Thursday, May 24, 2012

Kal K. Korff FAILS!!!!!

Poor dumb desperate Kal K. Korff has decided to crawl back into his hole. So much for facing the truth Kal. where are your "ethics" and "morals" now Kal? It is simply a FACT that you are running away from THE TRUTH Kal because your pathetic facade has been EXPOSED.

Run coward run. You don;t have the courage to face the truth when your feet are put to the fire. But Kal has attacked so many others for the same behavior he is doing and that would be lying, making up false credentials, perpetrating fraud and so much more.



  1. AnonymousMay 25, 2012

    So right.

    We Korffer's and the Korffing Syndicate will not stop Korff. It may get slow, you may not see things posted on that site for a while but, when you least expect it, we will post more truth.

    If and when you stop, apologize and go away, we'll stop but we will never, ever remove this blog or the


    You deserve this material to follow you for the rest of your life.

    F You.


  2. You were warned, Karlton. You had every opportunity to recant and forswear your ways. To acknowledge and apologize for the hurt that you have caused so many people.

    But you wouldn't. You are scum, "Colonel." Enjoy the rest of your worthless existence.

  3. AnonymousMay 26, 2012

    I wouldn't like to be "Colonel" "KalIsrael" Karlton Korff right now. Things just continue to get bad for him ...

  4. Stop_LYING_Korff!!!May 26, 2012

    Why do you have to lie all the time? I loathe you, Korff. Dear God, how I despise you.

  5. AnonymousMay 26, 2012

    Okay Kupcake, my question still stands. Are you having dinner with the troops this weekend Asshole? Hmm? How about it Kupcake, dinner with the troops? On the move for an exercise on the Pakistan border? Planting any "nano-dust" this weekend you little shit?

    Kupcake, all I can say is that you remind me of a very messy un-made bed. Ya know? The kind of un-made bed that gives a bad name to other un-made beds.

    Come on home Kupcake. A lotta folks are really looking foward to seeing your flabby ass, a whole lot of folks.

  6. AnonymousMay 26, 2012

    As we know, Korff is not a syndicated "working" newspaper boy. A quick look at the posts on this site over the last few months show an ever increasing, decrease in the posting of Korff's "work".

    And, Korff has been making less and less comments on his Facebook wall regarding this latest scam, lie, etc.

    In any case, read over this latest post and you will get another example of why Korff is lying about the syndicated claim and why Korff was lying about his study and understanding of 7 different languages.

    Please, enjoy Korff’s full command of the English language.

  7. Brit_in_PragueMay 28, 2012

    May I suggest that KIAI rustle up some new KKK images to place at the top of his posts. I am sure that there are a few Photoshop wizzes amongst us who could oblige with a few offerings ...

  8. YEs lads! Send me your Kal images! send to kalisanidiot at live dot com.

  9. AnonymousMay 28, 2012

    It is ironic that a great talent like Summer, whose incredibly powerful voice easily ranks up there with Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey, should die from lung cancer. Without good lungs, no person can sing, especially the way that Summer did.


  10. AnonymousMay 28, 2012


    "It is ironic that a great talent like Summer, whose incredibly powerful voice easily ranks up there with Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey, should die from lung cancer. Without good lungs, no person can sing, especially the way that Summer did.


    Dumble de dum dum dum ...

  11. happy red mogul balloon!May 29, 2012

    lolololo what can you expect from an accredited journalist rather than a real one. its not like he grew up during the disco era & actually has something to say about its top recording artistes. good fuckup, kal! very entertaining, keep them coming homeboy


  12. AnonymousMay 29, 2012

    Let's face it, and it has been said before and I am sure it will be said again; kal k korff is a world-wide joke. A buffoon, a moron and a man-child in a 50 year old body. I do believe he is so dense that he can't get out of his own way. A walking-talking not quite functional MORON. (and a bit or perhaps a whole lot mentally ill)

    See what you've sowed kalvin? And, you got nobody but yourself to blame you little shit. No one but you. I am sure your Mom is SO proud of you.

  13. Bless The Beasts And ChildrenMay 29, 2012

    Worth copy/pasting in twice. The inanity and empty-headed, udderly clueless nature of the passage deserves to be seen & ridiculed by all:

    It is ironic that a great talent like Summer, whose incredibly powerful voice easily ranks up there with Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey, should die from lung cancer. Without good lungs, no person can sing, especially the way that Summer did.


  14. The other night I watched again "A Man for All Seasons", the 1966 movie about Sir Thomas More, whom King Henry VIII had beheaded for opposing the Reformation in England.

    It is ironic that a great thinker like More, whose incredibly powerful brain easily ranks up there with Ghandi and the Buddha, er other religious thinkers, should have lost his head. Without a good head, no person can think, especially the way that More did.

  15. AnonymousMay 30, 2012

    Jimmy D, that's so klassic! I love this blog!

  16. AnonymousMay 31, 2012

    There was a famous English cricketer 10 years or so ago who had his right arm amputed after a car crash. He was a right-arm bowler, as it happened.

    That was ironic as without a good bowling arm, no bowler can bowl, especially the way that this bowler did.

    I'm sure we can flog this particular dead horse for a bit longer.

  17. AnonymousJune 01, 2012

    Hmm, I see that kalvin is STILL an IDIOT. Some things never change.

    Hey Kolonel Klump, have a Memorial Day dinner with the troops?

  18. The Unknown KorfferJune 03, 2012

    Kalvin Korff's delusion of being a reality TV star with thousands/millions of devoted viewers or supporters across the globe is not unique. It is a very real and sadly tragic example of mental illness. From which Kal Korff has apparently suffered his entire life, making the lives of everyone he comes into contact with miserable.

    "Cases of 'Truman Show' delusions on the rise as more people believe they're the stars of their own reality TV programs"

    Link to the article -- written by a REAL journalist, not an "accredited" one -- at the Daily Mail Online:

    Kal you are SO typical, ordinary and un-special. Just another person, same as everyone else other than having psychological problems which are not that uncommon.

  19. The Unknown KorfferJune 03, 2012

    Transferred over from the previous thread because this pissed me off:

    Well, kupcake's birthday was back in March . . this is almost June . . shall we move on?

    No, and this comment borders on being troll-like. It did not contribute to the discussion, it terminated it. The idea here is to expose Kalvin's madness and demonstrate the depth of his evil. This was a good example and deserves to be further exposed for the scam for attention that it was. That is the purpose of this blog.

    Also PLEASE use a nickname especially if being critical of other board members' posts. I've been involved with this scene here since 2008, and the birthday cake scam is as relevant as any of Kalvin's scams past or present. It indicates that he is lying to everyone everywhere he goes about everything.

  20. AnonymousJune 03, 2012

    Well Unknown, if someone has been here more than once and I have been coming here since 2008, we know kupcake is "out to lunch", a sandwich shy of a picnic lunch, 3 cans shy of a 6 pak, etc. etc. This blog has done a stellar job of detailing korff and his special kind of crazy. The new site has driven the final stake into kolonel klown. I mean, it's not like we haven't driven down this road before, again and again and again ..

  21. AnonymousJune 03, 2012

    Yes, and we need to go down this road again, and again and again.

    Korff's refusal to apologize for any of his lies and behavior demand that we keep repeating and reporting on his lies and behavior.

    This blog and finally the web site forced Korff to shut the hell up. It worked.

    We will not stop driving it home; to repeat the information and report on the information again and again and again...

    The Korffing Syndicate

  22. Just imagine. Some guy wants to go into business with you. Or rent your apartment. Or offers to teach your pubescent daughter English. He seems genuine. He seems very nice, actually. But just to make sure, you decide to do a bit of due dilligence and type the words "Kal Korff" into Google.

    You know the rest.

    God bless KIAI and FN. (And Kult of Kal, who kept the flame alive at one point.) They are doing God's work.

    Rot in hell, "Colonel".

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