Thursday, April 23, 2015

A new promise and what will ultimately be yet another lie.

As we ready a new thread, an amazing thread, a thread which will set the Korffing world on fire, we present this. WAG checks in on April 23 with a new promise and what will ultimately be another lie. or maybe it'll be a .PDF book, that's a book, right?

Kal Korff

Yes, it's REAL, and not a rightwing meme mile emoticon
You can enter the contest for a FREE copy by posting your guess below, messaging me, or emailing me at:


  1. Ooo, Tubby Cupecake is doing an expose on Hilda Beast? Be still my achy-breaky ASS! So, I guess this is superceding his past due book or series of books?? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Oh geeze .. it gets better and better!

  2. My my, there he is Kalvin Kupcake begging and pleading ... Oh Notice me, Notice me .. here I am .. a real and credited Journalist!! I'm gonna write an expose on Hilliary Clinton!! Notice me PLUEEESE! Tell me how brave I am ... PLUEEESE!

    Hey Kalvin ... why don't you just go and have another piece of pie ... and shut that braying pie-hole of yours ... for once you MotherFucking disgrace to the Human Race.

  3. I notice that the is a hyperlink. Goody, let the e-mails begin.

  4. Its open season for Korffers.

    You never learn, do you, "Colonel"?

  5. Brit_in_PragueApril 24, 2015

    You really do need a bloody good hiding, Korff.

  6. Wow, Korff and Klinton!

    What do Hilliary Clinton and Kalvin Karlton Korff have in common?

    Well ... they are both Lying, Scheming and Psychopathic morons grasping for power over other people. Hilliary has a phony war record and so does Tubby KupKake. Somehow it makes sense that our Village Moron would "somehow" try to glom on to Hilda-Beasts coattails. Yup, makes sense.

  7. I thought a re-visit from January 17th might be in order......

    "It is amazing but after all these years quite a few people still visit this site to describe their loathing of Kal Korff. And what is even more amazing is the fact that Korff has been silent now for about 4 years. At least 4 years since his constant braying was finally closed down.

    Normally I would have long since moved on, forgetting about this very insignificant fool. I imagine the reason I still drop by here (and sometimes post) is that I can not forgive this buffoon for his attempts to harm a number of people for no other reason than they refused to bow down to this raging lunatic. People who Korff tried to cause major problems with their jobs, their families and their life. People who treated Korff kindly but this insignificant scum then took advantage of them. People who Korff stole from, stole property, stole valor and anything else that lunatic thought he could get away with. Well, I think we all know that sniveling fat ass coward will not be coming back to the USA anytime soon. He will continue to hide out in his Third World Shithole now pursuing his fantasy of being a "citizen journalist" leaving notes on his "locked down" FB page and growing increasingly fatter. Well Kal, you brought it all on yourself you lunatic, all on yourself. And NO, we won't go anywhere and we WILL NOT QUIT documenting your lunacy. You wanted some internet fame and Fat Boy --- you got it."

    January 17, 2015

    (Lest we forget)

  8. niedermeyerApril 24, 2015

    most "journalists" finding themselves overseas in what is a fascinating culture would be writing about it rather than making bogus crap for one-upping people on social media. the behavior of a loser.

  9. "They Weren't Green"April 25, 2015

    So much honor for one so humble ...

  10. Never let a good disaster go unhonored or unhumbled...


    Kal Korff: My heart goes out to the families and victims of this terrible earthquake. Here are some of the details as covered by one of our Editors, Mr, Ajit Chak, at the Daily Post India newspaper I do reporting for. I hope the death toll does not increase and that there are no problems with aftershocks.

  11. I'm not a robotApril 28, 2015

    i am sure the clamor for a free copy of kalvin's hillarystalk book is reaching a fever pitch. one download for lonnie franks, another for mom. that's dozens and dozens of people expressing an interest. humblebrag it up! colonel cupcake

  12. I'm thinking this thread has come to a proper end.

  13. This is all sooo beautiful! I love the quilts. Have recently started following your blog and I love your style!
    DAV School Unigorms
