Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Kal K. Korff - Prosecuted!

As we await the release of Korff’s autobiography e-book: “Terrorism and Consumer Fraud, My Life of Lies”...

we will continue exposing the latest Korff scam; the nonexistent Noble World School. We invite you to look over his website and come to your own conclusion, however, the Korffing Syndicate is confident that anyone giving this material a cursory glance will come to the same conclusion; this is a scam; there is no school, their Facebook page and website has not been updated since Feburary 2014, and their Twitter account remains unused.

Kal Korff is attempting to foist another education based scam, this time on the people of India, the last time, on the people of the Czech Republic. We will do everything in our power to expose this scam.


  1. AnonymousJune 24, 2014

    Oh Wow! Tubby the wayyyyy overweight Pedo! Tubby the pathological liar! Tubby who can't come back to the USA because too many people want to get his flabby ass into court....

  2. AnonymousJune 24, 2014

    "Sure glad I'm not Kevin Randle or Royce Meyers or David Biedney. Things just keep getting worse and worse for them."

  3. AnonymousJune 24, 2014

    January 2012

    Kal Korff: Speaking of universities, unless I delay my plans, I intend to finish my Master's Degree in about a year, once I resume it.

  4. "They Weren't Green"June 24, 2014

    How honorable and humbling.

  5. AnonymousJune 25, 2014

    How rightfully and humblingly honorable.

  6. "They Weren't Green"June 25, 2014

    Such an honor, to be so humbled.

  7. AnonymousJune 25, 2014

    All you have to do is stop, Kalvin.

  8. AnonymousJune 26, 2014

    Hey webmaster, how about some more pictures of the fat ass in his soldier costume and his paintball guns? I really miss those pictures and fat asses claims of having had a meal with the "Troops"! Oh yea, and him holding up his vials of nano-dust! Oh for the good old days!

  9. AnonymousJune 26, 2014


  10. AnonymousJune 26, 2014

    We expect a new thread shorty, and more photos at your command.

  11. Brit_in_PragueJune 27, 2014

    Just booked our summer holiday in France, Karlton.

    Where will you be going? Somewhere with running water?


  12. Brit_in_PragueJune 27, 2014

    ... and by "running water" I'm not talking about your own "al fresco" piss ...

  13. AnonymousJune 28, 2014

    Hey Lard Ass, 70 days and counting, 70 days and then we see your big book, right?

