Saturday, November 29, 2014

Korff Countdown to a Lifetime of Failure

As we close out another year of Korffing, the Korffing Syndicate presents a graphic display of the days, weeks, months, years and DECADES which has passed since Korff made some of his most outrageous and egregious lies and claims. We could add another 100 count up clocks but we think the point has been made.
Time doesn't lie, Kalvin Karlton Korff does.

PS, Santa in a Floppy Hat is readying his first video appearance since March 10, 2012.

Syndicated Liar

Korff Posted This

We corrected his post with an upcoming event.


  1. Santa is warming up. By the look of the gleam in his eye and his very pissed off mood, I expect something interesting is coming... and soon!

  2. I've done research on why can't I turn off the CAPTCHA: having to type in letters or numbers to leave an anonymous comment. Here's what I found out:


    CAPTCHA Screening Added, For Anonymous Commenters, Is Not Optional.

    If you don't want to hassle the CAPTCHA, make up a fake gmail e-mail account and make sure you're logged into that gmail account before you come to this blog, you will not see the CAPTCHA pop-up.

    Other than that, there's no fix for the big brother issue.

    Sorry for the hassle. Blame the spammers.


  3. Oh, we did figure out the issue as to why the menu on the right side moved to the bottom of the page; we posted an image in October that was a little bit too large and that pushed the menu off the right side and to the bottom of the page. We resided it and bingo, no more issue. Live and Learn.

    Korffing is Fun.
    God Bless Don Ecker.

    The Korffing Syndicate

  4. "They Weren't Green"November 30, 2014

    It is very honorable to be so humble.

  5. Dinner with the TroopsNovember 30, 2014

    he was an Acting Ensign Korff back then, like little Wesley Crusher. officer material but still too young to steer the ship on his own without Data sitting there to make sure nothing gets too fucked up while Captain Picard is off the bridge

  6. Like Wesley Crusher? Nah, sorry but not even close. More like the ship's "fuck up" janitor who while swabbing the deck keeps kicking over the water bucket and then has too work twice as long and still leaves a damp deck. Right Tubby?

  7. Santa is hard at working cleaning out his mobile home in preparation for a blow out video or series of videos!

  8. Tick toc .. tick toc .. tick toc .. and time keeps slipping past .. right Tubby?

  9. How do we just know it: Current former director of Human Resources and Advisor to the Owner = onetime FB "friends", now blocked.

  10. The Syndicate has contacted the people in charge of this YouTube Channel.

    We shall see....

  11. My, my, my! Looking like it is now 3 Months PAST DUE on that book you promised Turd Boy. Where is that book? Like everything else you've promised all these years past ... out your lying pie hole and into the ether ... never to be mentioned by you again. Let me ask you Lard Butt, don't you ever get tired of your ongoing and continuous, plus I might add, huge record of failure? My God, what a total fuckup you have been and by all accounts, will always be. And while I am thinking about it, how is all that shit cleanup coming along in India there Turd Boy? Hmm?

  12. "And while I am thinking about it, how is all that shit cleanup coming along in India there Turd Boy? Hmm?"

    Korff promised, yes... once again, to post videos and photos of the event(s), the sweeping, the picking up, the cleaning up, of India.

    Nothing. ZERO.

    At the least, Korff's behavior is very consistent.

  13. In the 16th and 17th centuries, everything had to be transported by ship and it was also before the invention of commercial fertilizers, so large shipments of manure were quite common.

    It was shipped dry, because in dry form it weighed a lot less than when wet, but once water (at sea) hit it, not only did it become heavier, but the process of fermentation began again, of which a by product is methane gas of course.

    As the stuff was stored below decks in bundles you can see what could (and did) happen.

    Methane began to build up below decks and the first time someone came below at night with a lantern, BOOM!

    Several ships were destroyed in this manner before it was determined just what was happening

    After that, the bundles of manure were always stamped with the instruction ' Stow high in transit ' on them, which meant for the sailors to stow it high enough off the lower decks so that any water that came into the hold would not touch this volatile cargo and start the production of methane.

    Thus evolved the term ' S.H.I.T ', (Stow High In Transit) which has come down through the centuries and is in use to this very day...and likely why politicians always fly instead of using shipboard transport...

    You probably did not know the true history of this word.

    Neither did I.


  14. Dinner With The TroopsDecember 04, 2014


    Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies

  15. The Shit Head Speaks.... Check the CAPITAL LETTERS...

    Kal Korff: Did you know that DIARRHEA was the LEADING CAUSE of death among soldiers during the American Civil War?
    Soldiers had a code of honor against shooting at someone while they were going to the bathroom.

  16. 90 days, 3 months... failure on an epic level.

    And what does the WAG tell us from the Wide Loads FaceBook Wall...

