Tuesday, April 30, 2013

It's All Just Make Believe
We know Korff comes to this site at least a few times a day to see what his "haters" are up to. After all, Korff doesn't have any "fans", Korff has the Syndicate and the Korffers and that's about it. Well, maybe a few people who actually hate him for the harm he's done to them personally or to those they know.
In any event, Korff thinks all this is funny and make believe, that this blog and it's web site and youtube channel don't make a hill of beans to him and his life (that what it may be).
Think again Village Idiot. Even if we stopped now, and we won't, this material will be on the internet for the rest of your miserable life. So go ahead and have fun posting accredited, military vetted and Face Book approved internet links on your Face Book Wall.
It's all just make believe... until your 70 years old and this material is still there, messing with you, pissing you off and bringing back those halcyon years between 1997 to 2010. Those were the days my ignorant friend... those were the days... of the rest of your life.


  1. Ha, ha, ha!

    Can you imagine a 70 year old Korff bitching and moaning about those halcyon years between 1997 to 2010!

    Ha, ha, ha!

    "I got nothing done, I ruined it all, my fame, my fleeting fame!

    Ha, ha, ha!

  2. AnonymousMay 01, 2013

    You know, I just dropped by to take a look at how all you boys are doing and read some of the comments. After reading them I thought to myself ... when was the last time Korff "did something RIGHT?" Ha ha ha .. then it hit me! Kalvin Korff doing something right? Sure ... just like you can pick up a dog shit turd ... by the KLEAN END!! Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!

  3. "Well, maybe a few people who actually hate him for the harm he's done to them personally or to those they know."
    ---That applies to me. I hate you, Korff. I really hate you. You kmow why.

  4. AnonymousMay 01, 2013

    "Sure ... just like you can pick up a dog shit turd ... by the KLEAN END!! Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!

    Thanks for stopping by!


  5. AnonymousMay 02, 2013

    Have you people gone up to the web site and checked out the 2013 section? Amazing work by Korff himself!



  6. AnonymousMay 02, 2013

    Kal Korff, spinning his wheels in search of fame....


  7. I wish there was an emoticon that could get across the depth and extent of my loathing for you, Karlton.

  8. AnonymousMay 02, 2013

    Kal K. Korff's Favorite Quotations

    As a Korffer, I can add nothing to these, as no further explanation is needed.


    Favorite Quotations
    One cannot put a question mark, where God has put a period.

    It takes a long time to understand nothing.

    What is necessary is always wise.

    You CANNOT make chicken salad out of chicken shi*!

    Between the machinations of the Illuminati and the Ignoratti, it's hard to get ANYTHING done!

    We will never truly know as much as we THINK we do.

    Way to go, bozo.

    A slave is he who cannot speak his thoughts.

    The leading cause of death, is life.

    The beginning of wisdom, starts with fearing and loving God.

    Evil can only succeed when "Good" FAILS to do its job.

    There is no "wrong way" when doing what is right. There is no "right way" when doing what is wrong.

  9. Just heading off to the country cottage. Might do a bit of fishing. Might go for a bike ride with the kids.

    What will you be doing in your Mumbai slum shack, "Colonel"? Chilling with your Indian princess or taking your genius-level son for a KFC, as per the family-court-ordered "every other Saturday".

    You worthless, lying piece of dung.

  10. AnonymousMay 04, 2013

    So humble, so genuine, so human...

    So udderly fake.

    So much time wasted on his dirt bag brother and all for not. Once a dirt bag, always a dirt bag.

    Kal K. Korff, hiding in India; friend less, family less, brain less.


    Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 10:29:53

    Dear Deputy Geiger,

    I would like to first sincerely thank you for emailing me. Although this was unexpected, it is certainly much appreciated as a fellow human being.

    Once again, I thank you.

  11. AnonymousMay 04, 2013

    This I lifted from the Apr. 28th blog post and was so descriptive I simply had to re-post! Enjoy ...

    "I loathe you korff! You are a wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious..."

    April 30, 2013

  12. "I loathe you korff! You are a wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious..."
    ---I believe this is a spoof of my own somewhat obsessive posts. But I don't mind, because it's pretty funny.

  13. AnonymousMay 06, 2013

    I really, really hate you, Korff. I hate the unhappiness and anger you cause - quite deliberately, wherever you go - to people who have done you no harm at all.

  14. AnonymousMay 06, 2013

    Korf...Gods humble period is evil when good does bad.......wanker.

  15. AnonymousMay 06, 2013

    Huh?? I have to admit that last post passed right over me. Say it again Sam?

  16. AnonymousMay 06, 2013

    More updates....


  17. AnonymousMay 09, 2013

    Over the years, it's always been interesting to watch Korff try to change his history of lies...

    volunteer... Yes, a volunteer...

    "I am also a volunteer Analyst, Counterterrorism Advisor and Specialist, who writes and submits reports to various private clients and sometimes also governments."

  18. AnonymousMay 10, 2013

    It's the Prague Marathon this weekend.

    Ever run a marathon, you barrel of lard? As part of your SSS training, I mean?

  19. AnonymousMay 11, 2013

    Whatever you say Kalvin....

    This material will be on the web and available to the population of the world forever.

    Want a new job? They will do a simple search Kalvin.

    Want to buy a home? They will do a simple search.

    Want to hide from these (and more) lies?

    You can't.

    Kal Korff is known for his diverse academic and professional interests and sharp analytical skills.

    Kal is an internationally known, critically acclaimed Analyst, Author, Broadcaster, Columnist, Computer Systems Architect, Editor, Graphic Artist, Humanitarian Worker, Intelligence Analyst, Investigative Journalist, IT Specialist, Lecturer, Media Personality, Photo Editor, Senior Systems Analyst, Apple, Windows and Linux Software Developer, Teacher, WEB Architect, Content Management System Designer. The President and CEO of CriticalThinkers.org, Kal is also a Counterterrorism Analyst, Advisor and Specialist, a Kidon Unit Commander who fights against anti-Semitism and Islamofascist extremism. Kal holds the rank of Colonel in an Israeli-founded civilian entity.

    The author of nearly 50 non-fiction books.

  20. AnonymousMay 12, 2013

    The steel-trap mind of Kalvin Karlton Korff.


  21. AnonymousMay 13, 2013

    "The dirtbag gene."

    I like. Destined to enter the Korffing lexicon.

  22. AnonymousMay 14, 2013

    lmao kidon unit commander korff! arrrrr, fuckwit

  23. AnonymousMay 14, 2013

    I wonder if Karlton will pronounce on Angelina Jolie's news.

  24. AnonymousMay 14, 2013

    Here's what our Village Idiot had to say about Jolie's noews:

    Kal Korff: Brave woman, God bless her.


    My Way News - Angelina Jolie says she had double mastectomy
    Angelina Jolie says she had double mastectomy

  25. AnonymousMay 14, 2013

    And let us not forget the behavior Korff exhibited towards Tina and her daughter, and his mother.

    Korff calling any female a hero is another attempt of Korff trying to change his historically documented behavior against women and gays for that matter.

    Don't believe us?

    Read the links on the bottom of this page and on the whole page for that matter.


  26. AnonymousMay 14, 2013

    Check this out, this is what Korff wrote to Tina's daughter... This, from a professional reporter, NOT! :-)

    Kal Korff, "While I thank you for your letter, unfortunately it does NOT SOLVE nor change REALITY."

    Solve reality... I suppose this blog, web site and youtube channel does just that.


  27. AnonymousMay 14, 2013

    Was just Googling the Village Idiot on Google and came across this thread up on the Paracast. Worth checking out!


  28. AnonymousMay 14, 2013

    Yea, nice one. Here is another from The Paracast.


  29. AnonymousMay 14, 2013

    Kal Korff ate my hamster

  30. Brit_in_PragueMay 15, 2013

    Mmm, yes. I wonder if his Indian "princess" "wife" has realised yet that she is in an abusive relationship.
