Tuesday, May 3, 2016



  1. AnonymousMay 03, 2016

    Ha, ha, ha! Great image! Ha, ha, ha!!!!

  2. AnonymousMay 03, 2016

    Oh yeah, Korff claimed to have some Saudi Arabian sugar daddy who would back him up with $25 million to sue people in ufology if I'm not mistaken. Good old psychopath Korff.

  3. AnonymousMay 03, 2016

    3 months ago

    Kalvan Korff: "I have some wonderful news for you.... Things are going to get bigger and brighter. I look forward to serving you even better."

    Results = Failure.


    Results = more failure.


  4. AnonymousMay 04, 2016

    "Oh Kalvin... just let me rub a finger across that second chin... oh my.... yummy!"

  5. AnonymousMay 05, 2016

    WAG FaceBook Update

    Korff smackdown!

    Kal Korff: Go Sanders!

    John Wes Lyda: Easy to pull for a Socialist when you're not even living in the country....

  6. AnonymousMay 06, 2016

    WAG FaceBook Update

    Kalvin Karlton Korff mentions his wife after more than a year of not mentioning his wife!

    In response to the posting of a black square as his FB profles image:

    Kal Korff: I am in mourning, bro, I will keep it blank for three days, my Great Aunt who I last saw at my wife and I's wedding, has just passed away, I just received word from my Mom in the USA. I am sad over her passing and hope that YHWH will grant her eternal life now.

    And then, not to let a great opportunity pass without trolling for even more attention.....

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. I am grieving for the loss of a longtime colleague of mine, a man I used to work with at Apple/Claris, Mr. Kevin Jundt. I only learned earlier today, in India here, of his passing. I always had a great time getting together with him at his flat, him and Bill Marriott, another friend who passed away and fellow Apple/Claris alumni, a few years ago. I use this image when I mourn. Just days earlier, our "Big Boss" of Claris/Apple also passed away, "Coach" -- a man who remains an inspiration to us all, Mr. Bill Campbell. This is a double whammy for me, emotionally.

    And keep in mind, a vew days ago when Korff mentioned another Apple employee that he was so very sad to hear about their passing... he DID NOT use this image during his morning process.

    Fuck you Korff.

  7. You've got more chins than the Hong Kong phone book, Karlton!

  8. AnonymousMay 07, 2016

    You've got more chins than the Hong Kong phone book, Karlton! - You've got more chins than the Hong Kong phone book, Karlton! - You've got more chins than the Hong Kong phone book, Karlton! - You've got more chins than the Hong Kong phone book, Karlton! - You've got more chins than the Hong Kong phone book, Karlton! - You've got more chins than the Hong Kong phone book, Karlton! - You've got more chins than the Hong Kong phone book, Karlton! - You've got more chins than the Hong Kong phone book, Karlton! - You've got more chins than the Hong Kong phone book, Karlton! - You've got more chins than the Hong Kong phone book, Karlton!

    Great way to end this thread.

  9. AnonymousMay 11, 2016

    My final offer to Kal: a McDonalds kids meal, a copy of a lingerie catalog and $5 USD for you to shut the fuck up. It's the best offer you've probably had in ages. Take it and run.
