Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kal Korff will REALLY be exposed soon!!!!!

The bollocks published long ago by this rob McConel character are NOTHING compared to what is coming up from the one and only FN. Kal you stupid fat desperate fool you have no clue what is about to slam into you. It is a little called the TRUTH something you are not very familiar with. I have seen it and it is going to EXPOSE KAL K. KORFF for good!!!!!!!!!


  1. You are so right KIAI!

    We've been working with the video and audio Korff has posted over the last few weeks. Just today we've uploaded two new videos to the youtube channel. One opens the channel and one can be found in the Newest Korffing Videos section.

    There’s so much material that carries over from this lie to that lie and this scam to that scam, it’s a bit dizzying.

    So much confabulation based on so little truth.

    Here's another lie based on some truth.

    Korff told Tina that Martina got hurt while she was training for a road race to be held in Dubai, and that she was part of an all-girl racing team. This is a lie.

    The truth is this. Korff, "Avmi" and Martina went to the Prague leg of the Cannonball 8000 Rally in 2008. Korff even posted a Kal’s Korner video (the one where he asked those guys to step off the curb) with scenes from that rally.

    So you see, some truth, confabulated into fantasy.

    I have much more on that story, Avmi and that other guy you’ve seen in some photos and that “Step off the curb” video.

    Big Don Ecker, "You're doing God's work!"

    Thanks big Don.


  2. Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock,tick, tock....

  3. So, you're lazy and that's okay with your "employer"...?

    Switching the subject? From one fake to maybe, Apple and Steve Jobs....?

    It's coming Korff.
    Kal Korff: HI everyone, hope you are all doing well. Tomorrow if all goes well I should have the final negotiations finished to moderate a debate and discussion panel, hopefully it will be recorded. We're going to switch the subject from terrorism and regional stability to something else I will reveal tomorrow. Sorry I haven't posted more articles lately, I admit I have been very busy and lazy to do so, I will try to do it on Sunday and post some from the past several days. I am amazed to see the continuous circus on the GOP debates and campaigns, when will they ever learn? Same old same old, which is too bad. Antics only empower the side they trying to defeat.

  4. Look under the "Our Newest Korffing Videos" on our YouTube Channel.

    We've added a few more this week.


    turn up your speakers!

    Ha, ha, ha!

  6. Is Martina Tycova a supermodel?


    She was a Fashion model for a time.

    Did she work for the Elite Modeling Agency?


    Did she win any Elite contests?


    She took Top 5 (not 1, 2, or 3) in Spain in 1994. That's the only listing that can be found. Period.

    As I said, there's generally a small kernal of truth to most of Korff's lies and confabulations.

    One kernal of corn in a whole lotta horse shit.

    More to come.


  7. The deeper I dig, the more I find.


  8. Well FN, that is how investigations work ... dig deeper and more is uncovered. Same-same with criminal investigations. Damn! Having a hard time waiting, but waiting we must!

    Ooo Kalvin, are you gonna be surprised! Ooo yeah, really surprised.

    Don Ecker

  9. Thanks for the support Big Don.

    All I can say is that when all the info I've been putting feelers out for comes in, Kalvin ain't gonna like the sheer amount of Korff Klaims that come up as bold face lies.

    Like what Col. North told me in a recent e-mail exchange, "I have no idea why this Korff person would bring my name into this fantasy?"

    Horse shit Big Don, it's all horse shit based on a small kernel of truth. But in the North claim, it's all horse shit, every last word.


  10. Korff must have come up here to read the blog. It seemed to have wound him up a bit.

    He's posting away about his scribd hits and how someone is generating "fake" hits, his use of a hits locator (which country and what percentage, which browser, etc)...

    And he posted an e-mail he got from a "friend" from the UK regarding Korff moderating a debate and discussion panel, and how it's great that "they" don't believe him and how it's a good idea to video it, etc.

    No worries Kalvin, bang away Little Man, your time is coming and there’s nothing you can do about it.

    A decade of lies for all to see.

  11. Col. North?

    Would that be Oliver North?

    What scam is this? What lie is this? It's new to me.

  12. JimmyD, from the man himself:

    Claim #48.

    Kal Korff, "I also delivered weapons years ago to someone named Lt. Colonel Oliver North." "Go ask Mr. Roy Neil if you do NOT "believe" me, he is an eyewitness and has a book I got signed for him from North personally."

  13. Korffing Web Site Update

    We've added a massive amount of new audio to the site. Check out the Audio Page, bottom Right side of the opening page, and just surf around the site itself and you'll find a large and every growing collection of Korff audio.

    The Korff Klaims Section is a hoot!

    Korff once said that no one can speak for Korff but Korff himself.

    We oblige you Korff.

    Check the opening page over closely; we’ve added more sections and pages as well.


  14. what is the url?

    F1 Racer

  15. URL sent to e-mail addresses.....

  16. I dont use that email anymore

    F1 racer

  17. I'll need your new address F1.


  18. Korffing Web Site Update

    We're getting some editing help from JimmyD. This is very helpful, it's so hard to see the mistakes after looking at the screen for so long.

    The web site is coming along very well.

    We "should" be able to meet our self imposed launch deadline....




  20. All good things take time.

    Unless your name be KalIsrael :)

  21. Korffing Web Site Update

    Over the next 10 days, a few of us will be talking some Korffing Road Trips.

    The purpose is to get hard copy evidense and interviews to add to the site.

    And a lot of drinking of course!

    California, Washington and more.

  22. You deserve everything that's coming to you.

    And boy - do you have a lot coming to you, you worthless vermin.

  23. Hey, I got a few DVD's today loaded with new Korffing info! Photos, letters, and the thoughts and dreams from Kalvin himself.

    And we should get in an important document very soon which will confirm or deny a claim Kalvin made many years ago,

    It's gold people!

  24. Nobody said it would not happen Korff. We said that you're lying.

    We have proven and the world will soon see, there is almost always a small nugget of truth on which you base your confabulations.

    We could care less if you do a debate or whatever. It's the confabulation of the truth (and of course the out right lies) and the nasty treatment of others that push us to do what we do.

    Do what you will Korff but try something new, do what you will and only do that. Don’t confabulate it, don’t extent it past the truth. Stop lying Kalvin.

    Kal Korff, "Do your own research on me; I won't do it for you."

    We are, and the world will soon find out the truth.

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone, tomorrow at 3PM I will be hosting the debate and panel discussion and judge the event at the university. There are five teams of 3 students each and I am so looking forward to this. So much for my "kritics" lying and saying this was not going to happen. I just signed the memo of understanding and paperwork now. We'll be shooting video for the book.

  25. So KKKal what university? I am sure you wont mind if we independently verify your claims?

    F1 Racer

  26. Why F1, why would you like to do that? :-)

  27. "...shooting video for the book" ?
    How does one do that?

  28. I think what he's saying is that not only will this be a 2,400 page , 6 volume book series but now it will have an additional DVD (in NTSC, PAL and SECAM I would think) so people can watch the sermon on the mount as well.

    Great idea to put the publication off for a few more years.

  29. As I write this it's 9:00 PM on Saturday in India and no sign of Korff on Facebook crowing about his "hosting the debate" gig, some 6 house pervious.....

    Come on Kalvin, share with us.

  30. I notice an interesting omission on Korff's Facebook wall. No listing for his location.... No country, no city, nothing....

  31. Notice, a few housr later and Korff posts regarding the hosting gig.

    And still, no name of the university. Of course.

    "Why should I share this with my kritics and my frineds on Facebook?"

    Yes, why indeed.

    In any case, just think what these students will think about Kalvin after they go on-line and type in his name. :-)

    Korff, "Oh that's all lies!"

    Student, "All of it?" There's so much negative and so little positive."

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone, I am happy to report that the event at the university where we debated the issue of Iran and its nuclear program and how to stop them from making a nuclear bomb was a huge success. Instead of 15 students presenting their opinions, there were 47! :-) The event was originally scheduled to be just over an hour, but it lasted three hours. I gave a speech there and judged the winners and moderated the contest. I had to pick a winner from each side of the issue, those who are against what Iran is doing (the illegal parts) and those who say we have no right to interfere at all. Among the subjects I spoke about was how Democrat Bill Clinton actually gave Iran the actual blueprints to a Soviet nuclear implosion warhead, and how it is a myth that America gets all of its oil from the Saudis and the Middle East. The truth is we get it from Canada and Mexico, Saudi Wahhabia is number 3, there is also Brazil, Venezuela and Nigeria, etc. I have been invited back for more events later, we did filming and because of it running over ran out of room on our digital memory storage devices since we filmed it on them and not video. Praise YHWH!

  32. For some reason, I don't believe a word of what Kal posted. Sounds too imaginary. More of his fantasy world.

  33. Facebook Update

    Korff banging about posting political things, UFO things, Global warming thing, to boring post.

  34. Well, if I were Karlton's ma, I'd be trying to get him the help he so desperately needs. I wouldn't be sitting around getting stoned with him.

  35. Korff never did tell his Facebook friends the name of the school he hosted that debate at.....

  36. Has Kal already moved on from his "internationally syndicated, officially accredited Journalist" scam? Speaking of which, when I first noticed on here that his "media giant" employer was, I went over for a look. I'm surprised no Korffer has taken the two to three minutes required to realize that it's just some bullshit template site operated by a couple of guys with laptops and an internet connection!

    When you pull up any of the articles (mostly pasted from India's version of AP, look at the "most read" list. The same article "500 Cr scam" was the most read when I looked 6-8 weeks ago, and is still the most read today with 1853 views. WOW, WHAT A MEDIA GIANT!! Actually, that article has 11,853 views, because the "most read" counter resets after 9999 because the template site format counter only has 4 digits. So, Kal's BS appears in a media giant that the most popular article has been read by somewhere around 100 people per day. So impressive!!! I'll bet Dot Joss is so proud of her son.

    I'm surprised no one else here has written about this. I'm just an amateur Korffer myself and know nothing about computers and could tell that "newspaper media giant" was total bullshit! I guess serious, more experienced Korffers either thought it was too easy, like shooting fish in a barrel, or they were working on the upcoming blockbuster release. I'm absolutely giddy with anticipation to see the finished product. ONE STOP KORFFING! Excellent! I've done quite a bit of Korffing myself, but I'm sure there will be loads of new material about everyone's favorite IDIOT!

    A couple more random thoughts. Here in the U.S., our national legislative bodies were considering new laws to protect intellectual property from theft and unauthorized reproduction online. I guess no other content originators or owners are as smart as Kal. All his stuff is "DMCA protected" and anyone caught stealing it faces felony convictions and fines of $500,000 for a first offense and $1,000,000 for a second offense plus prison time. Maybe Kal should give a speech to the U.S. Congress and Senate and inform them about how "internationally syndicated" journalists protect their content!!

    The second thought I had is to call one of the three or four phone numbers listed and ask to subscribe to the almost certainly non-existent print edition that Kal klaims he posts mock up copies of his articles on Scribd from. I would bet my last cent that no actual ink and paper have been wasted printing anything written by Kal!

    Final thought. The the bar to make the five most read articles is a whopping 811 views. I've never seen Kal make that lofty goal!!!!!!!

  37. Great Korffing friend!

    Most of what you've posted I had noticed regarding that web site. I think many people hit the site up and had issues with it; search not working on some pages, etc.

    Regardless, good work!

    If you uncover more juice for the up coming web sit, post it please.

