Friday, January 24, 2014

Kal Korff, Thief Lying Lair!

January 24, 2014 ~ Facebook post... 

Kal K. Korff: I was at this event in 1984 and remember it very, very well. It was during this time and in the preceding days up to the launch that I got to see and meet and observe Steve Jobs very well and up close.

I'll never forget it. Meeting him changed my life, I decided to abandon a career in law enforcement and forensics I was pursuing for an eventual degree in Criminal Justice, and switched to IT instead.

Apple and Jobs have helped change the world, as one of their Think Different commercials famously and accurately said, "They help push the human race forwards."

Korff admires Jobs so much that he stole an Apple-owned video and inserted himself into it. Thief. And of course, let us not forget that Korff had just returned from Moscow as he fought terror, all by himself, a lone rogue agent, left to his own devices to fight the bad guys... NOT! LiarNanodust would make it's appearance 30 years later, among other bat shit crazy claims.

Here we present the frame before and after Korff inserted himself into that Apple commercial while the voice-over says, "We see genius."

we see a fraud. we see a liar. we see pure evil. 


  1. Youtube pulled "Think Critical" that video for copyright reasons. As they should. We could post it here but we think it's better not to, for obvious Korffing reasons.

    Do we have the master copy, of course we do.

  2. Colonel Fatass met president Eisenhower too, using a time machine. It's in his new book.

  3. Ha, ha, ha!!!!!!

  4. Yes, Kal is a "very special kind of stupid."

  5. I must really admit that I am "dying" to know what the status of "nano-dust" is. Like, is the S-3 guys and gals still using it? Are "we" still tracking the terrorists with "nano-dust"? Since Kalvin is no longer doing his secret agent stuff, if we are using it then who is trekking up to the border? Is Avim still involved or Martina? Come on Kal, like what is the story dude? A you still keeping up with your martial arts stuff? Does that belly of your get in the way when you are kicking the bad guys? Here is a hint ... lay off the fried foods and trans-fats. Drink lots of green tea and keep the rice cakes to an absolute minimum.

    Okay Kal .. go fight the good fight ... hahahahahahqhahahahahahahahaha!!!

  6. It is interesting, and certainly the sign of an unstable mind, that a person would float all that horse shit mentioned above and then... it never happened. No mention of it in almost 3 years now.

    10 years of claims, threats and claims and then... nothing.

    Like it NEVER happened.

  7. Brit_in_PragueJanuary 27, 2014

    "It is interesting, and certainly the sign of an unstable mind, that a person would float all that horse shit mentioned above and then... it never happened. No mention of it in almost 3 years now."


    My father was a doctor (a general practioner - "family doctor" in "US-speak").

    I remember him telling me about a schizophrenic patient he had had in the 1970s who was under the delusion that he was being followed on the street by Viet Cong.

    I asked my father how he knew the patient wasn't *really* being followed by Viet Cong.

    My father replied that after a lay-off, the patient reappeared at the surgery, this time claiming to be under constant surveillance by Doctor Who (a UK children's tv character). "What about the Viet Cong who were following you?" my father asked. The patient looked blank for a second, and then replied "Oh - they went away."

    Kalvin's behaviour has always put me in mind of this incident.

  8. Brit_in_PragueJanuary 27, 2014

    One more thing: I have discussed mental health issues and mental health care over the years with a (Czech) psychiatrist of my acquaintance - the wife of an British friend of mine.

    They moved to Britain a couple of years ago, and I caught up with them recently on a visit back to Prague.

    She had to take a couple of exams before she could work in Britain, but anyway - she makes her living there now within the UK health service.

    She said that she could achieve a lot more with her skills in Britain than she ever could in Prague. One of the reasons for that is that a person who is mentally ill in the UK can, under certain circumstances, be hospitalised against his or her own will. You need the signature of various people - for example a doctor, a policeman and a magistrate (local judge), I think. But here in the Czech Republic there is no such system. A person who is nuts is free to self-harm, self-medicate and what have you without interference or help if s/he doesn't want it. Only if such a person is a danger to others can the authorities act.

    I'd be interested to hear what the setup is in the United States. But one thing is for sure - the Czech Republic was the last place for someone like Kalvin to relocate to.

  9. Stop_LYING_Korff!!!January 29, 2014

    ... and the lies continue ...

  10. Facebook Korffing Update

    How would we know the truth here Korff? You never, EVER, released the promised "report" on that speech you said you attended with a handful of "students".

    Lying fucking liar.

    Kal Korff: Honestly, I don't consider Obama to be a "great" speaker. I don't think he even works a teleprompter very well. I have seen him in person speak, his artificial schtick is so predictable, I was doing impressions of it in the audience in front of Czechs (he was in Prague) and predicting what phrases he would use. He did! And I am not psychic nor an expert on these things. Yet if it is obvious to me, it must be obvious to others.

  11. Posted 10 hours ago, no Likes, no "views", no nothing.


    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. Here's my latest international piece, it's about how Egypt has largely completed its Muslim Brotherhood "Spring" and has purged the group from Egyptian politics.

  12. Check Korff calling out that Bieber kid for doing exactly (and less) than Korff himself.


    Lying Liar

    Kal Korff: He should be deported. He keeps breaking the laws which violate his visa. Cut him off from La La land and he'll be humbled.

  13. Korff again, talking out his ass and wishing his past would just go away. It won't ass wipe. We will never stop hounding you with the truth.

    Kal Korff: Not surprised he apologized. Not REALLY sure he truly means it. Fact is, he should have never said it. He COULD have just said "No comment, not in scope" or something like that. Instead, he rationalizes his rude behavior by saying he's "passionate." No excuse. As a politician he should know better.

  14. More lies from Facebook...

    Kal Korff: When I was living in the USA, the only consistently decent quality treatment I could receive came from specialists. Luckily, one of them liked my book exposing the Meier UFO cult, and I was able to see him at his private practice anytime I needed to.

    I have only gone to specialists since.

  15. The "major fatass" said;

    "Kal Korff: When I was living in the USA, the only consistently decent quality treatment I could receive came from specialists. Luckily, one of them liked my book exposing the Meier UFO cult, and I was able to see him at his private practice anytime I needed to.

    I have only gone to specialists since."

    Say "wide load", do your specialists also handle "mental problems?" If so, allow me to recommend you check in with them. You still need immediate help ... ass wipe!

  16. I wonder what kind of "specialists" they have in India, for free and the homeless....?
