Monday, November 17, 2014

Can You Say Failure...

Kalvin Korff posted this on his Facebook wall on November 17, 2014

The Korffing Syndicate rights this wrong...
The book, or series of books... worth $2000! Someone on Amazon has offered a seller $2000 for a copy of Korff's unreleased book. We've sent a message to the seller, asking for proof that he has the book and that we might pay even more if he really does have the book.... Please don't forget to read the "reviews" on this book.... LINK - Korffing is fun.

Bad English, Korff Should Know...
WAG FaceBook Update - Get a load of this Korffers, Korff posted this link via his uber liberal high school teacher. All Korffer's know Kalvin Karlton Korff knows English like he knows low calorie foods, Korff does know falsehoods... lies, false claims, call them what you will, Kalvin Korff equals; failure.
Korff posted this on November 25, 2014. No mention by Korff regarding his lie that he was part of the OJ prosecution team. Korff lied about this. Read the web page for the facts.


  1. Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Kal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen ValorKal Korff Stolen Valor

  3. Have we yet addressed that the CEO of Apple has come out as a gay man where we know that in the past Kal K. Korff has shown to be a homophobe once saying he used to like Judas Priest until he found out Rob Halford was gay???? Does this now mean that Kal K. Korff is going to suck Tim Cook's dick now because we all know how much Kal loves Apple. Is Kal suddenly going to come out and support gay rights because of it??? Doubtful being that Kal is nothing less than a hate monger.

  4. You are correct fellow Korffer. The Syndicate did mull over using Cook's mug on the image, after some thought we though that using Jobs' mug made more since and, we need to do another Hater of the Gays thread at some point, and soon, regarding this new gay information and how it affects Wide Load's homophobic mental illness and behavior.

    For those not up on Korff's Hatred of the Gays, here's a breakdown of that information:

  5. $2000! Best money spent ever!

  6. Wow! 2 thousand bucks for a non-existent book!! Okay gang, lets get real .. this must of come from a Korffer to get this re-listed on Amazon because they pulled the book because it never happened! Just so the public could read the reviews on our favorite Village Idiot! I mean, who in hell would be dumb enough to want to purchase a book that was never published except maybe our favorite Village Idiot? Hmm???

  7. One smart Korffer right there...

  8. Damn, what the reflection of Korff must look like when he stares back at himself.

    That's gotta hurt.

  9. Breaking News!

    Korff is pulling another fast one, please, send an e-mail to these people and tell them the type of lunatic they are dealing with.

    Korff is the blogger for Clean Up India sponsored by the media giant he "writes" for.

    As always Korff lied again. Korff told his FB "friends' that he was invited to be a part of this. Horseshit! The media giant he "writes" for is heading this doomed to fail project.

    Jesus, Korff will never tell the truth no matter what the issue is.

    In any case, please check out this blog and contact them (might be Korff answering them) and tell'em to watch their back and pocket book.

    Hey Korff, anything you do with a web presence, we will find you dim witted moron.

    Fucking Korff, what a lard ass loser.

  10. Holy shit! Check out the FAQ section on that blog. An obvious example of Korff's IT work. Ha, ha, ha!


    HOW does it work?

    Cleaning up India is simple:

    1. Identify a spot that needs cleaning.

    2. Clean it.

    3. SHARE before and after photos with your friends and the rest of the world, showing the place(s) that you have cleaned.

    Yeah, this is going to work. A third world country populated by people worried about where their next meal will come from and finding a clean place to take a shit, and they're going to use all that free time cleaning up and taking selfies of their work, for free.

    India, fuck yeah!

  11. YES! A taste of what they have to look forward to. Raving, drooling, incoherent rambling. Good to see you back to form, Kernal Klownface.


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    Leave your comment

    Korffers - comment away!

  13. A quick look over all the posts Korff wrote... not a singe comment, not a one. failure again.

  14. "A quick look over all the posts Korff wrote... not a singe comment, not a one. failure again."

    ---well, we know what we have to do. Or are "comments moderated in advance"?

  15. Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor Kal Korff Stolen Valor

  16. 76 Days of Failure

    DOF 76

  17. 43 page views for a post made a month ago. just burning up that traffic. some media giant and some ace reporter turned free blogging correspondent. "you can brag about it all you like" must have been the promise.

    i tell ya again Kal, if you really want to clean up India BRING THOSE PEOPLE SOME REAL FUCKING BROOMS for starters. maybe then someone would take it seriously. and it comes off that you are seriously exploiting them by sharing up pictures of those poor slobs standing around with their ridiculous hand-made wicker brooms. cleanup technology has made advances since the 12th century fuckwit!

  18. Korffing Quote of the Day:

    12th century fuckwit!

    Works both ways.

  19. Key Korff, here's more JFK material for you to chew on you fucking liar.

  20. BUPKIS!!! DipSHIT!!!


  21. Over on freekurtis, I noticed he mentioned in "My lie story" that he spent the summer in 9th grade at NASA working on the viking lander probe. Any more info on this?

  22. No more info on it. We have found that many of Korff's claims happened many decades ago, long before the internet, etc., so confirming seemingly simple things like his claim that he was on the Larry King Show; "Where were You" on the TNT network on November 22, 1993 is harder than one would think.

    We contacted the World Council Affairs in SF and asked about his claim that he was asked to give a speech there in 1980, that's a lie because they looked in the archives and Korff's name doesn't come up at all.

    That was one of the few claims we could confirm.

    Of course, Korff could have gone to that event, and he could have asked a question on an open mic, just like he did during the planetary meeting in the CZ, but Korff sold that claim (backed up by a photo taken in the arena it was held) that he was asked to speak there, another lie.

    Certainly we would rather have more clean and firm confirmations of the many claims and lies of Kalvin Karlton Korff, however, we have so many out and out lies that we've called out as lies, based on solid facts, that only the most ardent supporter of Korff (his Mother) would ever ask for more proof.

    I assume that Korff went to Space Camp in Texas or Florida, just like hundreds of other children. Of course in Korff's case I'm certain he was invited based on his high IQ and his obvious mental talents that were already on display by October 19, 1973, when he was 11 years old and he reached consciousness, or being self-aware.

    Happy horse shit Kalvin.

    Korffing is fun.


  23. 79 DOF, the success kontinues.

  24. WAG FaceBook Update

    So do we Korff, so do we...

    Kal Korff: I love "history"

  25. Can't wait to read the big mans thesis... ha, ha, ha!

    Comment regarding artartic ice thickness.

    Kal Korff: This new data will help CORRECT flaws in existing climate models. Regardless of what said models show, what matters most and is most relevant is that they are accurate, period.

  26. The great predictor... fucking ass hat, loser, lying motherfucking thief.

    Run away Korff, run away.

    You'll debate anyone, anytime.

    Yeah, right, you pansy ass, thumb up your own ass, cock gobbler.

    God I despise you.

    Kal Korff: Well it's official now: NO CHARGES as predicted. I hope those who would try to commit violence over this, as well as those liberals and "progressives" who "judged" this police officer will learn from this and look inward. The whole case was being exploited by race baiters, extremists and haters, as well as people who just didn't know any better.

    CONspiracy nuts will now claim there was a "cover-up," regardless.

  27. Fuck you Korff.

    But his latest claim, and his latest rant, deserve some coherent comment. He has been claiming that he has been involved in wargames somewhere along the Pakistani and Afghan border. He is leading, according to his latest set of lies, an international team to fight terrorism. And when he finished with his afternoon of mock combat, he sat down to Thanksgiving dinner with the troops... the inference being that these were American service members because we are the only ones to have celebrated Thanksgiving on the day Kal was making his rounds.

  28. Wow Tubby! Now it is 83 days and still no sign of that promised book. Do you talk to your mother out of that lying pie hole?

  29. Stop_LYING_Korff!!!November 27, 2014

    Every Thanksgiving, the first thing I think of is you, Kalvin.

    "Dinner with the troops."

  30. Dinner With The TroopsNovember 27, 2014

    A lie or series of lies.

    Kal Korff (profile now deleted:

    I am an Investigative Journalist and Columnist for Daily Post newspaper, its former Director o…

    Current: Investigative Journalist, Columnist, former Dir. of Human Resources at Daily Post, Dir. of Branding, Spec. Adv to Owner

  31. While reading this Korff FaceBook post, remember the case of Kurtis Korff; Dirtbag Brother to Kalvin.

    Kal Korff: November 24 at 5:55pm ·

    Well, in a few mins the Ferguson verdict will be announced. I'm going out on a proverbial limb and predicting they won't find anything to press charges over. We will see. What matters is that what is right be done, no egos should be involved nor other agendas, only truth which will hopefully lead to justice.

  32. Brit_in_PragueNovember 28, 2014

    Kurtis. Have you retired? Or are you still engaging in criminal activities?

    I think we should be told.

  33. End of the year, holiday thread coming very soon.


  34. Please Santa - stay off the sauce long enough this year to put in an appearance!!

  35. "They Weren't Green"November 28, 2014

    What an honor it must be, to be so humble.

  36. Ha, ha, ha! Klassic!

    "... If justice were karma you'd be forced to hide out in some 3rd world country like India ... "
