Monday, January 17, 2022

"I got a girlfriend, I'll let her deal with my haters...!"

The Wicked Truth Youtube Channel: LINK

Korff's latest episode with UFO Jesus: LINK


  1. UFO COMP APP: The Database of Everything UFOLOGY by Kal Korff

  2. the unknown korfferFebruary 09, 2022

    started watching my roswell crap again, always some good laughs, and the madman's book cover comes up like a turd in the punchbowl, shown just for its title. ugh. had to look in to metaphorically fish it out & am delighted there's been no letup. any rank insignia, nanodust components, paint ball games or US marshal's badges being flashed around? ah well, we'll always have the internet to remember the good old days of the Super Duper Services, the Holodeck set from his creepy Indian Youtube show, and big Don Ecker putting the hammer down.

    keep on korffing


  3. Has the Great Man pronounced on events in Ukraine? Please, Kalvin. Lead us. Speak for us.

  4. Facebook


    Kal Korff: At least 3500 Russians dead during their assault. Ukraine is not rolling over.

  5. Thank you, Kalvin. But I am perfectly capable of watching the new myself.

  6. Here in England, ex- (and even current) servicemen are downing tools and heading to Ukraine to fight. There are plenty of Walter Mittys, too, I imagine. The Paintball Brigade will need a commander.

  7. the unknown korfferMarch 03, 2022

    kalvin may soon be too busy. Kevin Randle has defibrillated the Roswell legend, trying to re-inflate his cash cow. nary an MJ-12 lecturer lurking in the wings to distract everybody with his silly briefcase full of blacked out documents too, so he might as well go for it.

    could be just the challenge korff was destined to obfuscate, or at least make all about himself. here's hoping he dives right in with a multi-page fakebook rant that everybody just ignores.

  8. Speak to us, Karlton. Lead us.

  9. As usual, Kalvin's posts get little to no interaction.

    Kal Korff: Here’s a real example of what the UK is arming Ukraine with, they sent thousands before the war started, more coming. The projectile has three missiles in it which can singly strike together or separate targets.

    Kal Korff: One of the most interesting yet frustrating things about being a longtime Intel analyst is that you wait for those “experts” to eventually wake up to the OBVIOUS! Then after the obvious happens they call you like it’s some great “revelation” they had, then you shake your head, smile inward, then get busy. Now Ukraine has gone down re warnings from those who have been telling people for decades. Watch Taiwan, China’s Ukraine per se.

    Kal Korff: BREAKING NEWS! Latest CIA estimates are at least 4,000 Russian dead. FYI.

    Kal Korff: BREAKING NEWS! Hand to hand fighting now in periphery of Kyiv. This will become an insurgency, and over time Russia will lose.

    Kal Korff: Fuck the UN on this issue. If they refuse to call a war, a war, they should not exist.

    Kal Korff: True, and inexcusable. If Putin isn’t stopped, kiss Democracy goodbye. Here’s Bill Clinton saying he can “do business” with Putin, Bush Jr later being just as stupid. Unfortunately the innocent often pay with their lives for the immorality of their leaders.

    Kal Korff: BREAKING NEWS! This info from Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
    Russian DEAD, more than 10,000 - Putin seems to be following old tactics of under-reporting by a factor of at least 10. Communist China did the same for COVID deaths. 39 AIRCRAFT, 40 HELICOPTERS destroyed. 269 Tanks, 945 Armored Vehicles, 105 Artillery Pieces, 19 anti-aircraft systems. Kyiv has now reported it is fortified. The world must stop Putin, no excuses.

    Kal Korff: BREAKING NEWS! I am trying to confirm as much as possible, MINIMUM numbers for Russian war dead, as well as Ukrainian. Here is some more PUBLIC info, FYI. Putin is now calling up RESERVES. Out of desperation he MIGHT start bringing in many weapons that just cause a scorched Earth policy. He doesn't care if all Ukrainians end up being killed, the faster he takes Ukrain the quicker he can begin his latest round of Russification.

    Kal Korff: I hope the number of companies who boycott or “cancel” Russia until it leaves Ukraine, only grows. IMAGINE if the whole world stood up and said NYET to Putin, the Russian people would be free.

    Kal Korff: This was all but certain the moment it was obvious that the USA’s and EU’s dickering was responsible for empowering Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Trump of course deliberately pissed away the last, most important years trying to get this done. The insurgency WILL WIN, time is not on Putin’s side. It’s called Physics.

  10. Kalvin Karlton Korff @ 60...

    Hi everyone. I would like to sincerely THANK all of you for your kind Birthday wishes. Feels weird turning the Big 60...Yikes!

    I'm taking today/tomorrow off, finishing several projects, and recently reached an agreement to build this new BRADS M6 Workstation. Currently I use a BRADS M3 for everything that I do, I should have this up and running in April -- ALL 500 projects for the next few years. 114 billion transistors, up to 22 trillion operations per second, can't wait to use it in the new show, etc. I'll be finishing, shipping the new software/books and all else from this.

  11. He is as mad as a hatter, isn't he?

  12. "500" seems to be his magic number. Why can't his girlfriend see what a nutter he is?

  13. the unknown korfferMarch 18, 2022

    ended up doing all sorts of inadvertent Korffing over the past few weeks, just reading stuff of interest and then HEY! there's mention of karlton. the most recent reference can be found at the bottom of this page here

    "UPDATE: In Nov 2021, Kal Korff mentioned a forthcoming book that will prove Stanton Friedman, who co-authored Marden's book, always knew the Hills case and star map were not credible."

    long/short is that it's from a page debunking the flying saucer betty and barney hill were allegedly abducted by - a favorite topic of kalvin's as there's a direct stanton friedman connection. the comment links to a post karlton's seldom reacted-to Twatter feed, which doth readeth thusly:

    Yes, a new book due out shortly proves that Stanton Friedman ALWAYS KNEW the Hill case was NOT credible, especially its star map, original files from the 1970s PROVING this, and much more are coming out. For anyone to promote the Hill case as being true, it’s UFOOLogy and fraud.
    11:23 PM · Nov 21, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone
    3 Likes <--- LOL!!! owned :D

    i'd started to message the author of the hill UFO thing, who comes across as very cool and informed, but could not stop laughing at the wild popularity of kal's post (we know most supporters likely emailed their encouragement rather than click the like button, because it's easier to send an off-site email than use a built-in platform function) and by the time i was able to regain composure had decided to fucking HELL with it. We can also bank on one item: The last thing in the world kal would want is for that author to be made aware of this blog and its decade+ of korffing. she'd mention it.

    now comes the ethical nightmare: do we dare comment on the find lest kal decide to claim the mention as a bragging right? oh how fun and entertaining korff is, and again my call is to hell with it. if does, please let us know.


  14. Ha, ha, ha!!!! Book, series of books... Ha, ha, ha!!!

  15. March 16, 2022

    Kal Korff: When societies cannot laugh at themselves, society no longer exists and culture dies. Both comedy, drama, tragedy etc are all necessary.

    It’s called life, and life is meant to be lived in many ways.

    I don’t feel sorry nor pity for anyone who deliberates chooses to hold themselves back in life and deny themselves as much clear understandings as possible.

    I will never buy stock in any safe space motel.

  16. "When societies cannot laugh at themselves ..." well, we're sure as hell laughing at you, you windbag.

    "Both comedy, drama, tragedy etc ..." You illiterate buffoon.

  17. It would be lovely if someone could figure out a way for me to get a personal message to Karlton. I have various matters that I'd like to discuss with him. Emails to bounce back. He has disabled comments on his Facebook page (I have sent him Facebook private messages, but I'm unclear as to whether those actually get through, given that I'm not one of his FB "friends".)

  18. Just stumbled across these. Pure genius!!! Who are you, "JoCoSoget2u"?

  19. This one still works:

    And then here's this garbage can full of super duper important Kalvin data....

  20. BTW, regarding "getting through to him"...

    I've noticed that if you write to him and show an interest in him, even if he knows you're not a fan, many times, Kalvin will actually respond, etc.

    A little sugar goes a long way with the Fat Fuck.

  21. the unknown korfferApril 15, 2022

    "We have the March 24th blog called "KAL KORFF IS AN IDIOT - Examining the Claims of a Desperate Lone Nut Named Kal K. Korff". We don't know what "Goober" means, but we strongly suspect that the author of this frequent blog is ace ufological documentary maker Paul Kimball of Canada, because it always speaks well of Kimball's forthcoming expose/documentary on Korff.

    Many years ago KKK wrote skeptical books about roswell and about Swiss contactee Billy Meier, and these were considered to be good enough to be published by Prometheus Books, which also published our 2002 tome "Shockingly Close to tHe Truth!"

    Eventually KKK moved from California to Europe, where he seems to have gone off the deep end. Shockingly, he has even lied about his employment record. This puts him on a par with several well-known saucer proponents, of whom Bob Lazar and Major Jesse Marcel Sr. come immediately to mind. But does this make him a bad person? Well of course it does, But who really cares??

    Anyhow, Paul Kimball's expose is called "Worlds Away", and will be with us shortly. We understand that Paul is in Europe now, finishing it up."

    Saucer Smear, May/June 2009

  22. the unknown korfferApril 15, 2022

    Another zinger.

    "WILLIAM MOORE of MJ-12 fame writes as follows:

    "... As for Kal Korff and the Hefflin case, I can remember the time when he was one of that case's strongest supporters. He even claimed to have found photographic evidence of invisible force fields under the UFO. How sad it is that, as this fellow has aged, his ego has, increasingly, taken control of his mind, rather than vice versa. At least there was some 'class' about 'Klass'. 'Korff' is the sort of sound one makes when trying not to choke in public. Or perhaps better put - a 'cough' is defined as a violent spasm which results in the expulsion of considerable amounts of hot air and phlegm. A 'Korff' is much the same, only of less significance. (I do hope someone sees the humor in this, as it was so intended.) ... "

    Saucer Smear November 1999

    Not familiar with the case in question and William Moore is one of the brain-trust who likely hoaxed the MJ-12 laugh riots, so all sorts of ill repute on display. Which is why I love Saucer Smear. Everybody got what they deserved on its pages. ISN'T THAT RIGHT, KAL?? :D

  23. AnonymousMay 21, 2022


    F1 RACER
