kal's mode of operating his entire life along with being a pure hypocrite. And why did Kal and his might special secret services not stop this shooting?

    "There's a double standard here. Had this play featured a character modeled after Obama is would not be sponsored because the race card would be played even if it did not exist. But since it's about Trump, it's suddenly OK. Ridiculous!" Kal knows double standards because he is an expert on using them himself.

    "The word 'impartiality' seems to have a rather curious caveat in this matter." Kal should stop pretending he has an real ethics because we all know he doesn't.

    "I expect nothing less from CNN. Earth to Fareed, Trump is NOT Caesar, not even close. Your hatred and intolerance blinds you once again where it concerns the facts and Basic History." Just like Kal when he spins the facts to make himself look good? Go fuck yourself Kal you wanker.

    "About frigging time! They're also now making three iPhone models in India. Prices will go down soon." Wow! This means Kal is closer than ever to owning an iPhone3!!!

    "Butt of course! How does everyone feel about this? I find it wholly disgraceful." Kal is talking about a relative of Joe Biden's not getting jail time. Kal should be sitting in jail for FRAUD and THEFT from his time in Prague when he STOLE Apple products by using someone else's name.

    "You can't fix stupid sometimes." Doing some self analysis Kal?

    "Still MORE backwardness and stupidity in the deliberately failed state of Pakistan." Kal has the answer for everything but has done NOTHING.

    "Vanity Fair should stop covering Hillary if they want to help make her go away." The why would Kal be stupid enough to repost the article for more people to see? Nevermind.

    "One method the lamestream media uses to create fake news is to omit important details. Shame on ABC, busted once again." Does Kal mean fake news like his 500 book deal or his life story in general? At least ABC has more than Kal's pathetic number of viewers. David Muir has more journalistic skill in one of his pubic hairs than Kal has in every cell of fat on his body.
