Saturday, June 28, 2014

This might not be the best idea - Question #1

so·ci·o·path: a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

psy·cho·path: a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc.

Korffer's do we have treat for you to close out June, 2014. This was a very humbling and honored month to be a Korffer. Not only did the Syndicate make public Korff's new scam but this blog, the blog to beat all blog, got a much needed face lift. Same Korff material, same Village Idiot, just a different look.

The Syndicate contacted Big Don Ecker and we asked him to answer a few of our questions. Mr. Ecker granted our request. We are listing the questions as responses to this thread so you Korffer's will not have to scroll and scroll to get to the bottom of the post. You're welcome. 

Question #1 

When did you become aware of Kal Korff?

While the Director of Research for UFO Magazine, I first learned of Korff when he was sucking up to and hanging on the tails of William “Bill” Moore and Stanton Friedman. At that time both men were very well known and respected UFO researchers. At that time Korff was a huge critic of the so called “Billy Meier” UFO case out of Switzerland. I suppose if anyone had been looking then, Korff’s psychopathic behavior would have been apparent because of the then vicious feud that seemed to spring up between those two factions.


  1. Love it. Love the interview. Love the zany graphic. Love it!

  2. I'll take Grassy Knoll for $100, AlexJune 29, 2014

    Big Don's mention of Korff's mom brought back to mind a question I'd had since going through the Kurtis Korff saga. Is there any way to quantify how much of her activity in Kal's bizarre post-1999 life has been active participation vs. a passive "victim" upon which he was pulling his own scam? No doubt she has been misled & lied to as anyone else in his life, but her appearance on the X-Zone show with Kal raised my eyebrows as it seemed she was playing an active role in perpetuating Kal's scam.

    Was she just being duped? Sad as it sounds I've been hoping so. But learning more about the Stolen Valor epidemic amongst other things compelled me to come to grips with the fact that not all elderly people are nice old ladies & men. Some lie, cheat, steal, work frauds, and deserve to be held accountable for it. She still has my compassion but I can't help wonder if she was aware that Kal really wasn't a Kernal, and if so she was helping snowjob whomever was listening. I cringe at the thought of being cruel over the matter but that's that's the way it came across. Was he shining her on as well, or was she part of the scam?

  3. My instinct is to keep Dot out of this.

    The dirtbag jailbird brother is worthy of the occasional backhand swipe, but I don't believe the ma is fair game.

  4. AnonymousJune 30, 2014

    Mine as well. Even if Ma is a knowing partner in this, to any degree, Korff put all this in motion and Korff is keeping all the plates spinning. Mother's love their kids. In this case, the kid cares very little for the parent(s). That isn't the parents fault, by and large.

  5. AnonymousJune 30, 2014

    That new image is just so classic! Damn, I wouldn't want to be Kal Korff right about now.

    Doing an image search on Kal Korff must be a bruising activity for Korff, his family, his co-workers, if he has any.

    Kal Korff: "They're all haters, there's nothing to it".

    Even if that was the only truth, any intelligent person would ask...

    "But why has then been going on for over 5 years Kal? It seems to me that you must have done something wrong for this to go on endlessly?"

    Kal Korff: "I exposed them to the truth."

    "What truth? I can't find any actual results to any of these claims you made?"

    Kal Korff: "Oh it's out there, you just can't understand it."

    "Can you show me some of these results?"

    Kal? Kal?

    Ha, ha, ha!

  6. I'll take Grassy Knoll for $100, AlexJune 30, 2014

    Understood and agreed, Gents. Keep on Korffing.

  7. ... the neo-nazi father, on the other hand ...

  8. Brit_in_PragueJuly 02, 2014

    Has the Great Man pronounced on the USA's glorious defeat last night?

    Great game, you Yanks. Not a dive, not a whine ... no rolling on the floor clutching imaginary injuries.

    Clean, honest talented effort. The polar opposite of the worthless vermin that is Kolonel Kalvin Karlton Korff.

  9. Brit_in_PragueJuly 02, 2014

    Has the Great Man pronounced on the USA's glorious defeat last night?

    Great game, you Yanks. Not a dive, not a whine ... no rolling on the floor clutching imaginary injuries.

    Clean, honest talented effort. The polar opposite of the worthless vermin that is Kolonel Kalvin Karlton Korff.

  10. "They Weren't Green"July 02, 2014

    How humbling and honorable.

  11. AnonymousJuly 03, 2014

    Just look at the different between the photo next to Big Don's posts and the photo on the Noble World site.

    I reckon he's (physically) sick with something.

    Unfortunately (arf, arf), his options are limited. Getting treated in India (good luck with that, if you don't have expensive health insurance) or India (luck with that, if you don't have expensive health insurance) or maybe Prague (not expensive - but you can bet Kal still couldn't afford it and wasn't eligible anyway, as I'm sure he never lived there as a legal resident ... and in any case, the cops are waiting for him).

    Don't have a lot of options at this point, do you, you lying pedo scumbag?

  12. AnonymousJuly 03, 2014

    how about a picture of captain korff fighting the gorn?

  13. AnonymousJuly 03, 2014

    LOLOLOLOLOL yay!!!

  14. AnonymousJuly 07, 2014

    Don't forget that Kalvin is on Linkedin. I have been sending him little reminders that we are still out here, watching his every move.

  15. Bless the Beasts and ChildrenJuly 08, 2014

    What kind of a joke ass resume does he have on his Linkedin? That should be a fun post. Still claiming accredited blah blah blah newspaper dufous journalist scam? Or has he updated to tub of lard Headmaster scam.

    What's the new scam, Kal?

  16. AnonymousJuly 08, 2014

    We'll do a thread on this soon. At the present time, Korff has a profile up there, very basic.

    His India profile has been removed. It looked very much like his current profile.

    Old profile:

    Kal Korff - India | LinkedIn

    Central Delhi, Delhi, India -

    ‎Investigative Journalist, Columnist, former Dir. of Human Resources at Daily Post, Dir. of Branding, Spec. Adv to Owner

  17. AnonymousJuly 09, 2014

    I am waiting for your expert World Cup analysis, "Colonel".

  18. AnonymousJuly 09, 2014

    Poor Kal, his lies get as big as his gut seems to be. AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    F1 Racer
    still not sued

  19. "They Weren't Green"July 10, 2014

    So humbled, so honored.

  20. AnonymousJuly 10, 2014

    Yeah - did you hear about when Kal took his vacation by the seaside?

    When he lay down to sunbathe, Greenpeace showed up and rolled him into the water...

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