Sunday, September 12, 2010

Bloody hell!!!! I just puked up a biscuit and tea!!!!!!

I do not bloody know what the hell else to say!!!! the thought did cross my mind that Kal must be trying to figure out how much this bang just cost him!!  ahahahhhhhaaaa  What sort of a sick freak needs to have a picture taken him of him in bed with some girl???? Is Kernal Kolon really that insecure???? Maybe Kal is a bit unsure of which side to swing for????  Who bloody knows. This photo is so utterly posed it is just silly. like a school boy trying to prove to the lads that he kissed Tina!! ahahahahhhaaahahhaaahahaa! If Kal is going to film another episode perhaps it should be called an American virgin trying to get laid in Prague. Bollocks!


  1. More hilarious pictures of Kal Korff coming soon lads!

  2. swqrwkqsfqwdfbalaticSeptember 12, 2010

    The question the picture prompts in my mind is HOW can someone so consistently make such poor choices about how to present themselves online? I've been following MR. Korff's antics since May 2008 and have yet to see him do one thing that paints him in a favorable light. Everything the guy does online makes him seem like a jerk or a loser or a buffoon or some sort of incompetent fool. Whoever she is or whatever the circumstances of the picture, he is using her. Not the least of which is the fact that someone else is taking the photo: It's staged, and for all anyone knows they are just as likely fully clothed under the covers. How incomparably creepy, unnatural, manipulative, and self serving this comes off as.

    How can anyone be such a total idiot?

  3. Hilarious! So Kal has to have a picture of himself taken with a girl in a bed? LMFAO! Was it Avim taking the picture? Prague porn? What is the deal? This whole thing is fucking absurd. Where did the picture come from? Are there more pictures? If so post them now so I can get more laughs!

  4. That 'lady' wouldn't happen to be the famous Super model Martina Tycova, would it?
    Looks like her.

  5. Brit_in_PragueSeptember 13, 2010

    ...on the other hand, doesn't allow bounce-back vacation messages.

    These are useful if you want to pull a "bait-and-switch" move on the "Colonel".

    For example, a few months ago, I sent him (under and assumed name, of course), a message saying that I had insider info on Sheriff Gil Gilbertson that would be extremely useful to Korff's dirtbag brother in his court case. Kalvin wrote back saying "I'm interested - let's meet" .... only to run into my vacation message informing him that I was away on business in Afghanistan supervising anti-terrorist operations. I assume that Kalvin instantly blocked that particular fake email address, but never mind - it served its purpose.

    One Czech email service that allows you to set up bounce messages is There are loads of others, of course (e.g.

  6. Stick a fork in my eyes! I'm done! Just a quick question gang - can Interpol do anything about Kal's continuing military fraud and can a complaint be made with US Military Officials so that should he return back home to the USA, he would be arrested at his point of entry? Love this blog - keep up the great work!

  7. Korff posted this and many more photos on Face Book. Thx for poaching these.

  8. The Unknown KorfferSeptember 13, 2010

    Uh, post deleted? Anything I should be made aware of here?

  9. JLo Getting Overall Fox Deal Along With $12M ‘American Idol’ Judging Job — But Her Most Diva Demands

    Kal Korff:

    Who CARES? I am so SICK of spoiled, egotistical, AMERICAN "celebrities" — they are largely a byproduct of ever sicker and far worse elements in our society. I do not miss this part of the USA and its ASSorted over the top soap operas.

    I understand and agree with why other countries and cultures rightfully criticize us for acting this way. Even the word "diva" is not even honest, there's no need for it, when a perfectly good word already exists to describe such people: Bi*ch.

    I guess blowing up a couple of building because they (and you) don't like our "way" is okay, right Korff?


  10. Right...

    I am a Colonel in the Special Secret Services. I was one of the pioneers of the creation of hyper text links. I also worked for Apple where I pioneered many of their end user apps in use today.

  11. Could not one of you who have wangled themeselves onto KKK's FB friend list slip me a username and password for your own FB account?

    I guess not, but just thought I'd ask.

    My email:
    My FB name: Jimmy Dee (blocked - naturually - by KKK).

  12. Jimmy,

    All you gotta do is start up another e-mail address, using a less kalcentric name and you're off. Korff will friend nearly anyone.

  13. It would seem that Kal’s girlfriend Tina Vasquez is back on facebook. You thought that I was not real, well I am Ryan, she turned me down for him. She is too hot for him and I would have thought that a woman her age would be like the rest of the cougars and want a young stud like myself

  14. ----- Original Message -----
    From: Michael Horn
    To: FN
    Sent: Monday, September 13, 2010 10:42 AM
    Subject: Lies


    As you know, Korff accuses me and Meier, etc. of lies, hate, etc.

    It has to now be said that all of his threats about me being served papers for anything are absolute lies.

    His website was taken down by three different web hosting companies because of the threats, harassment and defamation.

    Obviously, he is the one guilty of the things that he accuses others of doing. And he's so unbelievably stupid and deluded that he still has the threat about me being served papers on Sept. 7 on his site.

    The longer he keeps all that stuff up there, the more obvious a liar he is.


    Thx for this Michael. I applaud your openness and honesty in helping we Korffers put out VERIFIABLE and CONFIRMED information to shine the light on our deluded subject.

    Send more if you have it, and keep the faith.


  15. "It would seem that Kal’s girlfriend Tina Vasquez is back on facebook. You thought that I was not real, well I am Ryan, she turned me down for him. She is too hot for him and I would have thought that a woman her age would be like the rest of the cougars and want a young stud like myself"

    Hi Kal!

  16. No posts have been deleted.

  17. After careful analysis, I'm going to postulate a theory about that photo:

    1) It's for real, but had either a third party shoot it, or a tripod with a time-lapse camera setting was used. (Kal doesn't own one).

    2) It's a Photoshop job.

    3) The 'woman' is a plastic sex doll.


  18. I'm going with door number 3 here.

  19. I'm feeling queasy...

  20. I did not poach the pictures as it were. The pictures were sent to me. Many thanks to my source!!! hahaaahahaa

  21. So how does it feel being a public figure Kal? LMAO

  22. Part 2

    Michael Horn: Then, on 3.25.10, I received the following, which included Korff's response to the above email:

    Dear Kal Korff,

    Thank you for your request.

    I would like to disabuse you of the notion that as your hosting company we have any interest in the debate as presented. Our single, only concern in the matter is that no material on your site contravenes the law of any country as per our end user licensing agreement.

    The two paragraphs highlighted in the initial complaint do exist on your website, as I have verified. They could be construed as a threat or incitement to violence.
    This is certainly in violation of the law in several countries including the UK.

    Therefore I am asking you to remove or modify them in such a way that the implication that Mr. Horn is an islamofascist which the Israelis are within their rights to hunt down is removed.

    If this is not done by 5pm today (GMT) then we will have no alternative but to suspend the site until the matter is resolved.

    If, as you say, you are a reasonable person with no desire to threaten anyone, then this should be a simple matter for you to comply with.

    This is really not a matter for debate. Let me know when you have removed/modified the subject matter at issue.



  23. There we have it folks.

  24. Part 3:

    And here we have Korff's response to Heathers first e-mail. Same old Korff, expecting “everyone” to not only understand what he is ranting about but to care in the same way that Korff cares about this personal issues.

    Clearly, the web hosters only concern is the legality of things posted on their server(s). Korff was having none of that, instead he hoped to bring them aboard his crazy train. His answer? His site was pulled.

    03/24/2010 18:12 - Kal Korff wrote:

    Dear Heather,

    One of the "games" Michael Horn plays is to saturate his letter with press appearance listings.

    Since I AM a licensed, card carrying International Journalist and Horn is the spokesman for a UFO Cult, there is NO COMPARISON.

    Not only have I authored now nearly 50 books, but 10,000 articles and I've been
    on everything from the BBC to CNN.

    The image below PROVES it, just like when I last appeared in the UK at the Commonwealth Center in London to give four lectures on six topics.

    In this photo you will also my FIRST major expose of the Meier cult, years ago PUBLISHED by Prometheus Books. Michael Horn self-publishes because they FAKE their "UFO" evidence for their "Messiah" Billy Meier.

    Notice Meier's WIFE holding up my book on Fox TV ENDORSING IT, she was secretly filmed BY ME for FOX TV in the WORLDWIDE SPECIAL, World's Greatest Hoaxes. In that one show, we exposed and took out Alien Autopsy hoax, Bigfoot (notice another of the books exposing that I was involved in) and Meier and Loch Ness and filmed in SCOTLAND.

    Michael Horn is a FRAUD, period.

    I spoke to SCOTLAND YARD earlier today and by Friday he will be off cially reported to their SERIOUS FRAUD UNIT, I will then FILE A POLICE COMPLAINT WITH THE EDINBURG police in YOUR area over this, and what has happened. The Meier cult has an office in the UK.

    They won't be in business much longer if law enforcement does what they have indicated. Consumer fraud is illegal, we both know that.

    I will NOT be "threatened" by the leader of a cult, nor put on the same "plane" as him, and have my "credibility" questioned by the spokesman for a cult who complains for no valid reason and lies to my web hoster.

    This is UNACCEPTABLE, HEATHER, for you to even think this is credible from Horn.

    And now the police back me up.

    I look forward to this being dropped, and Horn will be prosecuted as was in the works before he bothered you and lied claiming I am with the Mossad, etc.

    I look forward to your kind reply, and resolving this amicably.


    Kal Korff
    President and CEO

  25. Part 4:

    And now Korff's site is hosted by and interestingly, there’s little in the way of threats and such regarding anyone lese but Michael Horn.

    In the end, Horn handed Korff his ass.

    Congratulations Michael Horn for stepping up and taking this little asshole on; face to face, web site to web site.

    It matters little if we Korffers agree with you and your Meier stand or not, together we fight against Kalvin Korff; a thief and liar, fraud and cyber stalker.

    You Michael Horn, continue to supply us with VERIVIABLE and CONFIRMEABLE information which validated our stance to continue our quest to have Kalvin Korff denounce his lying and thieving was and to then conduct himself and his behavior in a mature and balanced manner.

    The likelihood of this happening?



  26. Damn blog, says it posted something then it doesn't show up....

    Past 1

    From Michael Horn


    The following email was copied to me, on 3.24.10, from Heather at the UK site that formerly hosted the fool. It should be perfectly clear now that his own (former) hosting company found it unacceptable:

    Dear Kal Korff,

    As you can see from the email quoted below, we have received a serious complaint against your website. We cannot allow any material which might be an incitement to violence or construed as condoning violence or terrorism to remain on a website
    hosted by us. Please remove the cited paragraphs below from your website forthwith and any other material that might be construed as a personal threat against any
    person or entity. If you do not do so immediately we will have to take action to close your website down and suspend your account.



  27. Allen J. HynekSeptember 14, 2010 is some REAL terrorism for Kernel Kock to krush, blogged from a Chicago cop (edited for propriety)…:

    “Suicide by pipe bombs? Come on… bulls***. This guy was on his way to do a terror attack and one or more of the pipe bombs he was carrying went off.

    And police came out when the bombs went off at 4 am and couldn’t find the body???

    Dam* are we all protected from terrorists or what?

    F***ing Mookie and his Buddah dog has to find the body all the responding cops missed.

    We are truly f***ed! ”

  28. Thank you so much for this Michael. I've already posted it up on the blog with the necessary editorial material to explained what they're reading. I'm very, very appreciative of this material Michael. I know you're very busy and that you'd rather not spend any time at all on this but I'm here to assure you, we Korffers will put in the time to help set the record straight.

    You have balls Michael. Your appreciated in this matter beyond mere words.

    Most Sincerely,

    Hey FN,

    Thanks for your energies and I'm glad to provide the info. I actually don't know of anyone who takes that clown seriously. I would be concerned that the girl in that photo with Kal looks possibly underage.



  29. I just reported Kal's webpage to his host because of the apparent age of the girl in that photo.

    F1 Raxer

  30. The Unknown KorfferSeptember 15, 2010

    Damn blog, says it posted something then it doesn't show up....

    Yeah that's the same thing I had going on. No sweat on this end, tech glitches happen.

    I can't get over how perfectly the covers are positioned, as if to deliberately conceal. It is as unnatural a pose as anyone could hope to arrive at. They certainly weren't in bed together for very long. How anyone could think that posting the picture with that caption could possibly be a good idea is beyond me.

  31. Unsure of what the problem is with the comments not posting. The caption on the photo is al of Kal's own wording.

  32. Maybe the caption ought to read "I know it's small, but is it in?"

  33. From dipshit's website: "I continue to ever honored and truly humbled over the fact that I now have some 650 "friends" on Facebook."

    Isn't this fucktard supposed to be an editor or something? One more phony job to add to Kernal Kowpatty's fantasy resume.

  34. Not sure either KIAI? I've been having the issue for a while. The post shows up and then after I'm done, and I refresh, it's gone. This only happens when I'm posting a many parts of a message in multible posts.

    No worries, the important material is getting out there.

    I expect more from Horn shortly.


  35. Part 1

    An e-mail sent to Michael Horn back in January 18, 2006. Same old story, same old Korff making threats that never came to be….


    Is it really asking too much that people would look a little more deeply into this phony "lawsuit", which never was and never will be? Kal Korff was behind this nonsense; try to find UltraMatrix, see if you can find the experts, evidence of fraud, etc.

    Unfortunately, with the mountains of still irreproducible physical evidence and prophetically accurate information, it is still too daunting a task for most people to learn to think for themselves, employ, logic, reason and common sense and stop their non-thinking long enough to recognize that a one-armed man living in rural Switzerland, without technology, finances or collaborators has produced all of the material in this case as a result of his contacts with people who clearly demonstrate their superiority over having nothing to do with the mass of humanity.

    The old adage of no good deed going unpunished rings true again, as can be seen by yet another submission of the garbage below.


  36. Part 2


    Recently Underground Video began an in-depth inquiry into the most sensational UFO case in history. Our investigation first began as a supportive effort to verify the known fact of the Meier case to present the truth of alien-human contact to skeptics.

    With the assistance of members from the Hollywood special effects team of the UltraMatrix Corporation we studied the Meier photographs and claims made by Meier's Talmud Jmmanuel, Genesis III Publishing, Light Years by Gary Kinder, The Pleiadian Connection by Randolf Winters, and the movie Contact. We also spent considerable time tracking the claims of "computer expert" and "Ph.D." Jim Dilettoso, as well as claims made through Michael Hesemann by Guido Moosbrugger from Meier's FIGU cult in Switzerland.

    After six months of intense inquiry, with the assistance of cinematographers, physicists, and computer analysts from Total Research, we found the claims of the representatives of the Meier case to absolutely untrue. We discovered miniature models, and a variety of deceptive methods used to create this hoax. Additionally, an undercover "hidden camera" investigation penetrated the Meier cult in Switzerland, revealing irrefutable scientific evidence of FRAUD.

    Underground Video was one of the foremost defenders of the Meier material. We are DISAPPOINTED to now learn the ENTIRE case is a hoax. Representations of any authenticity with regard to this case made by alleged scientific examination has proved to be totally unreliable and misleads the general public into believing a carefully fabricated lie. The persons who authenticated the Meier case are not credible scientists nor investigators.

  37. Part 3

    Any previous representations of authenticity of the Meier case in the Underground Video catalog should be ignored. Our findings will be presented to the Attorney General for possible prosecution for a Consumer Class Action Suit for Fraud. Underground Video will continue to make the Meier material available to investigators and the general public who desire to study the hoax and how it had been sold to the public for nearly 20 years.

    Anyone who had previously purchased any Meier materials may write Underground Video to be included in a CONSUMER CLASS ACTION SUIT.

    Underground Video
    Meier Class Action Suit
    PO BOX 527
    Beverly Hills, CA 90213-0527

    Along with Underground Video's statement is a photograph showing one of Billy Meier’ alleged Pleiadian beamships taken in 1981. After computer enhancement and careful scrutiny, it has been shown the Beamship is really a miniature model made out of an upside-down cake pan, disconnected copper hose fitting, a bracelet, carpet tacks and various other identifiable objects.

  38. Part 4

    The Meier photograph of the beautiful Pleiadian alien, Semjase, turned out to be a photocopy of a model from a Sears Catalog. Another one of Meier's photographs, where he allegedly traveled into the future aboard a Pleiadian Beamship to photograph the aftermath of a 9.0 earthquake in San Francisco showing the toppled Trans-America building, turned out to be a realistic looking painting from a geology magazine article about earthquakes. On top of these damning examples, every single one of Billy Meier's photographs of Pleiadian ships have been shown to be of third, fourth and even fifth generation(photographs of photographs) This means the he likely airbrushed suspension wires and other signs of fraud. There is not one example of an original, first generation Billy Meier photograph. On top of that, it has been shown that the reflections on some of the Pleiadian ships are not consistent with the position of the sun, indicating possible superimposition techniques. To top it off, a reporter found a bunch of miniature models exactly matching many of the Pleiadian ships shown in his photos. His ex-wife has come out to denounce him as a fraud as well. The evidence is overwhelming that whole Billy Meier story is unquestionably, absolutely, completely and totally 100% BOGUS. Case Closed!

    Billy Meier and his cohorts, have made a lot of money out of this scam. I applaud Underground Video for seeking the truth about the Billy Meier scam and disassociating itself from any involvement with Meier. Billy Meier has done more to hurt the legitimate field of UFO research than any other person alive today. It's really a shame.
    Michael Taylor

    SPACESHIPS OF THE PLEIADES - The Billy Meier Story (Kal K. Korff)

  39. Korff's been very quiet on Face Book. Probably away fighting the good fight...

    We should stay silent about this, Korff always like to use these quiet times as his excuse to tell people that he's on "assignment" and those haters just make things up, etc.

    No worries Kalvin, everybody needs a break, even from delusion.

  40. Brit_in_PragueSeptember 16, 2010

    Kalvin is not deluded. As a poster in the early days of this blog pointed out, under duress, he would admit to making all of this up. As the same poster (who, I believe, had medical qualifications) pointed out, he is a psychopath, not a schizophrenic or some such.

    Which in a way is a pity. Schizophrenia (an awful illness) can be treated, though not generally speaking cured. Kalvin, on the other hand, will always be the way he is. There is no treatment and no cure for his condition.

    I would feel sorry for him if - underneath it all - he were a halfway decent human being. But he isn't - he is an extremely unpleasant human being. He therefore deserves everything that he gets.

  41. 6 hours ago

    Kal Korff:

    Hi, sorry I have been away, but have been swamped. I guess the videos of the new series preview will be finally broken up into their 15 min segments and posted. I'll post the URLs as soon as they are available. Thanks again everyone for your interest and support, gotta get back to workin away.

  42. Ah yes, I forgaot all about his nano shit...!

    Rob McConnell says you Lie.

    Global Economy - Computers set for quantum leap

    Kal Korff:

    The future, as always, comes faster than anyone ever imagines. Between quantum mechanics and nanotechnology, building things one atom at a time, the future will be most people can possibly imagine.

  43. Is It Really True? Episode 30

    September 17, 2010



  44. The Unknown KorfferSeptember 18, 2010

    Happened again! Made a nice post pointing out how Kalvin had shown his hand at admitting he would be limited to 15 minute segments -- there is no "3 hour preview", never was.

    Not sure whats up with the posting thing but henceforth I'd say back up your posts to a simple text type tool and check back to make sure it's still in the system. If its not just repost. No big deal, this IS only Kal K. Korff we're talking about.

  45. Unknown, you're right of course. Korff would have to post (and pay to host) a 3 hour video. He can't afford that so he'll use Youtube, if this video(s) does come about....

  46. From Youtube:

    About Me: Kal Korff is an internationally known analyst, author, broadcaster, lecturer and researcher. The author of 11 books and more than 10,000 articles, Kal Korff is known worldwide for his hard-hitting research and penetrating exposes...

    ... concerning subjects which are controversial and of interest to most people.

    Royce Meyers III is of interest to "most people"?

    Interesting Kalvin.

    The vast majority of people do not know who Royce Meyers III is.

    You lame fuck.

  47. Material off the other Kal Korff Face Book page....

    Kal Korff:
    The fake Kal Korff is still on Facebook, making all sorts of lunatic claims. Please ignore him.
    August 27 at 9:07pm

    Kal is now friends with Martina Týčová and Kal The-Liar

    Kal Korff:
    Fake Kal Korff has been reported to FB, he seems to be a bit nutty.
    August 14 at 11:16am

    Kal Korff:
    Nothing new to report from Prague. Oh it seems I have an imposter here on FB who seems to be a bit of a psychotic nutcase.
    August 14 at 11:10am

  48. Again, one has to ask... Who's "sending" these to Korff? Oh, his team memebers, or the people peer reviewing them....

    Korff, it's over. The Horn get's served text is still on your template site. You suck balls Korff.

    Kal Korff:

    Hi, again sorry for being away, but am just swamped. I finally have a couple of segments of the new show, I am waiting for copies of consecutive episodes so I can post them as promised. If they're not consecutive they make no sense. So far I have episode 1, 6 and 7. I'll post em as soon as I have 2,3,4 and 5. Thanks fo...r your patience and great interest, it's truly humbling and an honor.

  49. Face Book:

    Analyst, Author, Broadcaster, Columnist, Investigative Journalist, IT Specialist, Lecturer, Media Personality, President & CEO CriticalThinkers, ColoneI: Kidon Unit Commander Counterterrorism, YS3. Researcher, Sayanim.

    Sayanim is Musaad, Korff.

    Kindon, is Musaad, Korff.

    Kidon (Hebrew: "bayonet") is the name of a department within Israel's Mossad that is responsible for assassination and kidnapping. Kidon is suspected of being behind a number of assassinations in the Operation Wrath of God campaign carried out by Israel after the 1972 Munich massacre. According to Israeli author Aaron Klein, Kidon was known as Caesarea until a reorganization in the mid-1970s.

    Fuck you Bartu... indeed.

  50. Face Book:

    Bio: I am a volunteer Analyst, Author, Counter-terrorism Advisor Specialist, a Kidon Unit Commander.

    For the record, in case my reading public is viewing this, I am NOT "James Bond," do not watch such movies, and don't like them. I'm also NOT with Mossad, NEVER said I was.

    ... a Kidon Unit Commander.


    Kidon (Hebrew: "bayonet") is the name of a department within Israel's Mossad that is responsible for assassination and kidnapping. Kidon is suspected of being behind a number of assassinations in the Operation Wrath of God campaign carried out by Israel after the 1972 Munich massacre. According to Israeli author Aaron Klein, Kidon was known as Caesarea until a reorganization in the mid-1970s.

    Notice, Korff has added "volunteer" before his claims.

  51. From Korff's site:

    Here now is a BRAND NEW EPISODE OF MY LONGTIME SERIES, Is It REALLY True?, which is part of the UFO WatchCat family of reality-based shows designed to PROTECT trusting consumers from the claims of Royce Myers III, (aka Mr. UFO "Watchdog") and now ParaCast, who has acquired Royce's web site (THANKS to Royce) and who NOW BEAR FULL LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR PUBLISHING AND CONTINUING TO FURTHER ROYCE'S FALSEHOODS. Legal actions against ParaCast will BEGIN AT A DATE AND TIME OF OUR CHOOSING.

    Nobody cares dummy. UFO's, Bigfoot, all this shit, nobody cares and, you've been telling the world that you're going to sue everybody involved, since the '90s.

    Guess what?

    Not a single case has been filed.


    Just like you.


  52. The Unknown KorfferSeptember 19, 2010

    So how many "friends" on Face Book does Kalvin boast of? 900 plus? All that caring, interest and unquestioning support of everything he lies about?

    From: secretxwars | September 04, 2010 | 132 views

    132 views, of which about 1/3 can be accounted for by this blog.


  53. Brit_in_PragueSeptember 19, 2010

    Well, it's well and truly the end of summer here in Prague, folks.

    The sky is cloudier than Kal Korff's bathwater.

    You are scum, "Colonel".

  54. >>> So how many "friends" on Face Book does Kalvin boast of? 900 plus? <<<

    Actually, he's "hidden" his total, which nobody does from what I can tell. I guess he was affarid that Korffers would message his "friends" from time to time to clue them into their friend Korffs... issues?

  55. "I guess he was affarid that Korffers would message his "friends" from time to time to clue them into their friend Korffs... issues"

    --- actually, his page used to be completely public until I did just this. I got through about 30 of his "friends" before he blocked access to the general public.

    Jimmy D

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