Friday, May 11, 2012

Kal K. Korff is an IDIOT

Case closed lads! Kal K. Korff has been proven to be an undisputed idiot. So I must ask just where oh where are the big scary special secret services these days? How about the KMPG audit? Terrorism book? 500 book deal? Anything? Just face it Kal you wanker. You have been utterly EXPOSED by a few people on the internet! No super secret spies or super geniuses just a few average people THOROUGHLY TORE YOU APART piece by piece using your own words and nonsense. How embarrassing this must for you Kernal Kupcakes. Ouch.


  1. You made an enemy in me for life when you ripped off and betrayed V*t*ch S*dl*c*k, Colonel. Unforgivable behavior.

  2. AnonymousMay 11, 2012

    The Korffing Syndicate will not stop.

  3. AnonymousMay 11, 2012

    I have no sympathy for the bad things that happen to KKKal!

    f1 Racer

  4. You are clearly mentally ill, "Colonel", and I make a point of not mocking the mentally ill or the insane. I cannot imagine a worse state in which to find oneself.

    But in addition to being mentally ill, you are an extremely nasty piece of work. And that is why I will hound you for as long as you or I leave this earth.

    Remember that, "KalIsrael". I will never let this go. Never.

  5. AnonymousMay 11, 2012

    "Remember that, "KalIsrael". I will never let this go. Never."



  6. The Unknown KorfferMay 12, 2012

    From the prior thread, this failure should remain goading at Kalvin as long as possible.

    MAY 09, 2012
    Anonymous said...
    Facebook Update

    Look what Korff added to his education history;

    College Various
    Class of 1978 · Science Information Technology · Worlds End Creek, South Australia, Australia

    "Class of" in the way that Flake Book uses it to indicate when the required course work was completed and a certificate or degree awarded. Without perhaps intending to, Kalvin is implying his course work was finished in 1978. If it was a four year school that meant he started in either 1973 at age 11 or 1974 at the age of 12. A two year college puts his entry into the program in 1976, when last time I was following he'd claimed to be working on the Viking Mars Lander at Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

    1978 is also the year of the House Select Committee investigation into the JFK assassination. One of the former colonel's key biographical points illustrated in his delirious email to Royce Meyers is that Kalvin was pulled from his class by government agents when his budding investigation into the event came to their attention. He has also claimed to have been removed from his class and placed in a special advanced studies group during roughly the same period of time before joining them again for graduation in 1980. Something tells me this latest embellishment is a continuing effort to further twist that basic element of truth into something more favorable that what really happened.

    Killing 2 birds with 1 stone too, since it also allows Kalvin to add some college experience too. Both have been tough nuts for him to crack! Keep plugging away, Kal. This ain't even close.

  7. Brit_in_PragueMay 12, 2012

    I've been to World's End Creek. I passed through on a road trip in 1983 on my way to Alice Springs and thence to Katherine Gorge in the Northern Territory. I was working and travelling in Oz for a year before starting university in the UK.

    Going by the dates, we would have just missed each other, Kal!

    Lying dross. Will you never stop lying?

  8. AnonymousMay 12, 2012

    Kalvin K Korff, no honor, no shame, mentally ill, failure at each and every attempt trying to be "somebody", caught repeatedly in lies, confabulations, "accomplishments" claimed but never completed. His "books", his "TV shows", his "super-models", war games on the Pakastani borders, nano-dust, his 500 book series, his extensive enemy list, ah shit . I could go on, but why? It is all there for the entire world to see, all online, all documented. How does this klown manage to get up in the morning and look at himself in a mirror? How? Why do I care? Well I don't but I do get bored and this is a great place to drop by now and then to .. dump.

  9. AnonymousMay 12, 2012

    I thought Kal said we'd all pay a heavy price for exposing him? Well, Kal? We're waiting. And I'm sure we'll all be waiting for a long, long, long time because we all know you aren't to do shit. We're not laughing with you, Kal.

  10. AnonymousMay 12, 2012

    I'm loving this blog!

  11. AnonymousMay 13, 2012

    Class of 1978 · Science Information Technology · Worlds End Creek, South Australia, Australia

    ---what possible benefit can you have had in promulgating this lie, Karlton? It is completely pointless.

  12. AnonymousMay 13, 2012

    Behold - the face of evil.

  13. AnonymousMay 15, 2012

    Sure you will Korff. Over the last two months, the Daily Post India posted THREE articles of yours.

    The Daily Post India is still the ONLY media posting any of your material on a semi regular basis.

    Occupy, Obama CZ speech articles and more... Lying liar.

    Korffing Syndicate

    Kal Korff: The data was released in France and is now publicly available. Having lived outside the USA now for 12 years and counting, I continue to be amazed at what the rest of the world covers and the major American networks don't bother to. I will be reviewing this data and then publishing more on it myself in some upcoming newspaper articles.

  14. AnonymousMay 15, 2012

    What in Hell is The Daily Post of India? LOL!!!!!!

  15. AnonymousMay 15, 2012

    "What in Hell is The Daily Post of India? LOL!!!!!!"



  16. AnonymousMay 16, 2012

    korffy, here is something you should have remembered;

    Always do your best because what you plant now you WILL have to harvest later. You know?

  17. AnonymousMay 16, 2012

    So to start with I visit this site once a day to get my korffing on, So last night I turn on some ghost sightings show hosted by Jonathan Frakes and low and behold Kal shows up. Holy shit, how does this guy weasle his way into tv all the time? His title was investigative journalist writing for the Prague Post, what a joke!

  18. AnonymousMay 16, 2012

    That must have been one of his very last TV gigs.... Probably right after or right before he left the US for safety (his own:-) reasons.

    Remember, the "Greatest Hoaxes" show was in the late '90's and that was pertty much it for Korff.

    It all matters little, as the previous poster posted, reap what you plant Korff.

  19. AnonymousMay 17, 2012

    Lying to Commander Riker. The shame.

  20. October 19, 1973May 18, 2012

    Primed & ready for those FB updates where Korff screams bloody murder about Obama misrepresenting his heritage like a good little loser hypocrite. Let it rip, Kal. Good subject to lecture your FB friends over and give your woefully damaged self esteem a boost. After all, you have nothing. They have lives, families, friends, pets, homes, savings, futures, careers, places in a community, people who love them for who they are, and something to look forward to every day where you look for things to lie about to make yourself feel better about not having any of those things. Hence the term "loser".

  21. Daniela AbrahamovaMay 21, 2012

    Pure evil. I don't joke about this. The hurt and pain he has caused to so many people ... just evil.

  22. AnonymousMay 21, 2012

    Expect an update to the web site very soon...

    Korffing Syndicate

  23. AnonymousMay 21, 2012

    Well, even though Korff is evil the bottom line is the little shit-head was SHUT DOWN .. and I DO MEAN SHUT DOWN by this blog and this site

    Korff, what you sow you little monster, you reap. How do you like your crop cupcake? How do you like your crop? Shove this up your bung hole along with your lawyers, your SAPSTOE, your Avim and Martina. Paybacks are a mother, right?

  24. AnonymousMay 21, 2012

    Kupcake Korff. Yea, I think I like that. KUPCAKE! LOL!!

  25. happy red mogul balloon!May 21, 2012

    kernal kupkake in his komikal klown kostume. only a really stupid child would have mistaken that for a uniform. a really stupid child like kal korff was! pulled from class so he could study at end of the line university in australia. only a really stupid child would have thought up something like that. a really stupid child like kal korff! kal what's your real iq anyway, 75-85 or so? maybe that's where the 219 iq lie came from, knowing he had rated at less than average intelligence. fit for menial labor only. trainable. the kind of employee you keep sequestered in the back room and away from the female staff members. i liked that picture of the pathetic little cake you made in that little oven of yours, sitting alone on your empty unused "desk" (re: folding table that came as furnishing with low rent apartment) back in march, the most pathetic attempt at trying to look popular ever in the whole history of the internet. you really are a failure, aren't you kal? and you know it.


  26. " i liked that picture of the pathetic little cake you made in that little oven of yours, sitting alone on your empty unused "desk" (re: folding table that came as furnishing with low rent apartment) back in march..."
    ---Must have missed this. Could I have a link, please?

  27. happy red mogul balloon!May 23, 2012


    or use this tiny url --

    lol just pathetic. such a liar. one mistake i made is that upon closer inspection that looks store bought -- even more pathetic!! i doubt kal would know how to decorate a cake. i like how these colleagues even wrote his name on it so everyone can see as proof that kal has friends. since who writes their own name on a cake. such a pathetic liar.


  28. The Unknown KorfferMay 23, 2012

    Ahh yes, Kalvin's make believe birthday treat from his friends in the newsroom! posted to remind his Flake Book crew to wish him a happy birthday since that's what you do on Flake Book (can't wait to read his kommentary on the IPO debacle and how it demonstrates Kal to be a superior intellect than anyone else for not having bought in).

    The "made without eggs" klaim is interesting. I guess it's meant to imply that Kalvin is immersed in another culture which has forsaken such indulgences as eggs and their cholesterol. That makes Kalvin a better person than you or I by accepting it and gives him the right to brag about it even if he doesn't really live there.

    Yet they still practice fully American traditions like a surprise birthday cake complete with a candle. It does indeed appear to be the kind of intricately made confection one would purchase pre-made at a grocery store, which are usually not known for their healthy choices in regards to ingredients. It must have been exciting for him to shop for it knowing what lie he was going to tell well in advance. The cake is a prop.

    Perhaps Kalvin read somewhere that people in India don't consume eggs, and this was meant to imply that he was there? And that he is a better person than everyone else by not just accepting it but coming to enjoy the absence; He uses the word "delicious" twice. He's also quick to use the term "colleagues" which implies a professional affiliation, meaning this was WORK! The empty desk is just to reinforce how Kal is writing without a need for reference material or desk clutter like coffee cups, pens, post-it notes, USB hub with cables (and simms! ;D), media disc storage, a printer or a phone. He just sits down at an empty desk amongst his colleagues and writes.

    Wouldn't it have been more convincing had the birthday goodie been of a local cultural form rather than the cake his co-workers never got for him back when answering tech support questions for Claris Works? And yes, a few pictures of his co-workers in the newsroom each enjoying their egg-free slice of cake while goofing around with the young SAPSTOE would have been nice. But if it got Kalvin a few happy birthdays from people he hasn't spoken to in 35 years that's just as good. It's all about getting their attention.

  29. AnonymousMay 23, 2012

    Well, kupcake's birthday was back in March . . this is almost June . . shall we move on?

    Here in the United States Kolonel Kupcake .. it is almost Memorial Day. That day when we celebrate the memory and honor the sacrifice of the Men and Woman who have died in service to our country. Tell me you little scum-sucking dog . . are you going to have dinner with the troops?

    You disgust me you little cock-knocker.

  30. AnonymousMay 24, 2012

    Hmm .. kalvin kupcake korff the little kock knocker. Yep, sounds about right.

  31. The Unknown KorfferJune 03, 2012

    Well, kupcake's birthday was back in March . . this is almost June . . shall we move on?

    No, and this comment borders on being troll-like. It did not contribute to the discussion, it terminated it. The idea here is to expose Kalvin's madness and demonstrate the depth of his evil. This was a good example and deserves to be exposed for the scam for attention that it was. That is the purpose of this blog.

    Also PLEASE use a nickname especially if being critical of other board members' posts. I've been involved with this scene here since 2008, and the birthday cake scam is as relevant as any of Kalvin's scams past or present. It indicates that he is lying to everyone everywhere he goes about everything.
