Saturday, February 1, 2014

Understanding Korff

Facebook post from January 31, 2014

Kal K. Korff, "This is something my "kritics" will never understand. While legitimate critics are one thing, "kritics" are never legitimate. They just delude themselves into "thinking" they are."

The value of the Korffing Syndicate is not your view of our opinion, but rather the worlds view of the truth.

Immediately after the Korffie Leak site went active, you stopped making wild ass claims, threatening people with lawsuits and posting lunatic videos on your youtube channels.

The Syndicate outed you as the lying, thieving fuck that you are and you had no choice but to behave as if nothing happened between 2007 and 2010.

We've won Korff, you lost a decade of your life to telling lies and making threats, the majority of which were untrue and never happened. What you value doesn't matter. Your past behavior will hound you for the remainder of your live.


  1. This guy will never "get it".

  2. Kal K Korff, a lying, rude, obnoxious and crude individual. A delusional and fantasizing moron who imagines himself the hero of every movie, the behind the scenes director of every television show, the star secret agent of every intelligence agency ... and the lover of every beautiful woman. Then he wakes up, looks into the mirror .. sees his gut ... and shuffles off to another day of drudgery. Yea wide load ... we know you ...

  3. Klassic Korffing post right there!

  4. 8 hours ago

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. Here's my latest international piece in the newspapers today. Thanks again for your interest.

    5 hours ago

    Peter Lynn Martin Which newspapers?


  5. Kal Korff: Not sure this is a record to be "proud" of, you'd have to ask a DumboCrat to get any insights into this issue.

    Poll Bill Clinton most forgivable liar

  6. "Dumbocrat".

    Oh, very witty, Kalvin. What a wag you are.

  7. The guy has such delusions of grandeur.

  8. "Dumbocrat."

    You really do go for the tortured, juvenile play on words, don't you Karlton?

  9. You are vermin, Korff.

  10. Korff inhaled some of his nanodust. He's a nanocrat now.

  11. For six or seven years, now, I have thought about you at least once every single day.

    Every since your shitty newspaper column vomited itself into my consience (I read Metropolitni expres every day on my way to work).

    I really hate you for the way you have invaded my life like this, Karlton. I have have never even met you.

    I really wish you would shuffle off this mortal coil so that I could - in that ghastly Californian psychobabble phrase - have some "closure".

    Any chance, scum-sucker?

    I hope a typhoid-laden turd goes down the wrong way when you next sup from the the public water system in your adopted hometown.

  12. Jimmy D said...
    For six or seven years, now, I have thought about you at least once every single day.

    wow...... You sound like you've been raped by Korff.

  13. Korffing Face Book Update

    Lying liar...

    Kal Korff: I very fondly remember when I worked at LLNL their earlier laser programs.

  14. "You sound like you've been raped by Korff."

    --- It's not as bad as all that. I don't think about him all the bloody time. But one of the first things I do when I come into work in the morning is check this blog. That's pretty sad, I think.

    Maybe I should just go cold turkey - which is what I think F1 Racer has done. We haven't heard from him for a while ... and he was one of KKK's most zealous critics (sorry, "kritics").

  15. I treat this situation and Korff as part of my life's work. Sometimes I really get in some good Korffing, other times I'm just touching bases.

    Same with Santa, he's pretty much checked out since Korff stopped most of his crap.



  16. Not a single like, view and nobody cares.... As it should be.

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. Here's my latest international piece in the printed and online press today. This one is about Turkey pressing the EU to become a member.


  17. I think, simply for shits and giggles, I will repeat myself ...

    "Kal K Korff, a lying, rude, obnoxious and crude individual. A delusional and fantasizing moron who imagines himself the hero of every movie, the behind the scenes director of every television show, the star secret agent of every intelligence agency ... and the lover of every beautiful woman. Then he wakes up, looks into the mirror .. sees his gut ... and shuffles off to another day of drudgery. Yea wide load ... we know you ..."

    Ah ... now I feel better!

  18. Facebook Update

    8 hours ago

    No Likes, No comments. The world turns.....

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. Here's my latest piece in the printed and online press/media today. This article is about the Republicans and some of the amazing things they say. It starts with remarks by low level Republicans, then ends with dumb statements made by their past presidential contenders, supposedly the "brightest lights" in the party, right?

  19. Korffing Facebook Update

    In keeping with holding Korff responsible for his many lies; Korff talks about "sheiks" here. What about this sheik Korff. You remember Khalid Mohammad don't you....

    Lying liar.'s_Research_Dec_22_2011_001.html


    Kal Korff: Well some "sheiks" have so many "wives" and women in their harems, (thinking of the Saudis) it's hard for these guys to sometimes keep them all straight

    How do you know you're REALLY looking at a 'woman' if you can't see her, bro?

  20. Posted on Facebook by the bloated person you see on this blog.....

    Kal Korff: Just what Americans need more of, right?

    Coke’s latest move: A soda machine in every home.

  21. February 6

    Kal Korff: I find hypocrisy outright appalling.

  22. Kal Korff is nothing but a 'has been'.

  23. You disgust me, Korff.
