Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I Feel Numbnuts....

WAG FaceBook Update – Korff’s been off FaceBook for 7 days, and here he comes again, promising a TV show on his trip and then using the death of someone who is actually somewhat famous to ride that person’s accomplishment as he trolls for attention.

Kalvin says he feels numb. I know from personal experience, Korff has no feelings. 

Fuck you Korff.

April 21, 2016

Kal Korff : Hi everyone. I am very sorry, please accept my sincere apologies, for not being online these last few days. I had to unexpectedly travel across India. I am now back and several thousand kilometers later, will be putting together a TV special on the trip I was honored with to travel all the way to near the Nepal border to document.

While I was away and unable to have a decent Internet connection, I learned of the passing of one of the greatest men I have ever known, former Apple/Claris CEO William Campbell, "Bill" Campbell, who was always an inspiration to me.

I will NEVER forget the impact he had on me and others. To be around him was truly inspirational, legendary in fact. Like Steve Jobs, a very good friend of his, he had that aura of incredibleness that is indescribable. You had to be there to appreciate it, and I am forever honored to have been there.

I will also NEVER forget the time he honored me and called me on the stage at an all employees meeting at Claris Corporation, where I worked for 6.5 years, (Claris was a software subsidiary of Apple, I was on the HyperCard software development team, the ancestor to what is now today the Internet, as well as in other positions such as Tech Support), and he honored me because a customer had written him a letter thanking me for the tremendous support I had given solving a really obscure technical problem. I will always be humbled by the fact that he held me up at this meeting as a living example of what distinguished Claris and Apple from every other company.

Bill was always approachable, and always let you know what he thought. It is going to take me some time to recover from this loss, I feel numb.

A living legend, he was humble, always honest, a man of incredible integrity and loyalty that Steve Jobs and others always appreciated and will never forget.

I will NEVER forget what it was like to work under him, to talk to him, to bask in his light. For he had that aura of incredibleness that as I say, you had to be there to experience it.

I know that I share the grievous loss my fellow Apple/Claris employees, who LOVED working for "Coach" -- Mr. Bill Campbell.

A Global Media Giant?


  1. April 26 2016

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. I am pleased to announce that my new movie, The Zeta Reticuli CONspiracy, has a release date now of June 24, 2016. Here is the sneak preview of the movie, a NEW sneak preview will be uploaded later this week. THANKS again for your kind interest and support. There will be different editions of the movie, one for Indian audiences, another for USA and European markets, and then the Director's Cut. All of the other editions are longer than the Indian release.

  2. I will always be humbled by the fact that he held me up at this meeting as a living example of what a bag of shit looks like.

  3. The dismissive attitude towards Kal Korff from all over the web kontinues to build. As it should be, as it will forever be.

    Korffer Andre checks in.

    "This is what CSICOP debunker Robert Sheaffer posted on UFO Updates yesterday and my reaction to it..."

    Robert Sheaffer to UFO UpDates

    As a public service, I am posting Kal Korff's movie trailer about how two beauty queens from India, using their cell phones, solve the Betty and Barney Hill case. I have no idea whether they found any evidence we haven't already seen.


    This hilarious sneak preview was already uploaded last January. On February 21 Kal Korff announced that he would upload the second sneak preview in about a week but we are still waiting. He has also announced that his fictional and unbalanced movie (not a factual documentary) will be out on June 24; however, he had said that it would be out this Spring.

    Kal Korff's Korner - Daily World

    Zeta Reticuli CONspiracy – Sneak Preview 1 The Zeta Reticuli CONspiracy is a fact-based docudrama that tells the story of two Indian women who decide to investigate the world famous Betty and Barney Hill UFO “Alien Abduction” case, only to find out that the claims made in the most popular books about...

  4. WAG FaceBook Update

    Kal Korff: While I was away and unable to have a decent Internet connection, I learned of the passing of one of the greatest men I have ever known, the artist formerly known as Prince, who was always an inspiration to me.

    I will NEVER forget the impact he had on me. To be around him was truly inspirational, legendary in fact. Like Micheal Jackson, a very good friend of his, he had that aura of incredibleness that is indescribable. You had to be there to appreciate it, and I am forever honored to have been a close, personal friend of this great and humbled artist.

    I hope that my upcoming music project is as well received as Princes' work was.

    Coming soon....

  5. A movie about The Zeta Reticuli CONspiracy.

  6. Stop_LYING_Korff!!!!!!!!!!!!April 28, 2016

    " To be around him was truly inspirational ... You had to be there to appreciate it, and I am forever honored to have been a close, personal friend of this great and humbled artist."

    You. Bloody. LIAR!!!!!!

  7. "I am forever honored to have been a close, personal friend of this great and humbled artist."
    ---Do you think he would have bothered to as much as blow his nose on you, Korff?

  8. WAG Tweeter Update

    Remember when Kalvin claimed that he was going to start using Tweeter more, that was back in 2015. Not only does that failure continue but, of course and he must, protect his Tweeter account by locking it down tight.


    Joined June 2011


    @KalKorff's Tweets are protected. Only confirmed followers have access to @KalKorff's Tweets and complete profile. Click the "Follow" button to send a follow request.

  9. WAG Tweeter Update

    And on the X-Zone tweeter account, Rob McConnell continues to post Kal Korff appearances, even after McConnell came out against Korff and Korff came out against McConnell.



    And another one from January:


    Trust no one in the media, ever.

  10. one of the proudest days in the history of this blog was when the korffers unanimously decided to have NOTHING to do with Rob McConnell & ignored his request for input on his pathetic Korff expose.

    they are two of a kind

  11. Agreed. Try as he might, McConnell attempted to set aside his behavior with Korff and "make it right"... And look, we have him posting Korff audio in his kontinuing attempt to gather listeners in any way he can.


  12. WAG faceBook Update

    Of course this is the way a married man conducts himself on FaceBook. And keep in mind, Korff hasn't made any mention of his "wife" for over a year.

    Korff's Link Post:

    Female Fitness Models - Exercises for "Buttocks of Steel" volume and definition!

    The response:

    Marta Zahradkova: I'm trying to transform my Nigerian ass into Brazilian ass. Very handy!!!!!

    Kal Korff: I hope you post some pics after you complete your transformation...so it can help others learn of course.

  13. AnonymousMay 01, 2016

    You had to be there to appreciate it, and I am forever honored to have been a close, personal friend of this great and humbled artist.

    I hope that my upcoming music project is as well received as Princes' work was.

    So what was the reaction to Kalvin's revelation that he was a close personal friend of Prince?

  14. AnonymousMay 01, 2016

    Korff wasn't, a Korffer's threw that up here just having fun. Would it surprise us if Korff would have said he was friends with prince? No, of course it wouldn't, riding on the coat tails of anyone famous, that he can get away with, is Kal Korff.

  15. AnonymousMay 01, 2016

    Kal was on the HyperCard team...for a very, very short time. It became rather apparent in team meetings and during the project that Kal greatly lacked the technical knowledge he claimed to have. You cannot walk into a room of, what were at the time, some of the greatest minds in computing and fool people with jibberish by throwing around technical terms you don't have a grasp on.

    Kal knew project members were on to him and Kal's nonsense had been reported up the chain; Kal's time was quickly coming to an end. Kal likely realized this and tried to save face by quitting, claiming he had a brain tumor and was terminally ill. Everyone on the project knew better. Miraculously, Kal survived his nonexistent brain tumor.

    It wasn't hard to get a tech support job at Claris, one only needed a basic grasp of computing at the time and the training program for tech support employees was excellent. How Kal wormed his way onto the HyperCard team is still a mystery. I can tell you Kal's tenure on the team was so short lived and his contributions were nil to the point that he was not listed on the credits. Kal did absolutely nothing to advance the project in any way, shape, or form. In fact, the process for hiring team members for projects was reassessed and became more stringent because of Kal.

  16. AnonymousMay 01, 2016


    San Jose Mercury News
    January 23, 1994
    JEFF GOTTLIEB, Mercury News Staff Writer

  17. niedermeyerMay 01, 2016

    is that the interview where kal first tried to make himself look more intellectual by wearing fake glasses, then lied and said they were airbrushed on after being confronted by people who know he does not wear glasses and that he was being his usual poseur self by having them on for the picture

    anyone who is actually acquainted with kal knows he is a delusional lying twatbodied loser. some may not let on that they know. but they know.

  18. I LUV KALMay 02, 2016

    It has now been well over 600 days past due on Korff's book or series of books .. that have never been released. This is just another example of how Korff has lied and lied and he has never answered questions on where they are. Just like his delusional Special Secret Services, his radio show, his MOVIE and the rest of it. Korff is nothing more than a little boy living in a 54 year old body and why this POS lives in dirt poor India instead of the United States or even the Cz.

    Korff is an abject failure in life, wasting what is left of his life in fantasy, delusion and his hate for his "kritics." For those that know how to contact this waste of a human being living behind his locked down facebook wall, ask this shit what the story is. If I could contact him IN A PUBLIC FORUM, even if he immediately blocked me, I would ask him what the story is. He is suck a coward .. we need to show his "public" what a TOOL he really is. Korff, you are a loathsome character. I just want you to know that.

  19. AnonymousMay 02, 2016

    More than a month past the next movie preview to be released, more than 3 months past any new "radio" shows released, and 2 months past any news "breaking news" videos to be posted on his Global Media Giants YouTube channel.

    Failure on a massive scale.
