Thursday, April 30, 2015

The epitome of insanity...

I drop by the “Kal Korff is an Idiot” blogsite once or twice each week. Why? I have been following Korff’s antics for years, I suppose ever since he was forced by radio personality Art Bell to apologize for lying about Bell back in the 1990’s. Back then Korff claimed that Art Bell heard that Korff was going to be interviewed on some obscure radio station in the south-west, a station that by the way, carried Bell’s massive Coast to Coast program, and Korff claimed that Art Bell threatened to pull his program from the station if they aired Korff. It was totally a false allegation by Korff, (and Korff’s lying is legendary.) Bell forced Korff to come on his massive show and admit he lied. Well, you would think this would have curbed Korff and his hugely unbalanced ego, it did not. If anything it appeared to push Korff onto even greater outrageous acts over the next several years.

I asked myself why I still bother to come to this site or to even occasionally place an anonymous comment here. Then it hit me, this lying and scheming little oddball has one hell of a lot to answer for.

Looking back to the late 1990’s up to about 2010, Korff routinely made blatantly outrageous lies and claims, attempted to terrorize anyone who challenged his statements, threatened to harm and terrorize critics, even going so far as to call the jobs and business of his critics in an attempt to get them fired from their jobs. In two of his more infamous scams he went out of his way to harm two people, one because at heart he, Korff, is a thief, and the other was his crippled intellect was so jealous of the man, he simply lunged from the shadows, coward that he is, in an attempt to have a man Korff perceived as a rival thrown out as a speaker from a prestigious Apple Corporation event.

In the first example listed above, he wormed his way into the confidence of a noted humanitarian in Prague, Czech Republic, managed to get hired to teach English to the humanitarian’s employee’s then misrepresented himself to an electronics store and outlet. Korff then, without any authority, ordered equipment that Korff claimed was on behalf of the humanitarian, without his knowledge, and took possession of this equipment in effect stealing it. When this was discovered and the heat came back on Korff with charges that he was a thief, then begged his mother back in the United States to pay for it. This ran into the thousands of dollars that Korff’s elderly mother had to pay, bailing her thief son out of criminal charges.

The second incident involved an annual Apple Corp. event taking place in the San Francisco, California area that involved noted Macintosh expert, David Biedny. David Biedny is a leading digital effects, graphics and multimedia expert. His writing, educational efforts, multimedia and special effects work have enjoyed global exposure. He’s a legend in the Macintosh industry, one that Korff found intimidating. Korff has claimed for years that he worked for Apple and also Claris. (Korff claimed he also either developed or helped develop Hypercard.) The only work claim that anyone could verify was that at one point Korff worked as a telephone tech for Apple. Typical Korff exaggerations and outright lies.

In the late 1990’s, after the Bell fiasco Korff began even more outrageous claims and  began a series of bullying tactics directed at critics that questioned some of these outlandish claims. One claim, that even today still resonates around Korff, are claims that he was a “secret operative” of a group Korff called the “Special Secret Services”. Korff claimed that this group was founded by Israeli Intelligence. At first he claimed he was a Captain and a short while later he claimed he was promoted to a full Colonel. To support these claims he took some photos of himself wearing a faux military uniform wearing two rank insignia; a Colonels “eagles” and a Lt. Colonels “leafs.” To anyone familiar with military rank, he was a Lt. Colonel/Colonel.  (Even more hilarious was the fact he wore the insignia sideways!)

Having moved to Prague, the Czech Republic, and affecting a very pronounced swagger Korff managed to initially wow some of the younger crowd and convinced them he was genuine... at first. He immediately claimed two of his “camp followers” were an adjutant and an aide. The first was a “Super Model” Lt. Martina Tycova, a young Czech woman who barely spoke English. Korff touted her as his primary “sock.” Korff was fond of sending threatening letters to people and then signing Tycova’s name to it. His second was Warrant Officer Avim whatever. Suddenly Korff announced to the world he was Jewish and anyone who questioned him on anything was a bigot! His claims came fast and furious now! He designedan atomic device (a bomb!) at 14 years of age. His proof? A blue science fairribbon! 

He began fighting terrorists while in high school ... including but not limited to out running machine gun toting assassins! He took an IQ test that Omni Magazine offered and his score was an astounding 219! He solved the JFK Assassination ... and even appeared on Larry King Live! (Unbelievable but yes ... he did make an appearance on LKL!) He was a legal consultant on the O.J. Simpson Civil Case. He had a bestselling book on the Roswell Case … disproving it! He searched for Saddam’s nukes in Iraq while a part of the Special Secret Services, he chased “skin-headed Nazi’s in Germany (with his Mother in tow) to out their Nazi activities, and as an inventor of “nano-dust” ( and no one has a clue what this is supposed to do!) and he traveled to the Pakistan border to “plant it” to track Islamo-terrorists! My good God, could Western Civilization finally be saved?

This lunacy continued for years until about 2010 with several things happening which finally curtailed our “chubby little loser.” The Kal Korff is an Idiot blog site had been detailing Korff’s “crazy” for years, then a web site exposing Korff’s lies in even greater detail was launched, at the same time a youtube channel took to re-editing Korff's videos as as well making their own videos, and the coup de gras; the Don Ecker Dark Matters Radio show devoted several shows detailing Korff and his antics with testimony from a number of people that Korff had targeted over the years. Ecker had attempted to get Korff to appear on his show to “explore” Korff’s claims and to be given a chance to refute what had publically been said about him but Korff refused. Instead Korff stole theidentity of a real lawyer in California and sent letters to Ecker and Ecker’s broadcaster. When Ecker contacted the attorney he had no knowledge of the matter and this was reported. Then when Korff was discovered to have fraudulently used that name Korff fraudulently stole the name of an Indian lawyer in India where Korff is living now. 

He resides in India to avoid Czech authorities interested in speaking to him about the stolen electronic equipment!  (The epitome of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.) With all this coming to a head, Korff finally disappeared! Now Kal Korff’s only outlet to the public is his Facebook page. A page that is totally locked down where no one can see anything he posts except those that Korff allows access to. 

Korff’s public humiliation is now complete and he is off the internet.  THERE IS A GOD!!



  1. AnonymousMay 01, 2015

    A very nice round up hitting all the high points of this (well named)Village Idiot!

    Boy, I would really REALLY hate being Kal Korff now!!

  2. AnonymousMay 01, 2015

    If any of you following this very sad saga are not aware of the thread on The Above Top Secret website, this is worth your time to scan through the thread which may give you additional information.

  3. AnonymousMay 02, 2015

    Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball - Oddball

  4. AnonymousMay 03, 2015

    WAG FaceBook Update

    Kal Korff: Since I'm Jewish, I can tell Jewish jokes and no one can accuse me of being "anti-Semitic" so here goes:

    Q: What does a Jewish pirate say?

    A: Ahoy vey!

  5. AnonymousMay 03, 2015

    Stolen valor.

  6. AnonymousMay 03, 2015

    And what of your iPads for Peace, and your Sweeping the Fecal Street of India?

    And before you say that we don't know, there is proof, etc., The internet is a wonderful research tool Korff. This is how we know that your school is not, nada.

    Example; show us one single media account about your nanodust activities that doesn't come from you. A single, actually report on those activities Korff.

    You can't, can you.

    You lying, thieving, ignorant lunatic.

    What of it Korff?

    You are the poster boy for humble bragging, aren't you Korff.

    Kal Korff: I think the work that this non-profit group does is fantastic, truly wonderful. I admire both Rabbi Eckstein and his daughter Yael and the always giving work they do, real compassionate humanitarians. Here Yael is explaining how another flight of Jewish refugees is coming from the war zone in Ukraine to settle in Israel. May YHWH bless and protect everyone.

  7. I'm not a robotMay 03, 2015

    The Korff family isn't Jewish any more than they are black. Kal is just a wannabe, a poseur, a loser, an outcast, a pariah, an unwelcome face at the table, and the biggest liar this side of Sean David Morton. You are exactly where you belong in the UFO Watchdog Hall of Shame, your threats and vile manipulations will never change that.

  8. AnonymousMay 05, 2015

    Want to ask Korff's 1980's class a few questions?

    This info is posted on his high school web site, public, very public.

    Class of 1980

    Interested in your 30 year reunion?
    It is scheduled for 7PM on 7/31/10 at
    Courtyard by Marriott Newark
    Please contact Great Reunions
    (800) 655-7971
    Tim Conama
    (612) 250-3366
    1774 125th Ct. N.E.
    Blaine, MN 55449

    Fred Davis
    (408) 446-4133

    Patty (Dickinson) Dobko
    (650) 619-4194

    Tamara (Howes) Alfaro
    (925) 838-3971

    Frank Klosky
    (510) 673-8429

    Carole Stedman
    (415) 299-2789

  9. AnonymousMay 06, 2015

    It looks like Kal Korff has reared his ugly head in a ufo discussion on facebook!!!!! Get your popcorn now because the circus is about to start!!

  10. AnonymousMay 06, 2015

    So Kal is trying to talk about computers on Facebook and said something about an article that was written in 1963 and the author not knowing about artificial intelligence. Korff didn't catch the article was written in 1963. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I wonder if Korff knows the father of computing Alan Turning was gay.

  11. AnonymousMay 06, 2015

    The Syndicate is archiving the UFO thread Korff has chimed in on.

    If the person who brought this to our attention could contact us we'd like to cross reference FB information with you when needed.

  12. AnonymousMay 06, 2015

    Someone post that Facebook ufo stuff!!!

  13. AnonymousMay 07, 2015

    I have a feeling that Kal has worn out his welcome in India and is being forced home so now he is trying to reintegrate back in tot he UFO field for his return home to the states.

  14. "They Weren't Green"May 07, 2015

    So much honor, yet so humble.

  15. AnonymousMay 07, 2015

    I don't think so. He chimes in on UFO threads fairly often. As best as we can tell, Korff does work for his media giant, he is married, he did help put together some kind of school which failed, and he had gotten VERY fat.

  16. AnonymousMay 07, 2015

    Kal Korff:


    As the author of the BESTSELLING EXPOSE of all time concerning "Roswell," I have a DUTY as a journalist and columnist to expose this and I will. TOMORROW it will be in our newspaper, which has a readership of over 700,000 people if you include online, printed, ePaper, etc.

    Stay tuned!

    Michael Hesemann: Dear Kal, the slide is not a hoax. It's authentic. It shows an Egyptian child mummy on display, placed on the typical linen mummy wrap. You can clearly see the display cards describing it for the visitors. Researchers should concentrate on the card which is clearly visible on the second photo just released by Jaime Maussan. It will probably reveal where this mummy was found. There is nothing mysterious on that slide. Well, a couple visited a museum some 60 or so years ago and took some pictures. Obviously the mummy fascinated them. Who is not fascinated by mummies? The slides were part of a huge slide colection found in their drawer. There is no testimony, since they died before. The problem are those sensationalist journalists (a former sports journalist with no classical education at all) who see in it what they want to see in it - like a Rorschach test! But, once again. It's not a hoax. It's a misidentification of an Egyptian child mummy, 2000-4000 years old (can't date it since no other datable artefacts are visible).

  17. AnonymousMay 07, 2015

    It looks like that dumb fuck Kal is going on about some alien pictures or something on this facebook page

  18. AnonymousMay 07, 2015

    Someone should hit that facebook discussion and post a link to here. LMAO

  19. AnonymousMay 07, 2015

    I went to that guys Facebook page. My mind will explode if I read to much of that UFO material, and having Korff constantly post images of his Roswell book finishes me off. No more.

  20. AnonymousMay 08, 2015

    Hey Kalvin .. there hasn't been any updates on your "shit cleaning detail" of late. How is that shit picking up project .. oh yeah ... and that piss mopping up thingy coming? Nary a word there from ya TB. Ditto on your school there Flabby, how is that project coming along? Wow, while I am thinking about it, no word, not even one fucking letter on your book or series of books OR your announced "tell all" on Hillary Clinton. Hey Bub, inquiring minds want to know! Oh I get it, just more promises to the rubes on your LOCKED DOWN Facebook page, eh? And if anybody pushes you too much you delete them before the rest of the dummies catch on, right? Yeah okay, got it now fatso, got it now.

  21. AnonymousMay 09, 2015

    WAG FaveBook Update

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. Just wanted to let those who are interested in this subject, know that the "Roswell" Slides Expose will be published shortly. It has bene greatly expanded to also be an overview piece on Roswell as a whole. I am also still waiting to hear back from a couple of people confirming the accuracy of their quotes. I sincerely thank everyone who has replied to my inquiries and supports publishing the truth. I expect to have the piece wrapped up by over the end of this weekend, it may be as long as some 10,000 words. We'll see. I does have several parts to it. If you have any other questions, please message me or send email to

  22. I'm not a robotMay 09, 2015

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. Just wanted to let those who are interested in this subject, know that the "Roswell" Slides Expose will be published shortly.

    So much for the Hillarystalk "book".

  23. AnonymousMay 09, 2015

    This is a little different, he does have his media giant to allow him to publish this "article"... Ha!

  24. AnonymousMay 09, 2015

    Kal Korff isn't intelligent enough to keep both projects on the burner simultaneously. He's an obsessive compulsive and a pathological liar.

  25. AnonymousMay 10, 2015

    You must hate yourself, that I'm sure of.

    May 8 at 11:34pm

    Kal Korff: I hate sloppy journalism.

  26. AnonymousMay 11, 2015

    The days, weeks and months tick away as no book, or series of books is released.

    Lies, lies, lies.

  27. AnonymousMay 11, 2015

    Just like your $25 million budget right... No, we hate you because you lie, and you cheat and you steal.

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. Ok, I broke down and bought a ticket to see the new Avengers: Age of Ultron movie in 3D tonight. I can't believe it will cost me 200 Indian Rupees to see it in this theatre, that's a whopping $3.13 just to see a newly released movie!
    Now my friends in the USA and Europe are going to hate me.

  28. AnonymousMay 11, 2015

    Korff I hate you because you are fat, ugly, and oh so ignorant. Oh yea, plus your mother dresses you funny. I also hate you because you lie, you are delusional,and you will never be a man in this life or any other. If I were to bump into you I would offer your greasy mouth breathing face to tell me and the world how fucking sorry you are ... and then I would try to NOT KICK YOUR YELLOW TEETH DOWN YOUR FUCKING NECK.

    Sorry, could not help myself with that last.

  29. "I can't believe it will cost me 200 Indian Rupees to see it in this theatre..."
    --- the thing is, "Colonel", you only earn 1,000 rupees a month.

    "Now my friends in the USA and Europe are going to hate me."
    ---"Friends?", Kalvin. "Friends?" You don't have any friends. Plenty of people already hate you enough as it is, though.

    You are lying, thieving scum, Korff.

  30. AnonymousMay 13, 2015

    Ha, ha, ha! Regarding Mother's Day. Korff never posted anything about it this year, or last and his family is not mentioned on his Facebook wall, at all. It says he's married... no photo.

  31. AnonymousMay 14, 2015

    WAG FaceBook Update

    But you live in the land of piss and fecal covered streets Korff. You loon.

    Kal Korff: And people ask me why I LOVE Europe! smile emoticon This is a great way to get driver's to slow down, isn't it??

  32. AnonymousMay 14, 2015



  33. AnonymousMay 14, 2015

    I guess it is because of all the people this cock sucker harmed or tried to harm.

  34. AnonymousMay 15, 2015

    And what about you, you lying cock sucker?

    So easy to get on your high horse on Face Book with a locked down wall and most of your "friends" not really knowing the truth about your lying ass ways.

    Fuck you.

    Kal Korff: What a crock of crap. Yes, the guy used the term "deflator" who handled the balls for the Patriots because he was trying to lose weight. I think Brady should be penalized for more than just four games, New England has been caught cheating before.

  35. AnonymousMay 15, 2015

    So, his "book" is done... Really. Who writes a "book" in a week or two?

    Kal Korff, that's who.... NOT!

  36. AnonymousMay 16, 2015

    Kal Korff is no better than Billy Meier.

  37. AnonymousMay 18, 2015

    "Kal Korff is no better than Billy Meier."

    Uh, Korff IMHO is actually WORSE than Billy Meier. Meier at least SERVED in the French Foreign Legion .. well until he deserted where Korff NEVER served in any thing EXCEPT what ever fantasy is currently in his empty head. I never saw Meier in a picture wearing his duck hunting shirt with fucked up military rank worn sideways.... Right Colonel Lard Ass?

  38. AnonymousMay 22, 2015

    WAG FaceBook Update

    Kal Korff: I did vote for Bill Clinton, once, but stopped supporting the Democratic party near the end of his second term because of all the nonsense that was going on. I have higher standards that what the behavior and ethics of the clintons are, right or wrong.

  39. AnonymousMay 22, 2015

    I exist to be praised for my lies.I exist to be praised for my lies.I exist to be praised for my lies.I exist to be praised for my lies.I exist to be praised for my lies.I exist to be praised for my lies.I exist to be praised for my lies.I exist to be praised for my lies.I exist to be praised for my lies.I exist to be praised for my lies.I exist to be praised for my lies.I exist to be praised for my lies.

  40. AnonymousMay 23, 2015

    Kal, why don't you come back to the ... ah ... States for a visit? Got so much ... ah ... things ... that I want to ... ah you know ... want to ... talk to you ... about. Any ah ... chance you will be coming back ... soon? Please tell me ... you know ... really ah ... miss your pudgy swollen face there. Okay Colonel?

  41. Brit_in_PragueMay 25, 2015

    ....yaas, but pls make a detour through your old stamping ground of Prague, "Colonel".

    Would love to catch up with you.

  42. "They Weren't Green"May 27, 2015

    It is truly honorable to be so humble.

  43. AnonymousMay 27, 2015

    New thread coming soon. This will be a time sensitive tread, the Syndicate will post a few days before the time for action is called for.

    In the meantime, let's keep this detailed essay and it's comments burning up the Korffingsphere.


    Korffing Syndicate

  44. AnonymousMay 29, 2015

    265 days... and nothing released... ever.

  45. AnonymousJune 03, 2015

    Kal Korff, about 350 pounds of Steaming Horseshit. A lying and scheming 350 pounds of steaming horseshit.

  46. AnonymousJune 04, 2015

    Korff, you FOUL Puddle of Slime ... maybe you think everbody else forgot your PHONY VETERANS SCAM ... I have not! You will always be on MY LIST. And God forbid that I RUN INTO YOU, because if I should ... YOU WILL HAVE MUCH TO ANSWER FOR .. You are warned.

  47. AnonymousJune 04, 2015


    Over the Thanksgiving Weekend Kal K. Korff will have lunch with a fist, over and over and over again.


  48. AnonymousJune 05, 2015

    WAG FaceBook Update:

    kal Korff: I'd like to share with everyone something that happened to me last night. For dinner, I decided to eat Channa Bhatura, which is an Indian dish. Since I have the world's worst California "Hindi" accent, I don't bother, in fact when I see Hindi words that have "Ch" in them, I often switch to my Hebrew accent as a joke, this throat sound Jews make when they say certain words.

    So I stopped by my friend's shop and he asked me what I bought for diner and I told him in my Hebrew accent, "Channa Bhatura," and there was this man standing there and he got excited and he said, "Oh, you are ISRAELI!"

    I looked at him, surprised and I said, "No, I am American, but how did you know I was a Jew?"

    I never knew my Hebrew accent was so good!

    He then told me he has "lots of friends in Israel" and that they always visit him after they get out of the army. I told him I would love to meet more Jews in India, especially since there aren't any in this area.

    Now that's going to change

  49. AnonymousJune 05, 2015

    Christ! Reading the above I thought I was going to Hurl! Korff is so despicable that I find that he manages to enrage me every time I see some other brainless post coming from him.

    If there was one person I would be tempted to pound into paste ....

  50. AnonymousJune 05, 2015

    Hey Fuck Face, I got an idea... You being the world travels reporter, why don't you put and ad in the media giant's paper you "write" for asking Jew's to meet up. Better yet, why don't you "write" and "article" on it, you know, like when you wrote about your fake S3 activities in the CZ... You get the point Fuck Face. Kid's that's an accredited reporter right there.

  51. AnonymousJune 06, 2015

    Kal Korff: BREAKING NEWS! Hi everyone. I am honored and genuinely humbled to report that I have a full page expose in today's Daily Post India newspaper exposing Nestle Corporation and their current scandal concerning their popular instant noodle product, Maggi. I hope you find it to be of interest and informative.

  52. Happy Red Mogul Balloon!June 07, 2015

    oooo those nestle scandals! but if there actually is one thing i would hope kal is an expert on its instant noodles. what else does a penniless loser overeat on every day no matter where in the world he tries to hide from his past. he can sit down with his cup of pot noodles next to his inflatable "wife" in its indian princess costume and lecture her on flying saucers!


  53. AnonymousJune 14, 2015

    I'm serious.Does he have any pending legal cases in the United States? If so, it's really easy to put out a nation wide apb against him in India and get him arrested.Just have to contact a police station in Mumbai.

  54. AnonymousJune 21, 2015

    Well, it is Father's Day today. I wonder if Kal's genius son is spending the day with his famous dad!

  55. Kal is an expert on noodles, like the one between his fat legs and overhanging gut. We need some new material here soon. There has to be some stupendous piece of information about that chubby little loser that has yet to find its way here.
