Thursday, December 3, 2020

Kiviat and Korff - A match made in hell.

You can watch the video here:


  1. Ha, ha, ha,!

    Nobody gives a shit Kalvin...

    152 views • Streamed live on Dec 2, 2020

  2. Nobody's watching. Nobody's listening. Nobody cares.

  3. Merry Christmas Jimmy D.

    Korffing Syndicate

  4. 392 views? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Two washed up ufo people trying to boost each other up. Losers.

  5. 4 viewers in the live chat is a joke. Kal will die trying to be someone important. Vomiting up shit you did over 20 years ago is exactly what nobody cares about.

  6. if you post on the youtube video about al and is lies the comment just gets removed. so much for the truth.

  7. "Merry Christmas Jimmy D.

    Korffing Syndicate"

    Keep up the good work, syndicate. Any chance of an appearance from Santa IAFH this year? As I recall, he was due to show up last year, but the drunken old sot fell asleep and forgot all about it.

  8. I'll reach out, or should I say, reach around... for SIAFH and I'll ask him if he'd ever so kindly grace us with his drunken self, if not for just a moment...

  9. He does a live show with his girlfriend on Saturdays. Called The Wicked Truth on YouTube and dlive.
