Friday, March 4, 2016

Krav Maga My Ass!

We assist Kalvin to tell the truth.

Kalvin Karton Korff, living in the past.

Kalvin had hoped that he could
change his future by running off to India.
It didn't work and it won't, for the rest of his life.

Kal Korff claims to be a Krav Maga instructor. Kal Korff posted a video on his FaceBook wall as an example of real Krav Maga. Any real Krav Maga instructor would have known this video is a fake. This video proves that the video is fake and that Kal Korff is lying when he claims to be a Krav Maga instructor.

Korffer, Andre sent this confirmation into us after another Korffer made this video. Good work, Korffer's.

Gili Ganani, 19, a black belt in Krav Maga, appears to be striking powerful blows for female self-defense; in fact, it’s all staged ‘to raise awareness’

A female Krav Maga instructor on Tuesday posted what appeared to be security footage from a bar, which showed her beating up three guys who harassed her. The footage had been viewed over 200,000 times on her Facebook page by Wednesday evening.

But the apparent spectacular assertion of female protection turned out to have been staged — to encourage women to learn self-defense.

Gili Ganani, a 19-year-old Israel Defense Forces soldier, uploaded the video to Facebook with a caption reading: “I appear in this clip from security footage in a pub. I waited for friends, and some [people] decided to take advantage of the situation.”

In the video, Ganani is shown spurning the advances of a man at a bar. When she returns from the bathroom, the man grabs her hand, and she shrugs him off. He proceeds to grab her by the neck — at which point Ganani unleashes her Krav Maga skills and beats him up, as well as his two friends, who also lunge at her.

Thanks to my trainer Guy Dar KMM, who taught me how to get out of these situations,” she wrote. KMM stands for Krav Maga Maleh, or full contact Krav Maga.

The video then went viral, and by Wednesday morning, Ganani admitted it was fraudulent.

“It’s important for me to clarify that I am a black belt, have been training for many years in Krav Maga and am a certified instructor, but the clip is fake,” she posted, praising those who “noticed.”

Ganani said the purpose of the clip was to raise awareness “about the importance of self-defense for women and men.”

“Especially at this time, when every day we hear about harassment (and not only against women),” she wrote.

Read the Original Article at The Times of Israel

Well folks, Little Kalvin has moved away from his radio monologues (a radio show which he claimed was picked up for major syndication) and he's moved onto playing TV News Broadcaster for his Global News and Media Outlet. Would you like to watch more? We thought you might....

Korff's New YouTube Channel - Join and Comment
Korff's Global News and Media Outlet - Join and Comment

By the way, a number of Korffer's subscribed to this Global News Media Outlet's e-paper, using e-mail addresses NOT used for Korffing. So far, not a single person has received the e-paper. Way to go Manish, you've got a handle on this thing.

The Syndicate is very happy that Korff is re-energized and willing to put himself out there on video. We've been waiting for this entertainment to hit the web again since 2011. Look for Syndicate edited Korff videos to be posted soon.

A note to Kalvin, you may wonder why you haven't be able to stop our efforts. What we do is called satire Kalvin. Is it truth, fiction or a mixture of both or none? Your efforts are viewed in exactly the same way.

Deal with it.


  1. WAG FaceBook Update

    Korff claims that his UFO movie will be "about 2 1/2 hours long". Recently Korffer Andre got this response from Korff as as part of a very, very long and rambling response for Korff:

    Kal Korff: Preview will be coming soon, date not set yet, and we have filmed scenes for the longer Director's Cut or Special Edition, which will be likely one hour longer, you are mentioned in every edition and your claims are exposed, Andre.

    So we can look for a 3 1/2 hour long UFO "movie" by Kalvin Korff.

    We wait, gleefully we wait.

  2. Kalvin Karlton Korff: Broadcaster with a Goiter Neck

  3. Korff to Andre

    Kal Korff You misunderstand my point, - AGAIN!

    Sio let me break it down for you one last time, I hope.

    1. UNLIKE YOU, I have been studying the Hill case since 1973.

    2. UNLIKE you, I have ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS FRIEDMAN DOES NOT, pertaining to the hill case which DESTROY his "version" of it, DESTROY the claims made in Captured, ergo they will destroy same said claims in the upcoming movie IF (key word IF here) they repeat the same tripe.

    3. It is PROVEN in the movie that Friedman said several loopy things, the very same things YOU have so far REFUSED to do proper research on and verify, even though you have enough info to do so. Says a lot about you, or not much, depending on one's view.

    4. UNLIKE YOU, I have all the technical data that destroys the Fish Map, period. I had it in the 1970s and Friedman refused to look at it.

    5. This ORIGINAL material CANNOT be dismissed as "forgeries" and REAL SCIENCE DISPROVED the Fish Map decades ago, as have more recent studied using much more accurate data.

    6. YOUR claims, antics and misbehavior are exposed in the movie and you are named because it is a factual, real-life event.

    7. Since "psychic powers" do NOT exist, and REAL DOCUMENTS DO from the 1970s PROVING what I am saying and they are SHOWN IN THE MOVIE, there's nothing further to discuss, as ass usual, you are way off base and barking in the dark, metaphorically speaking.

  4. Kalvin Korff, backtracking, like the piece of shit that he is.

    Read that he has knowledge of Krav Maga, though he doesn't mention his claim that he is an instructor, and notice that he saw that this was a suspect video but he posted it anyway.

    Kalvin Korff, you lying fecal fuckhead.

    Kal Korff: I remember in Prague meeting two Israeli women in a pub, we became friends, and the Czech men there were trying to buy them drinks and "seduce" them, it was comical. They had been in the army and knew Krav Maga of course, a martial art I also have knowledge of and learned during my ten years in Prague.

    Kraal Maga is my favorite form of self defense, it borrows from other styles and uses "the best" -- there are not rules in Krav Maga except perhaps defend, attack, attack and attack again if possible.

    Anyway, to make a long story short, I knew many of the Czech men in this pub and I kept telling g them to quit while they were behind, that these women could kick your ass because they knew Krav Maga.

    We had a great time and they enjoyed Prague and I made a couple of new friends.

    As far as this video goes, I just reposted it and did NOT check to see if it was "real" or not.

    I personally do not care, because what it depicts "serves the bastards right" even if they are actors.

    The ONE THING I did notice is that there "Krav Maga" moves she did seemed NOT to be full power not full contact. That I did notice, but posted it as a video on the principle of harassing women when one should not and that was that.

  5. Kalvin asked a good question here. Kalvin knows that the material on the internet will out last him, his family and everything else save the name, Korff.

    The reason Kalvin answers, responds, etc., is very simple.

    Kalvin manufactured all of this, in his own words Kalvin invented this character so he could go after, prosecute, sue and shut down UFO nuts and consumer frauds.

    We've seen how well this plan has played out; no law suits filed, no arrests, etc.

    All Kalvin has to show for his efforts can be seen by the response on the internet, material that will stand forever.

    Why be proud of this? It's all he has.

    Kal Korff: I sometimes get asked by some friends if they should bother replying. My answer to them is do so at your own risk. When they see me being cyberstalked and lied about, what sane person would also want to be the recipient of such "fun?"

  6. Nothing against this Andre person, I love the Korffing he's done but...

    "6. YOUR claims, antics and misbehavior are exposed in the movie and you are named because it is a factual, real-life event."

    Who in the hell cares?!?

    Ha, ha, ha! Andre who? Kal who?

  7. My God, what is lard ass living on? Moon Pies and Snickers bars?

  8. Yep, no record:



    of course we could go on and on and on.

    Kalvin will say "I never said I was an instructors" or "I never said I was certified!"

    That would be a lie, teaching and instructing is the same thing lard ass, you typed this on your video.:

    Kalvin, you have to be certified to teach Krav Maga, if you're not, and they hear of it, and can find you, they will ensure that you;

    1. get certified.
    2. that you will never instruct without getting certified again.

  9. niedermeyerMarch 05, 2016

    yes, a novelty t-shirt or sleeveless slob top are typical of broadcast journalist attire

  10. Nice to know. Guess I'll get them in the rainbow of colors.

  11. And, lest we all forget ... a small travel on the way-back from this fantastic blog...

    a small travel on the way-back from this fantastic blog... from December 29, 2011

    And let us not forget soon lads this bit posted by a Korffer: "Secret X Wars Manuscript Lies

    December 2008: This was was said after Korff promised the video showing the manuscript being shipped off to the publisher.

    Kal Korff: Prometheus put the book on "indefinite hold" after it was late.


    May, 2010

    Kal Korff: In JULY, Captain Franks is coming to see me, and he will take custody of the Secret Wars project/manuscript. He will be here for several days, then he will fly back to the United States and he will deliver it to Prometheus Books.

    and a year later...

    May 9th 2011

    Kal Korff Sends Chapter For Peer Review

    and a day later....

    May 10 2011

    Kal Korff: begins final edits on 6 volume set...."

    December 2011

    Kal Korff: I will submit the material to the publisher soon, my "kritics" can look up their names and reprinted threats and bozo postings in the index, then go online when the book is out and see them reposted (along with the police reports, etc.,) on my new web site which will launch after the first of the year.


    December 2011

    Dear Interested Party,

    We have no manuscript for this project at this time.


    **** *********
    Editorial Assistant
    Prometheus Books"

  12. Korff is barely clinging on to existence.

  13. The only thing involving custody of anything was Kal taking Captain Franks's frank into his mouth, swallowing at the end, and teaching him the English word for tasty. What a pathetic, delusional miscreant Kal is. I'm sure Kal's mom Dorothy is just so proud of the manic piece of shit she brought into the world. Mommy must still be sending Kal money to live on. It's clear Kal isn't spending a dime on decent clothes but is throwing every dime he can muster at filling his fat face.

  14. The only thing involving custody of anything was Kal taking Captain Franks's frank into his mouth... The only thing involving custody of anything was Kal taking Captain Franks's frank into his mouth... The only thing involving custody of anything was Kal taking Captain Franks's frank into his mouth...The only thing involving custody of anything was Kal taking Captain Franks's frank into his mouth...The only thing involving custody of anything was Kal taking Captain Franks's frank into his mouth...The only thing involving custody of anything was Kal taking Captain Franks's frank into his mouth...

    Ha, ha, ha!

  15. Mom, MOM!!! I got an A+ on it!!!!

  16. The Unknown KorfferMarch 09, 2016

    LOL expecting to be praised by adults for getting an A+ in the eighth grade. Awww :)

    No wonder he's not being asked to do actual flying saucer specials anymore. His expectation level is that of a 12 year old child, stands to reason that's about the extent of his capacity as well.

    But it's good to see little Kalvin back in true form again, and hail the mighty repository of newspaper clippings! He's breaking out the big guns now. Bring on the 3 1/2 hours of Indian people sitting around talking while holding their cell phones.

  17. don't forget the booming ominous stock imovie music! my god i can't wait to see this thing

  18. "Looking for atta-boys on Facebook..." "Looking for atta-boys on Facebook...""Looking for atta-boys on Facebook...""Looking for atta-boys on Facebook...""Looking for atta-boys on Facebook...""Looking for atta-boys on Facebook...""Looking for atta-boys on Facebook...""Looking for atta-boys on Facebook..."...

    Ha, ha, ha!

  19. Science Fair ribbons and A+ saucer reports. 40 years ago, even brought the stuff to the CZ and then to India...

    Kalvin, "Hey sweetie, you wanna come over to see my awards?"

    Sweetie, "Wow, really, sure.... When did you win these...?"

    Kalvin, "In the 8th Grade."

    Sweetie, "I gotta go."

  20. WAG FaceBook Update:

    Watch the trolling for praise. It's really something to see.

    David Rivera: You Always got A Grades!!

    Kal Korff: Hi, honestly, only when I cared about the subject! Thankfully I was interested in everything I did not know, which was a lot, but I should have always tried to get As even in subjects I did not care for.

  21. Korffer Andre checks in.

    WAG tells us Andre has been threatened by Korff, "I will report you if you don't stop posting on my wall!"


    André Skondras: Oh boy, oh boy! A school project from a 13-14 year old kid passing for real active research! I only see a picture of a portfolio with papers presented as proof for what?

  22. Stellar Korffing Comment this:

    the netherland where a forty year old homework project by an average 12 year old are regarded as globally significant must be a very happy place to live.

  23. More threats and claims by Kalvin Korff.

    Read how Korff wants Andre to prove he wrote the fake lawyer letter.

    Andre countered with, prove that you didn't write it.

    Korff never directly answered the question.

    Did he file a claim against Andre? If he did, I'll eat my hat.

    And notice Korff claims to have contacted his lawyer in Andre's area, another country, far away from India and for that matter, not in the CZ either. Korff must be rich, he can keep a lawyer on retainer in every major country of the world.

    Fucking lying loser.

    Kal Korff: I am, however, filing a criminal complaint against you in the near future for your slander about me, saying I "faked' a phony lawyer letter when I did no such thing. You never had "evidence" I ever did, instead you just aped what Ecker thought, and Ecker was wrong.

    There are other examples, they will be in my complaint. I have already contacted a lawyer in your area, and am double checking jurisdictional issues re the police where you are. Slander, libel and defamation are crimes in your country and I intend to file a formal complaint and keep the public informed, since it is in the public's best interest to know the truth about your many false claims about me, and continual cyber troll-like misbehavior.

    Have a nice day.

  24. niedermeyerMarch 12, 2016

    i am sure kalvin's fb friends are enjoying seeing what he really is. a washed up flying saucer fanatic hiding out in a 3rd world country for undisclosed reasons

    sure, he can write for his roommate's "news agency" website in India, but would he be able to land a legit paying job doing it for real back here in the good ole USA


  25. Korffer Andre Checks In

    Well, it looks like Korff and Manish are feeling the Korffing heat, they've pulled the "news" video off their public YouTube site. All put one preview video is now hidden - private.


    It looks like the plan is to seal these videos up behind a sign in function. Klearly they are hoping to keep out the Korffer's and other truth seekers.

    Korff should know that we've already saved every video already and we have gained access to the single not private video that's still on the channel.

    Kal Korff, "Their action do not bother me, I never think about them."

  26. Maybe one of Kalvin's more reliable "friends" noted in one of those "emails" he brags about getting that Kal looked uncomfortable, unprepared, recited his "news items" in a stilted unconvincing manner, appeared distracted and slovenly, and the uploads looked amateurish at best. Like a 12 - 13 year old playing Tom Brokaw on youtube. Also since there were only two of the "reports" and no other slough of accompanying "news" being related by other correspondents that it was pretty obvious Kal and his roommate had just clipped together some random "newscast" graphics with a couple clips of Kal's fat sweaty face as he mouth-breathed all over the camera so he could get a few cheap "likes" on Facebooks.

    "In other international news" my ass.
