Thursday, April 12, 2012

Kal K. Korff FAILS ON ALL FRONTS!!!!!!!!

Well lads as we all knew would happen Kal K. Korff has crawled back in his hole to hide from the WEBSITE EXPOSING his past!!! I do believe lads that Kal was fond of saying that you can't hide from facts. What else is there to say here about this all lads?

So Kal where is the bloody KMPG audit and everything else you have LIED about all these years now????????? We all know it was utter rubbish all along Kal!  You FOOLED NOBODY you imbecile!

Kernal Koward will never step forward unless it is him impersonating a barrister again!


  1. Brit_in_PragueApril 12, 2012


    At the bottom it says: "Post Comments - kindly log in or sign up to use this feature"

    You know what to do, lads and lasses!

  2. Evil, evil, evil man.

  3. Kal did not write that article.

    Time to expose him for plgarism

    f1 Racer

  4. FN, where are the 30 images of Korff? Under the images section of the website there is nothing.

  5. Sorry what I meant was screen grab images, not photo images. They will be posted soon in the new for 2012 section. Also, there's new audio that you Korffers will hear soon.

  6. Kal Korff: I am honored to report that there are now more than 20,000 "hits" or views regarding my articles which have appeared in the media these past several months. I sincerely apologize for not posting any new ones which were published during the month of March, but I have been lazy in this regard.

    I never imagined some 20,000 hits. I am genuinely humbled and honored, on my youtube channel "secretxwars" there are over 107,000 views. I appreciate the support and interest.

  7. October 19, 1973April 15, 2012

    The last vanguard of a nobody: Bragging about web stats for things which don't earn them any money. Kal Korff is a 50 year old loser.

  8. October 19,


  9. So there I am this morning, checking my Yahoo email and I received this,

    From: Andy davis (

    I was reading an article online called "Desperate Don" and a video about Desperate Don. The person was talking about you don Ecker so I did a search and found your radio show

    are you Desperate Don?

    Could this be from Kolonel Klown trying to be clever? Hmm, inquiring minds would like to know.

    Don Ecker
    Dark Matters Radio

  10. Korffers, I present to you, true ignorance... oh, and another lie. Korff ain't telling nobody nothing, lying pussy.

    Kal Korff: This is something I tell certain self-proclaimed "religious" types all the time:

    Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

    Then I have to explain what is meant by this, how deeds matter, etc., not one's mere presence in a building made by men, etc.

  11. Brit_in_PragueApril 16, 2012

    Has the Great Man pronounced on the Norway mass murder trial yet?

  12. Here's a website that Karlton would do well to spend some time perusing:

    Here's another:

  13. Bless The Beasts And ChildrenApril 17, 2012

    Colonel Cornholio. Why no more of your super secret bullshit Kal? Get picked up and questioned while wearing your "uniform"? People who impersonate soldiers are creepy and a menace. You thought you were getting away with it didn't you? I wonder what went wrong ...

  14. ... what went wrong......

  15. Brit_in_PragueApril 17, 2012

    Oh Karlton, just ... disappear. Get out of the world's face. Just bugger off, there's a good little chap.

  16. You're not in India, are you KalIsrael? You're lying again, aren't you?

  17. I wonder if the Special Secret Services has a taste for hookers and blow like the REAL Secret Service does.

    F1 Racer
    hooker and blow!

  18. And with what MONEY would you have bought a home Korff? You've never owned a home Korff. You don't own a car now Korff. You can barely feed yourself Korff.

    Yet, you write a 4 article "series" instucting "other" people on how to buy homes all over the US. And then those "articles" are published on a little known and little seen web site based in India. To be seen, by nobody.

    You are a liar Korff.

    Kal Korff: Having seen many Americans lose their butts in the dot con bubble when it burst, I have never been foolish enough to fall for the real estate pipe dreams. In retrospect it was right, and I have not been victimized by it. The fact I deliberately avoided it proves I was right, I could have easily snapped up something in the USA without having to be physically present. But I knew better.

  19. Billy Meier's Wedding CakeApril 22, 2012

    Heh. Plenty of us bought homes back then, and are still living in them and paying for them with low interest mortgages we refinanced during the recession. The house I'm sitting in is worth about twice what we paid for it. Not a bad deal at all. Of course Korff was "too wise" to fall into that "trap." Too broke, too irresponsible, and too unemployed is more like it.

  20. Yeah, Karlton's "dinner with the troops" claim was a whopper, but this golden oldie is by far his biggest and most shameful:

    "Nanotechnology is being used now to help eliminate terrorists. It is truly one of the last, and final frontiers where this war can be fought and still won. It is currently being deployed in Pakistan right now and Afghanistan, under my initiatives and in operations that I command.@

    You are lying scum, "Colonel". I loathe you from the depths of my being.

  21. Totally ignorant. They made Hollywood movies about this subject Korff.

    Kal Korff: Here's a largely unknown but amazing chapter from American history. During WW II, the US military was able to foil the Japanese (who had easily broken our codes) by using Navajo, which is a spoken language only and until recently was never written down. The military would have Navajo Indians using their native tongue to encode and transmit classified and secret messages to various commanders. The ...Japanese who heard these never could figure out what was really being said. I first learned of this from my German teacher in high school, a man who became like a second father to me. Here is a web site denoting some of the code words used, you can google sites on it to learn more. It is ironic indeed that Native American "Indians" helped save our country from being defeated, it is ironic when one considers what we did to the Native American Indians, we of course committed genocide at times against them.

  22. What a sage you are, "Colonel".

  23. The Unknown KorfferApril 25, 2012

    Yes Kal Korff did lie by claiming that he would be enjoying Thanksgiving 2010 in the company of the US Military in Afghanistan. Kal Korff is a liar. This is a documented fact. Kal Korff tells lies. He seems to enjoy telling lies. He is a liar.

    " I first learned of this from my German teacher in high school, a man who became like a second father to me."

    So how many second father mentor types is this for Kalvin? He certainly repaid this teacher with rapt attention, managing to not learn a single phrase. Hopefully Kalvin will now push this newfound way to bash the US from his hovel abroad by claiming part Native American heritage. Show the nice people on Flake Book who shunned you for so many years and won't let you near their children just how much better than them you really are, Kal! Why hold back? You know you're better than everyone else, even unemployed, living on the run and hiding from your past. Gloat a little Kal. You owe it to yourself.

  24. Here's a new project Korff is interested in. E-mails are on the site.... hint, hint.

  25. Facebook Update

    Nothing to report. Korff posts political material, silly stuff, etc.

    Zero talk about anything he's lied about for the last 15 years.

    It looks as though you Korffers have put a pin in Korff and all the hot air has left his body.

    You are busted Korff.

    The lies have died and the truth has won.

  26. Nelson MuntzApril 27, 2012


    Yup, the movie Windtalkers is available in VHS! Once again, Kolonel Klinker is way out front in the "little known history" department. Most of his "little known history" is in fact known only to a few who follow Klepto's silly imaginary "history" but this one he didn't make up.

    Next he'll be informing the world of such obscure militaria as the Sea Bees, or those artfully camouflaged airplane factories on the West Coast.

  27. October 19, 1973April 27, 2012

    Kal knows that if be brings up his "counter-intel work" again someone on his FB is going to tell mom. Dot Joss wears the pants in that family and Kal fears her power of the purse string. As long as he doesn't bring excessive shame to the family they are likely willing to fund his make believe existence -- as FAR away from them as possible so they don't have to hear about it any more. And who can blame them?

  28. Worthless, evil vermin.

  29. Ha, ha, ha! This is all you have left you loser. Hey Korff, why haven't you mentioned the web site? Gee I wonder. It's over Korff, you're over. Do a web search on the name Kal Korff, so sad yet so truthful. Ha, ha, ha!

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. I have received several emails, for which I sincerely thank you, asking me when I will upload more newspaper articles I have had published. I admit I have been lazy and uploading pretty much nothing for the past month or a bit longer. I will now upload several of them. This piece was published today and I enjoyed writing it.

    Robots are cool, of course, it's about robots you can buy and are for use around the house. Hope you enjoy it.

    There are nearly 21,000 hits now or views on my Scribd page which has nearly 150 of my most recent articles republished on it which have been in the newspapers.

    THANKS very much for your interest and support. According to the stats my expose of LA Times Editor Annie Jacobsen stupid claims about "Area 51" remains the most popular. Why the leftwing nut liberal media never held her accountable nor exposed her, proves all we need to know about them.


    We're still waiting for you to hold Ecker, Meyers III, Meier's, Randle, and so many others "accountable". You f-ing loser.

    Ha, ha, ha!

    All lies, all fake, all phoney and fruads.

    Ha, ha, ha!


    Kal K. Korff

  30. Kal Korff: It won't matter and it won't make a difference, and 99% of America doesn't care and will be pissed off that they're disrupting things. Notice that neither the Dems nor Republicans are changing their official actions and policies because of OWS. But they will say they "support" them because words cost nothing and get free publicity. Word not backed up by actions mean nothing. The OWS "movement" is DOA.


    Okay.... Let's look at this again....

    "Word not backed up by actions mean nothing."

    Where's the promised article, based on 1200 interviews...

    Your persona is DOA Korff.

    If it wasn't you'd talk about the Korffie Leak site on Facebook. But you can't, can you.

    Even if 50% of that info up on that site is wrong, the other half isn't.

    How can you live with that material on the interent Korff?

    My God, how can you put your mother through this shame?

    You ingnorant, hurtful, shame of... another son.


  31. AnonymousMay 01, 2012

    Right back at you Korff.

    Kal Korff: This is classic and so much of this is true. I refused to vote for Obama because when I researched him I saw a huge gap between his record and his words.

  32. Brit_in_PragueMay 01, 2012

    "My God, how can you put your mother through this shame?"
    ---Karlton has no shame. He has no honour. And a man without honour is no man at all.

  33. Dani AbrhamovaMay 01, 2012

    Kalvin!!! A beautiful day here in Prague this fine Mayday holiday. Are you at the swimming pool with your genius-level son ... or maybe you managed to get out of town with your family to the mountains or the countryside.

    Oops, I forgot - you're in India with your princess (snigger)....

  34. happy red mogul balloon!May 02, 2012

    kal korff flees his country to escape trouble he brewed all on his own, then lectures his betters on how rotten they have it back at home. korff's also lying about why he didn't vote obama -- since he never bothered to register for an absentee ballot he didn't vote for anyone. hypocrite! liar! mental case! all rolled into one. kal korff SUCKS.


  35. You are wired to the moon, "Colonel".

  36. AnonymousMay 02, 2012

    And where was this published? And who read this...?

    Spinning in cicles, not knowing what to do Korff?

    Kal Korff: The "news" that Obama will keep us in Afghanistan until at least 2024 IS NOT NEWS. I wrote about this fact LAST YEAR in an article that was published. People said I was being "anti-Obama." No, I was telling the truth and asking Obama to do the same. Now it is official, we're going to be there at least til 2024, and for Obama to say he's "cleaning up other folks' mess" disrespects the reason we are... in Afghanistan, it is because of the attacks of "9/11" — I have no respect for a president who plays politics all the time. Our troops and citizens deserve better. It's not a "coincidence" his next taxpayer funded stop is Ohio. He needs it to get the electoral votes he's counting on. Same with Pennsylvania, but I digress...

  37. AnonymousMay 02, 2012

    So, when is going to have some updates on our favorite Loony-Tune?

  38. AnonymousMay 02, 2012

    The update will be posted very soon. Thanks for asking....

  39. AnonymousMay 02, 2012

    Korff, thanks for stopping by:

    and learning the meaning of confabulation.

    You lying fartburger.

    Kal Korff: Isn't it great, folks, that Obama has now JUST ADMITTED after selling millions of copies of his book, that his "New York girlfriend" is NOT A REAL PERSON, but a COMPOSITE of several people? The term used to excuse this is called "compression." Before stupid PC English existed, it was called confabulation.

  40. The Unknown KorfferMay 03, 2012

    Kal Korff is of course an expert on inventing phony people. Sometimes all he needs is a name from a phone directory, and bingo there's a lawyer. Or how about Martina? Identity hijacked and a personable young woman becomes a religion obsessed television producer. Kalvin is surely delighted to learn of this in the same way that any psychopath is delighted when he/she encounters someone else engaging in their own illicit behavior.

    No, I was telling the truth and asking Obama to do the same.

    Personal pipeline to the president in the form of bullshit crap posted to a free document hosting platform? Delusional, and his rational thinking "friends" who already have doubts about the former SAPSTOE colonel will be cringing when seeing that. "Hello, I am a delusional freak who is floating their way through life. I expect you to respect me professionally anyway and regard me as a voice of knowing authority on whichever subjects I am currently obsessed with."

  41. AnonymousMay 03, 2012

    its easy as this. a real writer would have provided a link to this "article" by korff, or stated specifically when, where, and in what form the work was "published". maybe a scan of it to drive home the point.

    korff doesn't. article wasn't written, though to korff it's probably as good as having been written just in the same way his bank guard training for welles fargo is the same as being trained by the israelis in their unique "tactics". and a paintball gun is just the same as a real gun, and playing paintball just the same as having been in a live fire exercise.

    and just like having taken german is the same as knowing how to speak it. for korff life's accomplishes are supposed to happen by rote. just because he says it happened. his "penis squad" is comprised of those who insisted on specifics.

    korff's a delusional mental case. occasionally diverting with his bizarre behavior -- i miss the hats! -- but he has become painfully boring since the exposure site went live. i'm surprised he mentions articles at all because someone might want to see what else he's done. then guess where they'll end up?

    pretty stupid, kal. but then again that's what you are. stupid. no longer the bright gifted child who got enough attention to have it warp their sanity. just a stupid boring old twat.

  42. AnonymousMay 03, 2012

    I wonder if Kolonel Fucknuts will have any comments on this:

    I can see KKKorf with some lame ass "OH i recognize that room, I worked on many SECRET things there that I cannot tell you about but I did"



  43. AnonymousMay 03, 2012

    F1 that's great!

  44. Billy Meier's Wedding CakeMay 04, 2012

    I kind of miss the fake lawyer letters. Man, that was some funny shit!

  45. Kalvin, I'm bored. Amuse me ...

  46. AnonymousMay 06, 2012

    Try telling the truth Korff, you can't! :-)

    Kal Korff: Incredible performance, one of my favorites, hope you enjoy it. The Three Tenors make it seem so easy. Try singing like they do, you can't! :-)

  47. AnonymousMay 07, 2012

    Try to stop ripping people off, and cheating them, and betraying them, and hurting them, and lying to them.

    You can't!

    You piece of dung.

  48. AnonymousMay 07, 2012

    Korffing Face Book Update

    Nothing to report.

    The "old" Korff, the nano-dust, syndicated reporter, consumer fraud fighter Korff has left the building.

    We win the majority but, we'll never stop until Korff stops all activity.

    The Korffing Syndicate

  49. Brit_in_PragueMay 08, 2012

    A superb roundup of the various threads and issues, Beastie.

  50. AnonymousMay 08, 2012

    It's a public holiday here in Prague for the anniversary of the end of WW2 in Europe. VE Day. As a military man himself, does the "Colonel" voice any sage opinions on his FB page?

  51. AnonymousMay 08, 2012

    Nothing on Facebook. Korff's posting Obama, cartoons, etc. Zero posts regarding any old persona behavior.

  52. AnonymousMay 08, 2012

    You are vermin, Korff.

  53. AnonymousMay 08, 2012

    Face it, the users of this blogsite shut that pissy little bitch down! Down you hear me korffy? Down. Course you are used to going down, ain't ya?

  54. The Unknown KorfferMay 08, 2012

    Pretty safe bet that someone from Kalvin's past or family group caught him lying on Flake Book and made him eat his lunch over it. Like having advised Obama on missile defense or sharing Thanksgiving 2010 dinner with US troops (unlike the global Christmas holiday nobody else celebrates Thanksgiving on the 3rd Thursday in November, dumbass lying valor stealing loser).

    He's also surely desperate to keep anyone from looking into his immediate background -- meaning, pre-Face Book, when he could lie and lie and lie all he liked. Double edged sword isn't it Colonel? You traded off immediate gratification from contact with your betters (re: everyone else, basically) but found yourself unable to exploit it with your usual slew of lies, pantomimes, costumes, routines, acts, made up stories, and general "me me me pay attention to me" bullshit.

    Serves you right to be reduced to funny pictures, Obama politics, maybe reposting George Takei updates (even though he is very openly Takei and would regard you as a DOUCHE BAG or other recycled useless crap that nobody ever responds to because they've seen it on eight people's walls already two days ago. Just what a plagiarist, copycat, and follow the leader dullard like Kal K. Korff would do.

  55. The Unknown KorfferMay 08, 2012

    Once more for good measure, Kal.

  56. AnonymousMay 09, 2012

    George Takei is gay as well and we know how Korff feels about gay people...

  57. AnonymousMay 09, 2012

    George is gay? Hmm, watched him in that video and he didn't seem happy at all.

  58. AnonymousMay 09, 2012

    Ha, ha, ha!!!!

  59. AnonymousMay 10, 2012

    Facebook Update

    Look what Korff added to his education history;

    College Various
    Class of 1978 · Science Information Technology · Worlds End Creek, South Australia, Australia

    Out of nowhere, Korff posts this? I did a little research on what this might mean...

    Do a search people, see what you find.

  60. AnonymousMay 10, 2012

    College Various huh? Well, in Korff-speak that means kolonel kraphead walked past a shit-load of colleges. Australia? Oh Lord, give my sore ass a break!!

  61. The Unknown KorfferMay 11, 2012

    Class of 1978! So presuming that's a 2 year vocational college, Kal was matriculated in the 1976 academic year? At age 14? I thought that was when he was building atom bombs. Or better yet let's make it a 4 year academic college -- he started his studies in 1972??? Ten years old. WAAAAAAAAAY TO GO KALVIN! Just when we'd been giving up hope for his entertainment value.

    Kal Korff must really think his Flake Book crew are a bunch of morons. Give that two weeks and see the date change to 1982 or so after he gets shit about it from those who know better. You can't lie like this anymore without looking like a big-league doofus, Mr. Nobody! You're nothing Kal, nobody special at all just like the rest of us. Admit it to yourself and you will find foraging for attention much more enjoyable. Stick to your funny cartoons, recycled news stories and Obama bashing. Can't wait to see what a horse's ass you make out of yourself over the gay marriage thing. Go Go Go Go KAL!!!


  63. AnonymousMay 11, 2012

    oooooooh! Multi-dimensional warrior genius prince. Good one!

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