Saturday, January 21, 2012


It is coming soon lads! Kal K. Korff will be DEFINITIVELY EXPOSED by none other than our very own FN soon!  Oh Kal you poor dumb cunt if you only knew what was coming. It is massive and most certainly lads will show you exactly the bollocks of Kal K. Korff.

Kal K. Korff has impersonated a military officer and terrorism specialist. His claims about his education are EXPOSED. Hell lads ALL of Kal's claims are EXAMINED AND EXPOSED one by one. This is not going to be good for Kal and it should not be considering the number of times Kal K. Korff has MISLEAD THE PUBLIC and LIED TO CONSUMERS.

And lads I am rather curious as to how the "genius" Kal claims to be cannot even get his own timeline correct.  Kal K. Korff is an IDIOT!


  1. One interesting tool a Korffer can use in their search for confirmation is the Wayback machine.

    While a bit time consuming, one can search back and view "snap shots" of Korff's ever changing web site and actually look into Korff claims, promises and threats based on Korff's own words and behavior.


    We told Korff that the internet doesn't forget and that his endless lies, claims and unfulfilled promises will come back to bite him in his ass.

    An ego busting and truth ridden web site is soon to be launched, with new video interviews, new information and new radio shows to support the truth.

    Thank God for the Wayback Machine.

    That bite is coming Kalvin. And boy is it gonna hurt.


  2. The Wayback pages are up. Not linked and cross linked yet but they're up there.

    So many lies, confirmed! :-)

  3. Lie as you will Korff. All of this information will be posted forever.

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone, just wanted to share some quick news. I have been asked to host a panel discussion and forum on terrorism at a major university and I have tentatively accepted their kind offer. We hope to work out the details in 1-2 days. The plan calls for me to give a short presentation then moderate the panel and keep the discussions focused and involve the audience. I am genuinely honored and humbled to be asked, the offer was unsolicited when two students from the university came to see me and asked. We will see...

    Speaking of universities, unless I delay my plans, I intend to finish my Master's Degree in about a year, once I resume it.

  4. Can an India-based Phd be far off.

    He can't help himself.

    Lying Liar.

  5. It is actually very simple. Korff is sick in the head. Very sick in the head. So sick, he does not realize how sick in the head he is. Can the men in white coats and butterfly nets be far behind when this major Korff expose happens? Hmmm ???

  6. The Unknown KorfferJanuary 22, 2012

    Look at that big fake captain's bars on Kalvin Korff's cheap leather jacket ...


  7. Korf continues to try and con people....

    "Kidon simply means spear or javelin or tip, it is used and applied to more than only Mossad. So one always needs context.

    For example, security firms and police departments have ranks. There are Captains, Sergeants, Lieutenants in police and private security. I used to be a Lieutenant myself in private security, drove a patrol car, etc.

    So if I say I am Lt. Korff, people ASSUME you mean military even if you never claim it. If a person says he is a Kidon commander, because they watch too many movies, they think Mossad, and it is likely NOT to be Mossad since Kidon units from Mossad are so few in number, there are only three basic teams.

    So just like people watch too many James Bond movies and then project these fantasies into their perceptions, same is true with such terms."

  8. The Unknown KorfferJanuary 22, 2012

    Speaking of universities, unless I delay my plans, I intend to finish my Master's Degree in about a year, once I resume it.

    and his bachelor's came from ... ? Or was it honorary, like Yogi Berra got at my college?

  9. It should be noted that as much of the Face Book material as we can gather is being posted over at the web site as well.

    This blog is still THE place to share material, the web site is the place to archive it and present it in a manner which will piss little Kalvin off until the end of his days.

    As it should be.

  10. "So just like people watch too many James Bond movies and then project these fantasies into their perceptions, same is true with such terms."
    Since you never watch anything but documentaries Kalvin, where do your projections of fantasies come from?

    Answer: You make them up.

    Ass Wipe

  11. squqkuhgjkqvbqk7uytipkuhqwd;ikqv;kqjvbeqv]January 22, 2012

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone, just wanted to share some quick news. I have been asked to host a panel discussion and forum on terrorism at a major university and I have tentatively accepted their kind offer. We hope to work out the details in 1-2 days. The plan calls for me to give a short presentation then moderate the panel and keep the discussions focused and involve the audience.

    If so, it's a con since MR. Korff has no professional background in any subject other than flying saucers. But why waste time with an academic put-on for his Facebook suckers. I have always said that Kal should just go ahead and announce he's addressing the UN General Assembly or has been nominated for a Nobel prize. Who'd dare check up on that? He could have a fake youtube news conference after to announce what he'd lectured on.

    Come on Kal more videos, just posting spurious wall updates to FB is easy. You've lost your edge and have become quite boring.

  12. "You've lost your edge and have become quite boring."

    So right.

    Soon, he'll have to bite back.

  13. Can you imagine Kal actually conning his way into some terrorism conference? I want front row seats with popcorn so I can witness firsthand the looks of confusion, laughter, and overall awkwardness that would ensue 10 minutes into Kal talking. By then everyone in the place would know he was completely full of shit.

    But we all know Kal really isn't doing this so such an embarrassing outcome for Kal is not likely to happen.

    Come now, Kal. Come clean about all of this and try having a normal life.

  14. OMG!

    FN shared the link to this new web site with me to look over.


  15. Yes lads the site is amazing and jammed with information EXPOSING Kal and his bollocks for good!!

  16. Kalsrael = TOTAL FAILURE

  17. Check the site, updated the Audio and Video sections as well as the Titles and Claims page.

    We have a date for the relaunch.

    We will go public with that date very soon.

  18. Squirm, scum, squirm ...

  19. That's really funny, Kernel Krackpot trying to finesse his lies about being one kind of officer or another. How does a ham-handed fool try to finesse something like that? With more lies, of course! Kalvin, Kalvin, Kalvin... you only make yourself look more foolish.

  20. Web site update.

    We're inserting a lot of Kalvin Korff audio to make the case for fraud and lies in a big way.

    What better way to prove that Kalvin Karlton Korff lies and confabulates than to use his own words.

    We agree, so that's just what we're doing.

    It hurts so good.

  21. It's interesting that Karlton's Ma spent her visit to Prague getting stoned with her son.

    I would have thought that marijuana would be the last thing he needed, given his manifest mental problems.

    Is she in denial about his condition, or is she simply as daft as he is?

    Certainly, listening to her being interviewed by Rob "Sleazeball" McConnell (the audio is archived on FN's upcoming website), it does appear that she takes the Colonel's various utterances as gospel truth, rather than recognising the incontrovertible fact that he is in desperate need of an intervention staged by someone like her.

    Shameful, Ms Joss. You appear to be as much an enabler as McConnell, Martina and all the other riff-raff who didn't have half the emotional stake that you do.

  22. JimmyD!

    Well said!

  23. happy red mogul balloon!January 26, 2012

    lol was that when kalvin made his stoned on the mount videos? he looked baked as all hell! kernal pothead haha


  24. New video on the youtube channel. It opens the channel.

  25. Ha, ha, ha! I can't wait until this web site is released!
