Sunday, September 19, 2010

Kernal Krapper

We all should get one thing straight right now and that would be Kal K. Korff is undeniably the king of utter crap. First Kal says he is not in Mossad but is only a volunteer all of which is in contradiction of Kal claiming to be a Kidon commander and the rest of the delusional nonsense he utters.

But none of this stops Kal from feeding more bloody nonsense. This picture sent me by an anonymous source shows Kal purportedly teaching the martial art known as Krav Maga. It is an Israeli founded martial art.

Well lads I decided to do a bit of research into all of this based on some comments left here and the conclusion I have reached it that Kal K. Korff is permanently bladdered.  I have a rather good chum of mine who fights in mixed martial arts competitions and is very familiar with it all.  I asked him about Kal teaching Krav Maga and my friend did some checking and told me "This bloke is flirting with his own willy. I have many people I have trained with who are indeed official Krav Maga instructors. The bloke's name you floated me is not sanctioned by the actual Krav Maga organization. They've never heard of this twat. If you run into him tell that smeg I'd love to go three rounds with him bare knuckles if he thinks he has what it takes. I've made moe than my fair share of street warriors cry and looking at this twat's stuff it doesn't take much of a brain to tell he's all talk."

So there you have it lads.  On your bike Kernal Krapper.


  1. Well, Kal, can you produce verifiable credentials that you are a certified Krav Maga instructor? I'm betting not. Kal's sad ass would get knocked out by an 11 year old on the streets. Kal doesn't even have the balls to show up for a radio debate much less an actual fight.

  2. Oh, so sweet! And the truth goes on. Suck it Korff.

  3. The Unknown KorfferSeptember 20, 2010

    One of the more common acts of fraud related to Stolen Valor cases is self-professed martial arts instructors using claims of paramilitary or elite training to lure people into hiring them as instructors or paying to take classes these wannabees teach. It is therefore of no surprise to me to learn that Kalvin K. Korff is using his false claims of paramilitary training to further a fraud whereby he claims to be an expert or instructor in a specialized form of martial arts. Has he claimed to be enriching himself from instruction in this craft? If so that's a blatant fraud.

    Totally par for the course for a military wannabe, and another great example of how Kalvin K. Korff cannot help but get himself in even deeper trouble anytime he goes near the internet. Keep up the good work, Kalvin!

  4. The Unknown KorfferSeptember 20, 2010

    One sterling example is Kalvin's old Roswell flame GERALD ANDERSON who at one time offered "Navy SEAL Survival Training" even though he was never a US Navy SEAL. He is listed on the POW Network website on this page here just under the picture of the idiot in Home Depot wearing fake Class A's:

    Stolen Valor, Kalvin!

  5. Based on that photo, those are definitely pannelaks int he back ground. And I am 90% sure that is an Albert's sign int he background. That park also looks familiar. I THINK, with reasonable certainty, that this "instruction" is taking place near the Metro stop Hurka (B line, Yellow).

    F1 Racer

  6. Kal Korff:

    I'm STILL waiting for the proverbial "green light" to post the episodes I have of the new show. I still only have episodes 6,7 and 1. While I wish to release all of them at once, if this waiting continues I'm just going to post them regardless. Being the star of this, I don't think the Executive Producer will fire me, since it's about my new 2,400 page six volume series on Islamofascism as an analyst and participant.

    Hey Korff, one big FUCK YOU in your general direction, God, this gets old....

    "Executive Producer"... right...

    "if this waiting continues"...

    Right, you mean like Michael Horn and Royce Meyers III, and F1 Racer and so on, waiting to be served with ANYTHING. What a lozer.

    Michael Horn asked me to ask you to please, PLEASE serve him with papers.


    Michael Horn laughs at you Korff.

    ... as an analyst and participant...

    A participant in the writing of your own book!?!

    Beyond words, well maybe one; education.


  7. Kal Korff:

    Hi everyone, coming up for air, here is the LATEST intel report I got re the nuclear issue now going on in Pakistan. Now you know I am NOT making it up :-) N-equipment stolen from Pakistan in a shocking revelation, sources have told Zee News that a Radioactive Gamma Projectile has gone missing from Ghotki in Sindh province of Pakistan. Here's a link:

  8. sasafrasaatchstickSeptember 22, 2010

    Same fucking frog/leaf camo t-shirt from his SAPSTOE costume. Did anyone ever inform this pinhead that in Afghantistan, Iraq, and Israel they were desert camo patterns? Dahhh!

  9. That camo shirt is likely unwashed from the first time it was worn. This Kal guy is a complete dipshit.

  10. Kal with his women!

  11. Here is the photo on myspace!
    Kal with an alien.

  12. >>> <<<

    Ha, ha, ha,! That other think, above, doesn't seem to work.

  13. Couldn't have said it better. Korff gets his ass chewed... by a "friend".

    Kal Korff:

    Apple is now THE SECOND LARGEST COMPANY BY MARKET CAP VALUE IN THE WHOLE WORLD! Perhaps there is now finally "hope" for the human race, and I am NOT speaking of the kind of "hope" Obama "talks" about, I'm speaking of ONLY the "real deal." The PC world is changing for the better, Microsoft and those other biddies are so... last century, and good riddance.

    Jason Wilson:

    Apple and Obama have an awful lot in common. The whole "walled garden" approach taken with the iPhone sounds like socialism to me. You only get the apps Apple decides that you need. Being forced to use iTunes is as bad as 0bamacare forcing you to purchase overpriced coverage. Antennagate was handled just about as badly as 0bama handled the BP spill. God forbid you even have the ability to change your own battery. Wow, Apple fanboys are about as stupid as 0bama apologists.

  14. Korff site is back up...

    >>> Now Updating our Web site for NEW product launches... <<<

    He's removed his lenghly resume and now, it looks the same as it did, sans his lenghtly resume...

    Same old....


    Respond this Korff!!! You're friends are ripping you a new one and you haven't responded... yet.

    I love this blog.

  16. Kal Korff:

    The first sneak preview of my new show, years in the making, is now online. The link to it is here. I hope you enjoy it:

    You can click on the links below if this does NOT work for you. Your honest feedback and input are appreciated. The second and third segments will be released in a few days.

  17. Poached from Face Book

    Part 2

    I think online memorials should NOT be public and allow anyone to post things, there is always an extremist or hater who will post something not relevant or disrespectful and by also making it private, it can be almost zero maintenance and maintain privacy and respect for the deceased friend.

    Recently, one person who was identified to us recently, started sending out bogus emails in the name of a deceased person.

    This proves how some people have no morals, and of course impersonating a dead human being is not only a moral crime, it is a legal crime. This person is now being reported to police, who will act after I return to the USA. The company where he has his email address was most cooperative and also a friend of ours, they were shocked when they saw this and willingly gave us and police the info. These haters "forget" my colleagues are police, including roommates, since I live in a unit with several individuals until I leave shortly because of training now underway, and the usual prep stuff."

    If I can help you any other way, my friend, please let me know. This might help you, There's the free CMS and also the extensions, thousands of them.

    Because restricted content CANNOT be seen by the public nor even Google, people have no idea an online memorial service was already done.

    I laugh at the as*holes who say I broke my promise on this.

    Bull puckey, he was one of my best friends.

  18. Taken from Korff’s new Youtube video, text below video:

    Secret X Wars is the reality TV incarnation of Colonel Kal Korff's unprecedented six volume series, Secret Wars: Defending Against Terrorist Plots, which is under contract to be published by Prometheus Books, in 2011.

    I called Prometheus Books today and I talked with “Lisa”. Lisa tells me that the "series" was “cancelled” and her 2011 schedule only goes through half the year, and it’s not listed in that half of the year. She had no more information than that.

    So, either he’s lying again, or, maybe it’ll be published in the second half of 2011. Having it under “contract” might be a truth. We’ll have to wait and see.

    You see Kalvin, we will follow up and we will learn the truth with NO help from you.

    Oh, by the way, nice America bashing in that new video. Your Mother should be proud.

    Fuck You Bartu.

    Michael Horn laughs at you. And he NEVER recieved ANYTHING from you.

    Liar. Theif. Fraud.

  19. A short critique, if I may:

    "Recently, one person who was identified to us recently, started sending out bogus emails in the name of a deceased person."
    ---The "person who was identified to us recently" was me, Jimmy D. The name of the "deceased person" was your old pal, Bill Marriot. You know ... the guy whose job you attemped to "inherit". The guy to whose daughter you claimed to have broken the news of his death by long-distance telephone, despite your never having met her in her short life.

    "The company where he has his email address was most cooperative and also a friend of ours, they were shocked when they saw this and willingly gave us and police the info."
    ---I am a freelance who works from home, dirtbag. I have various clients.

    "Because restricted content CANNOT be seen by the public nor even Google, people have no idea an online memorial service was already done."
    ---This reminds me of the time when Kal (then a mere captain) announced on his webpage that he had sworn an oath before a Prague court that he was indeed a captain in the Special Secret Services. The date of said oath, and the name of the judge and court before which he swore it, he declined to divulge (see

    You are scum, Korff.

  20. Bruce Williams:

    Great intro! You know this will ruffle some feathers!!!

    Kal Korff:

    Hi, Bruce, thanks very much, I'm honored.

    It has been my observation that truth ONLY hurts those who are in DENIAL of it, and denying certain truths are at one's own peril.

    Anyway, I look forward to this and am relieved it finally is starting to come out. I will be on travel shortly and turn in the last bits from on the road to the publisher, etc., go on tour, spread the word, engage people and I look forward especially to coming to America and confronting and asking many key members of the mainstream media (who are colleagues) WHY they are avoiding stuff we are going to hit people hard with and they have no excuse. The number of people and things nailed in this are not only more than 100, but all ironically related and this whole large project with its books, videos, and other items are meant to be a literal series of weapons in the X wars against what is wrong, and wholly and only in support of what is right and absolutely necessary.

    Everyone from HAMAS to the Iranian govt has asked me to to send them advance copies for "peer review," — I PROMISE everyone they're going to get it :-)

  21. Korff attemps an answer...

    Kal Korff:

    You do NOT have to just use iTunes, and like it or not, iTunes is the largest online store on the planet and UNLIKE Barack Obama, Apple HAS THE HIGHEST CUSTOMER SATISFACTION RATING seven years running. Please take this the right way, but your info is not correct. Millions distribute apps and docs without using iTunes, which unlike anything Obama does or says, IS FREE.


    Kal Korff:

    Haroon, you can get UNBLOCKED iPhones all day long. Here in the Czech Republic, you can get them with a contract with Vodaphone, TMobile, or 02 or unblocked. My iPhone was unblocked, legally.

    (no such thing as a "legal" unblocked iPhone. Fuck Head. You unblock it; jailbreak it, and if you do, you can't get many of the functions to work, so why bother?)

    It's not my problem people in America CHOOSE to be saddled with AT&T when they CAN get unblocked iPhones IF THEY ONLY BOTHER. iPads also have iPhones built into them, they COME UNBLOCKED.


    Kal Korff:

    Uh, MULTITASKING came out for the iPhone, folders, etc. The iPhone also has a much higher satisfaction rate than any handheld. The reason Android will likely eventually have wider market share is because many vendors use it, there is only one maker of the iPhone.


    It doesn't exist — you'll find the debris from the mythical Roswell "UFO crash" first. :-)

  22. Ha, ha, ha! Give it a break Korff!

    This video marks the START of a whole bunch of things, and this time even Mikey Horn won't be able to stop this. Speaking of Horn, I will PUBLISH the legal documents he IS GETTING SERVED WITH ANY TIME NOW.

  23. Interesting... Korff wrote the text below, but you would thing that he did not? And, he makes it cleat just what he PARTICIPATED in this time...

    Somebody posted the remark that Korff was a PARTICIPANT in the writing of his book(s).

    Nice to see that you keep up on what's being posted on this blog Kalvin

    And I do hope your book(s) get published. Can you imagine the reviews he will get now-a-days? The 24 hour news cycle is going to be hell on old Kalvin.

    Korff has the unique perspective of being an Analyst and Commentator, as well as a PARTICIPANT in the Secret X Wars against Islamofascism, Extremists, Nazism, CONspiracy fanatics and haters. Kal Korff is a Colonel in the Israeli-founded Special Secret Services, which is a private entity.

    Unprecedented in its depth and breath of Xposes and operations, the Secret X Wars began in 2000, and are now just becoming public through the release of this series and the historic written works to be published by Prometheus Books.

  24. 36 views so far! Way to go Kalvin. You're lighting the world on fire!

  25. Sorry for the bad English in a few of my posts fellow Korffers. This blog is FUCKED UP! I can't tell you how many times I've posted items which show up, and then do not, and then show up. It takes a bit of the fun out of it. Hopefully the moderator can sort this out.


  26. The Unknown KorfferSeptember 25, 2010

    Anyone think about trying to get Kalvin K. Korff on a NO-FLY LIST? Some of his comments about President Obama have been pretty extreme. He's known to carry fraudulent law enforcement badges and has been posing as a "Colonel" in what can only be described as a para military organization, private though it may allegedly be.

    Kalvin K. Korff could pose a serious risk to the safety of other travelers on a long distance flight with the United States as its destination. He has been rumored to carry concealed weapons and has openly boasted of being trained in the use of "deadly force". He's been living overseas for ten years pursuing some sort of shadow entity double life. If they put Cat Stevens on a NO-FLY LIST, why not Kalvin K. Korff?

    Perhaps the FBI should be made aware that Kalvin K. Korff is planning to "visit" the United States, that he has been actively impersonating a rank officer in an organization that nobody can prove the existence of and has boasted of being a "Kidon Commander" -- a code word for an assassination team. You wouldn't think that maybe Kalvin K. Korff might be planning to come to the United States to engage in Kidon Unit assassination activities, but who knows?

    If he says he's Kidon, that's good enough for me! Perhaps Kalvin K. Korff is SERIOUS about even just believing he is a Kidon Unit Commander, and might be planning to play out that fantasy in very real terms. Now, whom has Kalvin K. Korff spent an awful lot of time/energy lambasting on the internet, has said to have had "secret meetings" with and delusional claims of having been an "advisor" to?

    You wouldn't think that maybe Kalvin K. Korff might have any disturbing or violent thoughts about President Obama now, would you?

  27. Woman Hater

    Kal Korff:

    Ah, "poor" mega rich Spicy girl Victoria Beckham "CAN'T stand" the "humiliation" from a story which is NOT true and now they are suing the lying prostitute for several MILLION pounds and will WIN their lawsuit for libel, slander and defamation — and this is not "good enough" for her, now she has to "leave America." I say GOOD RIDDANCE and don't let the exit gate hit you on your plastic surgery enhanced butt, and may the body scanner malfunction as you go through scanning at airport security and misread your plastic surgery and breast implants as evidence of possible plastic explosives.

    And now, Kalvin knows her "personally"....

    Kal Korff:

    If she did not marry a rich, overpaid and overhyped soccer star, she would not be able to afford her wholly and only decadent, materialistic lifestyle. I know her personally, in my opinion she is one of the most shallow, disgusting SELLebrities I have ever had the dishonor or meeting. Same with Jennifer Lopez, and many others. I met many of them doing productions for Fox and elsewhere, makes me embarrassed for America and especially La La land.

    But what if your shallow attemps at starDUM would have paid you ANYTHING Kalvin.

    It didn't and will never, but what if.

    You lying, fucking two-face asshole.

  28. Yes Unknown, this should happen.

  29. Serve Michael Horn!

    Michael Horn has now been reported to authorities and is now under official investigation by various entities, they will be identified in the media and on this Web site, in order to protect trusting consumers from this scammer and con artist.

    This Tabbed Data Box empowers trusting consumers to follow the efforts to expose Horn, to PROTECT THE PUBLIC from his numerous LIES and FALSE claims, as attempts to prosecute Horn now begin in earnest.

    Has it? Really? You lie.

  30. I just reported Kal's website to the company that actually hosts 1st ammendments servers,

    you can too! send email to:

    Kal's site violates THEIR AUP, in about 6 instances.

    F1 Racer

  31. I've sent this along to Horn, asking him to help us out. I think that's enough, we don't want to scare them off from acting?

    Thx F1, you the man!


  32. The Unknown KnorfferSeptember 25, 2010

    LOL Kalvin K. Korff knows the Spice Girls now? Where do they enter in to his obsessions?

    He's openly obsessed with the JFK assassination and has recently claimed to have had Secret Service type agents observing his movements. Claimed to have to move from location to location for "security concerns" and in the picture at the top of this very thread is wearing a military style shirt while allegedly giving a lesson on martial arts techniques.

    I say he is a menace and a potential threat. If Kalvin wants to play Kidon Commander let him learn how to handle his end of the bayonet. Put his own words to work: The guy is DELUSIONAL and potentially DANGEROUS. He should not be allowed to fly around the world without some security agency making damn well sure that his claims and boasts are nothing but the delusions of an angry lone nut. And if they aren't, someone might want to do a full body pat-down, search his carry-ons fully and make sure he is not attempting to bring weapons onto an airplane or come to the US to hatch some sort of plot.

    Everything he has written, said, and done over the past three years suggests that he is capable of all those things, and the potential threat that Kal K. Korff may pose should be taken very seriously before he is allowed back in the United States.

  33. I sent a new Horn post to Jimmy to post. This blog keeps dropping my posts....

  34. The Unknown KorfferSeptember 25, 2010

    Until the blog is fixed I heartily suggest that after finishing writing a post, select all & copy then paste it into a blank doc of simple text type program **BEFORE** submitting, and save it as a text file. THEN submit the post.

    If the blog dumps it you can just copy/paste it back in at a later time and save some frustration at having carefully composed thoughts lost. You can then delete the text file or maybe save it to a KORFFING directory/folder for an exact copy of precisely what you've posted here & when.

  35. Just looking at Korff's latest vid:

    At 3:48, Kal says: One third of Europe was killed in the 30 Years War between Catholics and Protestants. We’ve told you before, Korff. This isn’t true. You must be thinking of the Black Death (bubonic plague), which DID kill around a third of all Europeans.

    5:35 Special appearance by Dorothy Toone

    7:02 – Korff zooms in on a couple of scantily-clad adolescent girls

    7:06 “The only way to stop genocide is before it happens, not after it has already taken place.” Well, no shit, “Colonel”…

    What a stupid, grubby little man you are, Korff.

  36. New video:

    70 views and no comments. Why no comments Korff? Oh, because of the haters.....

  37. Waiting....

    >>> As I ALWAYS said, we WILL air this video at a date and time of OUR choosing, and I LAUGH at those who claim that this never existed or NEVER happened. Such claims are LIES, Biedny's threats were REAL, and of course his co-host in hatred, Gene Steinberg, HAS NEVER PUBLICLY CONDEMNED BIEDNY for doing this. Steinberg has a VERY SMALL WINDOW OF TIME NOW TO DO SO, or FACE APPROPRIATE CONSEQUENCES. <<<

  38. Michael Horn laughs at you Kalvin.

    Dear ThePlanet,

    I am reporting as a serious abuser who continues to harass, defame and threaten both my client, Mr. Billy Meier, me and other people, from the presumed safety of the Czech Republic.

    Currently, I am negatively and inaccurately referred to over 90 times, accused of fraud, reported that I am about to be "served" with legal papers, represent a cult, etc. Mr. Meier is likewise attacked and defamed over 90 times.

    The three previous hosting companies:

    all voluntarily took Mr. Korff's site down when they were informed of his egregious violations of their Acceptable Usage Policy, which also included death threats against us at one point.

    Part 1

  39. Part 2

    When I contacted, the owner was quite unclear on the clear distinction between freedom of speech and defamation, threats and harassment. He expressly preferred to see a legal battle between Mr. Korff and myself, apparently for his own entertainment.

    As you may well understand, taking legal action against someone who resides in the Czech Republic is very difficult, nor should it be necessary of course.

    Mr. Korff indulges himself at other people's expense in untruthful, disgusting and despicable ways. His statements and claims are harassing and fraudulent and clearly defame my client and me. As the host for his hosting company I must ask you to please have the unacceptable material removed.


    Michael Horn

    Authorized American Media Representative
    The Billy Meier Contacts

  40. skjopnlmlo4amtocSeptember 26, 2010

    7:02 – Korff zooms in on a couple of scantily-clad adolescent girls

    Ahh, so that explains why MR. Korff is now or maybe has all along been stalking the Spice Girls. To lure adolescents, who are the only human beings on this planet who might possibly care what creepy 50 year old man would have to say about them.

  41. Korff's new video = 74 views. And then this:

    Kal Korff:

    Hi, we now have more than SEVENTY emails saying basically "great job" concerning the first preview teaser episode of my new show. THANKS everyone for your (what appears to be) overwhelming support, especially about coming out and Xposing hard, brutal truths and trying to make a difference. Here's the link again for the... show if you haven't seen it and are interested.

    ... in what appears to be...

    Yup, I'd say it's overwhelming my fat little liar! Basically you have a 100% postive response from every single fewer of your newest video.

    Except from us Korffers...

    Liar. Thief. Lunatic.

  42. Kal Korff: "Oh no, we've posted this video many places on the web! Those haters are only using the Youtube view counter to make me look like a liar."

    I made this up.

    Prove me wrong Korff.


  43. The Unknown KorfferSeptember 26, 2010

    Here's the link again for the... show if you haven't seen it and are interested.

    LOL that's not a show, that's a self made video posted on YouTube, Fuckwit, and your Face Book "friends" know you are a liar, con man, fraud and loser for trying to call it a "show". The only difference between Kalvin's crap and somebody's video of their cat swatting at a rotating fan is that goofy cat videos get 1000 hits a week, are over with in 30 seconds, and usually worth a couple of laughs. Kalvin's is a veiled plea for a psychiatric intervention.

    GET KALVIN KORFF ON A NO-FLY LIST! He's delusional and potentially dangerous, I would ask to be re-booked if I knew someone as fucked up as he is was being seated on my flight. If the jerk loves being in Europe so much let him stay there, forever.

  44. The Unknown KorfferSeptember 26, 2010

    Here's the link again for the... show if you haven't seen it and are interested.

    LOL that's not a show, that's a self made video posted on YouTube, Fuckwit, and your Face Book "friends" know you are a liar, con man, fraud and loser for trying to call it a "show". The only difference between Kalvin's crap and somebody's video of their cat swatting at a rotating fan is that goofy cat videos get 1000 hits a week, are over with in 30 seconds, and usually worth a couple of laughs. Kalvin's is a veiled plea for a psychiatric intervention.

    GET KALVIN KORFF ON A NO-FLY LIST! He's delusional and potentially dangerous, I would ask to be re-booked if I knew someone as fucked up as he is was being seated on my flight. If the jerk loves being in Europe so much let him stay there, forever.

  45. The Unknown KorfferSeptember 26, 2010

    Ehh, sorry. Double post due to mouse click overkill, please delete one, there's a good chap.

  46. The Unknown KorfferSeptember 26, 2010

    Congratulations, Kalvin! Seems you've made it into Urban Dictionary. I omitted a couple of the entries that were not relevant:

    1) A person who is not only lacking in clue but is apparently unable or unwilling to acquire clue even when handed it on a plate in generous portions.

    2) A person so lacking in intelligence that they cannot grasp the simplest concepts.

    4) Someone who despite constant failure, is unable to learn from these transgressions. Continues to do foolish and irritating things, which aggravate many people. They are not only a halfwit, but also significantly fucked in the head. Hence the term fuckwit.

    5) A person of demonstrably low intelligence, as exemplified by actions, statements, or beliefs.

    6) A real elmore, maroon, jackweed or botard. Clueless fucktard.

    7) an incredibly dimwitted person, completely devoid of intelligence. see tard.

    8) A dodgy looking fellow (or fellet) usually holding a pregnant gerbil and suffering form a interned eye. also talking very loudly on the phone on trains and quiet public places. Fuckwits are most famous for sending you and E-mail then immediately phoning you to tell you they have sent that email, then discussing with you the content of it. Hence there being no point of sending it

    8) Someone of low intelligence, a complete and utter numb nut

    11) A contraction of "fucking twit." A term of derision used to refer to someone who is a contemptible idiot.

    12) Literally, one whose wit (intelligence) is fucked. Generally used as a term of abuse.

    13) Fuckwit is a person who care only about themselves and this is evident in their overall attitude toward everything and everyone else in their rudeness. A person who consistently fails to obtain any degree of 'clue', and basic intelligence.
    They boast superior self knowledge but really has only a limited and/or skewed grasp of any subject, and tend to mispronounce or inappropriately use language, thinking the're 'clever'. Fuckwits always believe they have 'right of way', and are above everyone else in importance and intelligence, despite their inferior IQ.

    16) Kalvin K. Korff

  47. Brit_in_PragueSeptember 27, 2010

    If I ever get my hands on you, Korff...

  48. Ha, ha, ha!!!

    Kal Korff:

    Here's an encore posting (since this has appeared elsewhere) of my Xpose of Oregon Deputy Jim Geiger, and how I engaged in PsyOps (which worked) to break him and soften him up before he got on the witness stand and then cried and broke down as he impeached his own credibility under oath. Geiger was one of two officers ...who shot and nearly killed my brother, he tried to take the law into his own hands and threatened me. He lost as this video proves. Hope you enjoy it.

  49. From Face Book:

    >>> iPads also have iPhones built into them <<<

    The iPad has a phone? Fuck me, maybe Kalvin is a secret agent.

    Best as I can tell there's no phone at all in the iPad...
    They will release on with a phone, of course.

    Fuck Head.

  50. The Unknown KorfferSeptember 28, 2010

    I engaged in PsyOps (which worked) to break him and soften him up before he got on the witness stand and then cried and broke down as he impeached his own credibility under oath.

    Uhh, is this breaking down and crying part of the public record? If it wasn't he is lying once again since Little Kalvin wasn't there, and his family dropped the case after the Kernal fucked it up for them by being a fuckwitted botard. Sad, just sad.
