Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Kal K. Korff, Citizen Face Book Poster. A man-child who lied his way to his own personal bottom in his search to reclaim that fleeting 15 minutes of fame and UFO acclaim he had before moving to the CZ in 2000 and then relocating to India in 2011 after he was turned in and kicked out of the CZ for over staying his work visa.

Kal K. Korff; wishing he had not found and then used the internet to construct a fraudulent persona only to be laid waste and proven a lying liar by this blog, the web site, the youtube channel and the Korffing Syndicate.

Behavior Matters Kal K. Korff


  1. AnonymousMay 15, 2013

    If any of you Korffers care to go the extra mile and inform these people, who "follow" Kal Korff via his Face Book page, do the world a favor and locate and then contact a few and inform them exactly what a lunatic Kal K. Korff is and why they shouldn't be associated with him in any way, shape or form.

    People Following Kal K. Korff:

    Smu Itcampus
    Sikkim Manipal University

    Rick Casey

    Dan Harayda
    Attorney/Director of Technology/Professor at Massachusetts School of Law

    Kuldeep Bhati
    Software Engineer at FutureGen Softwares

    Michael Brein
    University of Hawaii
    Friends with Travis Walton and 3 other friends

    Piroza Dastoor
    New Delhi, India

    ‎‎חיה ליבר‎ (Haya Liber)‎
    Tel Aviv University | אוניברסיטת תל-אביב

    Joseph Donaldson

    Geoff Dittman
    University of Manitoba

    Marlena Latiolais
    Church Point, Louisiana

    Jaswinder Sarao (Jassi)
    Punjab University, Chandigarh

    Rimzim Arora
    Garden City College

    Sohail Khan Kabiri

    Kamal Pandit
    Print Media at Daily Post India

    Vishal Sharma
    Lyrisist & singing at Lyricist

    Saurabh Skevents Kandwal
    Marketing & Events Coordinator at 94.3 MY FM

    Paolo Polenta
    Osservatore at Osservatore Calcistico

    Ian Richardson
    Selwyn Jones High School

    Karan Deep Singh
    Works at Bistro - Flamme Bois

    Sarthi Vohra
    Apeejay School

    Devesh Pachouri
    St jhons college agra

    Chris Gennett
    Financial Advisor at NCA Financial Group, LLC.

    Steve Purcell
    Pleasant View, Tennessee

    Hugh Jawoodi
    American Military University (AMU)

    Sandaruwan Pathirage
    Lecturer at University of Sri Jayewardenepura

    Abdallah Senouci

    Prosenjit Biswas
    Burdwan Raj college

    Don Beau White (III)
    US Army Airborne

    Roland Horn
    Works at Selbständig (Schriftsteller)

    Mutahir Ahmed

    Arun Kumar
    Arya College

    Mario Granda
    Peruvian Naval School

    Meier Methusalem
    Herisau, Switzerland

    Eddie Burton
    Mount Sac

    Dharam Parhar
    Govt Polytechnic College

    Manas Sharma • 2 followers
    Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

    Eladio Ortiz Blanco
    Liceo Unesco Perez Zeledon

    Tajinder Singh Randhawa

    Charlotte Owusuwaa
    Tano nursing training

    Brice A Breitkreutz
    Works at Customer Elation

    Vijay Kumar
    Sr. System Engineer at Modern school,aliganj,lucknow

  2. "he was turned in and kicked out of the CZ for over staying his work visa."
    ---what is our source for this, please?

  3. AnonymousMay 16, 2013

    No source, just an assumption. Why else would anyone move to a dirty as fuck, 3rd world country where you know absolutely no one?

    At least in the CZ, Korff had family ties (from his mother’s side) and it's a much more comfortable, clean and English speaking (at least more so than India) country.

    My assumption is that when Korff went to those borders to throw about his vials of nanodust air into the ground, he made a few friends and noticed that he could live there for very little money while teaching English, working some kind of help desk and institute himself into an unsuspecting Indian family, using their roof and daughter as comfort while he ultimate realized that he’ll never come back to the states and he’ll never be able to hold down a job which would pay enough to “live” anywhere else.

    You have a better assumption?

    It's obvious he lives in India.

    Why give up the grand country like the CZ for dirty and infested India. I mean really... come on!

  4. Yeah, I know he lives in India. It was the getting-turned-in-and-thrown-out bit I was querying.

    OK, fine.

  5. AnonymousMay 16, 2013

    Kal Korff, asshole extraordinaire.

  6. AnonymousMay 16, 2013

    Understood JimmyD. Wish I had the whole story but, as it is in the Korffing World, we never really know the whole truth and nothing but the truth other than the fact that Kal K. Korff is a fraud and thief. That is a proven fact.

  7. AnonymousMay 19, 2013

    As the Syndicate poaches, edits and re-posts Korff's Face Book material, re-posted with the truth or just to make him look even more silly, Korff has now slowed down his Face Book activity. Korff now goes for days without posting anything on his locked down Wall.

    The Korffing Syndicate shut down Korff's Youtube activity, by poaching and editing the truth into his videos, resulting in Korff ceasing any and all videos publication.

    If Korff's behavior follows suit, and why shouldn't it, he's a simpleton if nothing else, we expect Korff to slow down or possibly even move off Face Book.

    Of course, Korff will first try and get this blog and the Korffie Leak web site pulled down.

    Good luck with that.

    Korff, you reap what you sow; in this case, the endless lies and threats while you attempted to regain that fleeting 15 minutes of fame at any cost, has cost you a life long internet shadow which will follow you for as long as you live.

    I wouldn't want to be Kal K. Korff for the next 30 years.

  8. Brit in PragueMay 21, 2013

    Kalvin is evil. I wonder if his "princess" "wife" has rumbled him yet?

    Once she boots you out, Kalvin, you will truly be in the doo-doo.

    In India, it's dog-eat-dog. How on earth will you survive without someone to wipe your bottom?

    And of course, a return to the USA would be out of the question. They'd be waiting for you with a set of handcuffs on the runway.

  9. AnonymousMay 22, 2013

    If you need to ask the why, you haven't done your Korffing homework.

    Korff has not stopped. He's only been quieted because he hasn't figured out another manner in which to spew his lies and threats without the Syndicate poaching his tripe and editing it with the truth.

    Korff's behavior speaks for itself... Korff is too much a pussy to apologize to those he hurt, lied to, threatened and stole from so, a little pee in his mouth seems appropriate to me.

    You reap and swallow what you spew.

  10. "But "dig you up and pee in your mouth".

    ---This was actually a spoof on my tendency to post somewhat overwrought and over-dramatic declarations (see the preceding post to the "pee in your mouth" one). No offense taken here - but if Kalvin takes offense, then that's all to the good.

    You are worthless vermin, Kalvin. We will follow you to the gates of hell if you do not fall to your knees now and beg forgiveness from that fine philanthropist, Waldo Sedgewick.

  11. AnonymousMay 22, 2013

    Too bad not much news is coming out of India. Surely Korff is engaged in one swindle or another. That's what he has done most of his life. Exaggerate, lie and threaten. That sums up Korff.

  12. AnonymousMay 22, 2013

    It seems that India may be closing down as well. As Korff's Face Book posting dwindle and the posting of his "articles" on the "media giant" have nearly ceased, and Korffer's from around the world have e-mailed whomever and wherever Korff makes the mistake of broadcasting their name of, any available opportunities for Korff to con, lie and fraud his way into are shrinking down to nary a one.

    Because of Korff’s misguided and poorly thought out use of the World Wide Web to disseminate his lunatic information and behavior, it’s all just a click away, positioning Kal K. Korff just a click away from fully deserved obscurity.

  13. AnonymousMay 22, 2013

    "But "dig you up and pee in your mouth".
    The orangutan seem to like so what's the big deal?

  14. Suggestion, FN.

    I appreciate the list of folks who "follow" Kalvin. Would it be possible to maintain a standalone list of such people - Facebook friends, YouTube dupes, Twitter followers, Indian university administrators, whatever - with a link to such list from the blog?

    You could take names off the list as and when such people disassociate themselves from the loon.

  15. Brit_in_PragueMay 23, 2013

    I do hope you're not going to pronounce on the murder of a British soldier by Muslim fanatics in London, "Colonel".

  16. AnonymousMay 23, 2013

    "I do hope you're not going to pronounce on the murder of a British soldier by Muslim fanatics in London, "Colonel"."

    Oh Hell's Bell's, I'm positive that ol' "S-3" is on the trail. They probably knew all about it before it happened. The problem was Colonel "Fat-Ass" couldn't get a quick enough flight to London to stop it. Right Pudgy?

  17. AnonymousMay 24, 2013

    Expect a major update to the Korffie Leak site and the youtube channel soon.

    Don Ecker has uncovered some very interesting information.

    Korffing Syndicate

  18. AnonymousMay 24, 2013

    "Expect a major update to the Korffie Leak site and the youtube channel soon."

    ---Well, you can bet that at least one person in the world will be on tenterhooks until all is revealed:

    Colonel KalIsrael Karlton Korff.
