Thursday, June 3, 2021

Nobody gives a shit Kalvin.



  1. Nobody's reading.

    Nobody's listening.

    Nobody cares, Karlton.

  2. AnonymousJune 16, 2021

    Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton. Nobody cares, Karlton.

  3. AnonymousJune 16, 2021

    Seems that after Kalvin got a girlfriend (if that's true) other life issues have taken him away from making claims, humble bragging and lying.

  4. AnonymousJuly 02, 2021

    Kalvin's got nothing going on so he's been posting nothing but old humble bragging news:

    Kal Korff
    Hi everyone. Now that the new Daily World office is open, I am honored to report that next week my new TV TALKSHOW will make its debut, I will also be doing news broadcasts shortly as well, and lots of producing and directing. I'll be posting pics of the new office, it is wonderful and it is a genuine honor to be part of this. Thanks for your support, we're going to have some amazing guests.

  5. AnonymousJuly 02, 2021

    Kal Korff

    Hi everyone. I'm honored to report that in today's Daily World Newspaper I have a full page Special. As a journalist it's always a genuine honor to have such lengthy pieces published. I hope you enjoy it, as usual comments are welcome. Here's the web link in case the graphic is not clear.

  6. No one's reading. No one's listening. No one cares, Kalvin.

  7. AnonymousJuly 10, 2021

    Kal claims to be one of the original investigators on the Travis Walton case. Wrong. Another lie from a con man who is trying to be a someone. "FYI everyone. I was one of the original investigators into the Travis Walton UFO “abduction” HOAX, was the go to guy between the warring parties like APRO, GSW, Hynek, Harder, etc. Walton FLUNKED his urine test which PROVES HE DID NOT go without Earth food for five days. Lots more incriminating stuff as well. The Travis Walton case is yet ANOTHER DISGRACEFUL EXAMPLE OF FRAUD UFO CASES getting a second life only because the media exploits this subject and there too many con artists and frauds selling this shit." Kal is one of the biggest frauds around so he should know.

  8. AnonymousJuly 19, 2021

    if kal was one of the first investigators on it then why did he not figure it all out? surely he and his self claimed 218 iq points would have solved it from the start. kal is nothing but a con man riding on the coattails of anyone or anything he can.

  9. Has the Great Man pronounced on the Afghanistan situation?

    The world holds its breath ...

  10. I do recall that a few years ago, Kalvin filmed himself along the Pakistan-Afghan frontier, sowing his nanodust. *Surely* the time has come for him to unleash the majesty of his power.

  11. the unknown korfferFebruary 18, 2022

    people who have amounted to something usually don't need to remind anyone about it on social media. they are too busy amounting to something else.
