Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Kal is asshole, hear him roar

Well lads we have not heard much from Kernal Kal Koward Korff in some time now since he was EXPOSED by our very own Korffing Syndicate. Kal tried a threat to get it all quiet but it did not work. So where is the big mouth at these days? It seems like the once roaring mouth on Kal has been turned into nothing greater than a mouse fart. Where is all your talk at now Kal? UFO watchcat got your tongue you boorish little fool Kal? I'm still waiting for all of these agents Kal promised he would send after us all. Bloody hell I think we have all been waiting for this for YEARS now! Where is the KMPG audit you PROMISED was going to happen Kal? Are you still hanging around your buddy Scott Ritter and maybe having some top secret meetings at a playground? YEs Kal it all has come full circle and hit you right between the eyes you fucking imbecile. You painted your own arse right into a corner. ahahhhahahahaaahaha!!! I would wish Kal luck on finding his courage but you cannot lose that which you never had to begin with.


  1. AnonymousJune 05, 2012

    Excellent bit of photoshopping there.

  2. Brit_in_PragueJune 05, 2012

    Has the Great Man pronounced on Queen Elizabeth's diamond jubilee? I have the feeling he has been fervently anti-monarchist in his past ramblings...

  3. Special thanks to the Korffer who sent in that great and encompassing picture of Kal.

  4. AnonymousJune 07, 2012

    Oh God! The Cowardly Lion! Hahahahahahahaha! All mouth and no bite! Yep, that is our kalvin!

    Here Kitty kitty kitty! LOL!!!!

  5. AnonymousJune 07, 2012

    "Whats new Pusscat? Whoa whoa Whats new Pussycat whoa whoa ......


  6. AnonymousJune 09, 2012

    Wow! Where is everybody? No one has posted in several days. Not even pussy-cat kal. Hey pussycat, whats new? Any trips to the "border" this week to "plant" some more "nano-dust"? Hows about your "super-model", she baiting any "honey-traps" this week? Any plans to infiltrate Iran to search for any A-bombs? Come on Kolonel Numbnuts, I'm bored and need a comedy fix! You douche-bag.

  7. AnonymousJune 10, 2012

    Here's what's new; Korffie finally comes out of hiding after weeks and weeks and weeks of posting mostly Obama hate posts....

    Read it and laugh Korffers, such a transparent lie it almost didn't stick while I posted it here....

    Kal Korff: Here's the link where some of my articles which have been published in newspapers, magazines and on the web are reprinted. I apologize once again for being too lazy to repost everyone of them here, weeks ago I had published in the papers tribute articles to the late Donna Summer and Robin Gibb for example, as well as more travel pieces, technology review pieces, political pieces, business articles..., etc., the usual mix of what I do. I have been behind in posting all of them for about two months now, my bad.

    We have now reached over 23,000 hits, which amazes me since the only publicity for these reprints is via this Facebook page. I sincerely THANK all of you for your support and kind interest, I will try to do a more timely job reposting my published articles, I promise.


    I tried bringing up Korff's "articles" on that crappy web site, no go.

    Anybody else do a search on Korff lately?

    His Mother must be so proud... Ha, ha, ha,!

    Hey Korff, how does it feel?


  8. AnonymousJune 10, 2012

    "English is a literal language" - Kalvin K Korff

  9. AnonymousJune 11, 2012

    Kal was supposed to be appearing on the x-zone radio show this week debating Kevin Randall, Kal sent a mail two hours before the debate was due to start saying that Kal was under attack from a terrorist threat and had one week to get out of Prague...what a total goonbag. Someone neo nazi in Prague has obviously read your great Korff debunking website and told Kal he was going to kick him in the nuts. Great stuff.

  10. AnonymousJune 11, 2012

    Where's your ever promised web site Korff?

    lozer - liar - fraud


  11. AnonymousJune 12, 2012

    Kal was supposed to be appearing on the x-zone radio show this week debating Kevin Randall, Kal sent a mail two hours before the debate was due to start saying that Kal was under attack from a terrorist threat and had one week to get out of Prague...what a total goonbag. Someone neo nazi in Prague has obviously read your great Korff debunking website and told Kal he was going to kick him in the nuts. Great stuff.

    ---This week? Don't think so. All that happened three years ago ...

  12. Brit_in_PragueJune 12, 2012

    Looking forward to bumping into you down some dark alley here in Prague very soon, scumbag ...

  13. Dani AbrhamovaJune 12, 2012

    Frightened any teenage girls recently, Korff?

  14. Dani AbrhamovaJune 12, 2012

    Frightened any teenage girls recently, Korff?

  15. AnonymousJune 16, 2012

    Korff stole this ebtire artcile and posted it on Facebook like he wrote it, given zero credit to the Washington Times reporter who wrote it. Word for word....

    Korff: The next time President Obama hits the links, it will be his 100th round of golf since coming to the White House. That’s quite a milestone in just 3 1/2 years. As it takes him about six hours to drive to the greens and complete 18 holes, Mr. Obama has spent the equivalent of four months’ worth of work time golfing. Meanwhile, the U.S. economy has been stuck in a sand trap.


    Maybe the reported should be notifed, often.


  16. AnonymousJune 17, 2012

    < "Korff stole this ebtire artcile and posted it on Facebook like he wrote it, given zero credit to the Washington Times reporter who wrote it. Word for word...." >

    Isn't that the "Life Story" of this fucking pathetic loser in a nutshell? Going thru life in a "pretend mode" pretending he is "someone" of substance? With any luck maybe he will be under the next airliner that falls from the sky.

  17. AnonymousJune 18, 2012

    You are wired to the moon, Korff.

  18. AnonymousJune 18, 2012

    Korff Facebook Update

    Obama, Obama, Obama....

    Oh I long for the days of nanodust, law suits, and lies.

    A big shout out to this blog and that web site for taking Korff down.

    Suck it Korff.

  19. Every time I think of Korff I'm reminded of that phrase "the banality of evil."

    I really, really, really loathe you, Korff.

  20. AnonymousJune 19, 2012

    Well Jimmy, for what its worth, everytime I think of korff I think of the occasional "skid" mark I leave on my underware. Hmm, funny how like minds run isn't it?

  21. AnonymousJune 19, 2012

    My, what has happened to Kal Korff? He's seems to have gone from internet loon to, well, nothing much more than a Facebook based, political ranter whom nobody cares about.

    Where's the old, interesting Korff?

  22. AnonymousJune 20, 2012

    Kalvin Karlton Korff: the face of evil.

    Keep those photoshop jobs rolling in, lads!

  23. AnonymousJune 20, 2012

    Must have asked Korff for help on this....


  24. Stop_LYING_Korff!!!June 21, 2012

    That's old news to the Korffing Kommunity. Kalvin informed us years ago that nanotechnology is being used "to help eliminate terrorists in Pakistan right now and Afghanistan, under my initiatives and in operations that I command."

    You're a disgrace, "Colonel".

  25. AnonymousJune 21, 2012

    One month to the day Korff. One month to the day that any of your "articles" have been "published" on this "web iste"... wanker. Liar.


  26. AnonymousJune 21, 2012

    Something catch your eye and take you away from your "paying" gig Korff. Nothing posted here in over a month in a half... Lair,



    Korffing Syndicate

  27. AnonymousJune 21, 2012

    kalvin karlton korff AKA Kolonel Kalvin Skid-mark! Yeah, I think it has a real "ring" to it!

  28. Brit_in_PragueJune 21, 2012

    Just looking at Karlton's tribute to Donna.

    "After she learned that she had unexpectedly contracted lung cancer..."
    ---does anyone expect to get lung cancer, Korff?

  29. Stop_LYING_Korff!!!June 22, 2012

    Fiddled with any teenage girls, recently, "Colonel"?

    Bilked any overly-trusting elderly philanthropists?

    ---precisely. Amid the hilarity over Karlton's various absurd utterances, it is important that we not lose sight of one incontrovertible fact: KKK is a bad guy.

    He is evil.

  30. Stop_LYING_Korff!!!June 22, 2012

    Fiddled with any teenage girls, recently, "Colonel"?

    Bilked any overly-trusting elderly philanthropists?

    ---precisely. Amid the hilarity over Karlton's various absurd utterances, it is important that we not lose sight of one incontrovertible fact: KKK is a bad guy.

    He is evil.

  31. AnonymousJune 22, 2012

    "He is evil."



  32. AnonymousJune 22, 2012

    Evil? Perhaps but now simply insignificant.

  33. AnonymousJune 23, 2012

    Korffing Update - Facebook

    Nothing to report... Obama, Obama, Obama....

    Korffing Update ~ http://dailypostindia.com/

    Nothing to report. Nothing posted in over a month.

    Korffing Update ~ kalkorff.com

    Still down.

    Korffing Update ~ Secret X Wars Book or series of books.

    Still not published.

    ... simply insignificant.

    Korffing Syndicate

  34. AnonymousJune 24, 2012

    Face Book Korffing Update

    Still nothing to report. It does seem that this blog and the Korffie Leak web site have done their job. Korff and his endless lies and claims have moved on...

    It would be nice to push the dummy off the net in total but this is a good start.

    Suck on it Korff.

