Saturday, May 7, 2016

Accredited Piece of Shit

Watch this video Kalvin... it's a matter of public record.


  1. AnonymousMay 07, 2016

    The Syndicate, keeping the pressure on and the quest for truth alive.

  2. AnonymousMay 09, 2016

    WAG faceBook Update

    Kalvin, living the dream of his own making. Korff changed his profile image, same old, however, this was posted underneath the image....

    Gina Gayle Turpin: Hey Kal can you reset your privacy selections on the photos on Aimees page so I can share them

    Gee, I wonder why Kalvin has his FB page locked down tight?

    Ha, ha, ha!

  3. AnonymousMay 10, 2016

    WAG FaceBook Update

    Another shitty move by a shitty person. using the death of another to gain attention.

    Breaking News indeed. Fuck you Korff.

    Kal Korff: BREAKING NEWS! It is with great sadness that I have to share the news of the death of my dear friend, Mr. Khurram Zaki, a fellow Investigative Journalist, Broadcaster and Columnist who lived in Pakistan. He was assassinated in a cafe by Islamic terrorists associated with the infamous "Red Mosque" in Pakistan, run by terrorist supporter Abdul Aziz. I have known Khurram Zaki since July 2010. I will have an article detailing the inside story of his murder, who did it, in Wednesday's issue of Daily World newspaper, its web site is: Today, we are all Khurram Zaki.

  4. Stolen ValorMay 10, 2016

    funny how korff seems to know somebody as a dear friend once they've died, but never refers to them before that.

    you are a coward, MR. Korff

  5. AnonymousMay 11, 2016

    WAG FaceBook Update

    More trolling for attention. First we have Korff telling his FB world about another deeply held connection with a person he's never talked about before:

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. As promised, here is my article about the death of journalist and human rights activist, Mr. Khurram Zaki. It appears in today's issue of Daily World newspaper. I am grateful to the Editor-In-Chief of DW and the CEO for supporting me in moving forward with this article. I wish I did not have to write a piece like this, it was painful and I remain sad over his passing, I hope they find who did this and bring them to justice. But this is Pakistan, which means it will never happen, to be blunt about this issue. As usual, your comments are always welcome.

    And then we have this, coming just days after Korff claiming that he uses a blank, black square as his profile image while he is in mourning.

    Raj Silvano: Hey Kal, why use someone else's pic in your profile.

    Kal Korff: It is to honor him, I will switch it back to my pic in a day or so, I was not in the office yesterday.

  6. AnonymousMay 24, 2016

    626 days later, nothing. No book, no radio show, no movie, no preview, no nothing.

    Interesting that after nearly 20 years of promises and claims, Korff still continues as if nothing was promised and no claims were made... I guess nothing was in his mind.

  7. AnonymousMay 24, 2016

    Part 6:

    Raj Reddi: Noble World School if you are not responsible for the Noble World School FB page then why announce that you would be adding pictures and video "soon" back in mid-2014 and not do it? If you "Noble World School" are actually several people who share responsibility for the FB page why haven't one of you followed through?

    Raj Reddi: Still waiting...over a year and half later. Does this school really exist?

    Kal Korff as Noble World School: Are you feeling OK, bro?

    Your question was answered last year as I recall. smile emoticon You just never believed the right thing this whole time, that the school did not exist.

    I even posted photos months ago from the school for you. Weeks ago photos were posted from the India's Republic Day ceremony and awards were given. Here are some pics.

  8. AnonymousMay 24, 2016

    Part 5:

    Kal Korff as Noble World School: Well I do NOT "control" the FB page at all, I am one of SEVERAL PEOPLE who are listed as admins for it, so I got your automated notice from FB when you posted and responded quickly because we are longtime friends.

    Kal Korff as Noble World School: No, Noble World is Noble World, period. I only have ONE FB account, Kal Korff. I don't even know the password to NW's FB page! smile emoticon

    Kal Korff as Noble World School: So NO, Noble World is NOT "Kal Korff" it is as I have always said, Noble World, a real school that exists independent of anything I do. It was co-founded by Manish and Abishek and is controlled by an educational foundation, legal, straight up and legit, that I am not involved with and did not create. I am a member of an advisory board to it, of course.

    Kal Korff as Noble World School: Raj Shekar Reddi I am not responsible for the FB page. As I said I got a notice. I have not thought about a profile pic at all since I do NOT manage the FB page. I guess we should put a pic of the school there, but not one of me since I am NOT Mr. Noble World.

  9. AnonymousMay 24, 2016

    Part 3:

    Noble World School

    July 27, 2014 •

    Kal Korff as Noble World School: Hi everyone. We will be starting our iPad and AppleTV driven SmartClasses very shortly, I'll give you an update and post photos and videos of this next milestone in our educational growth and evolution sometime in the next two weeks.

    March 4 at 5:47am

    Raj Reddi: Noble World School why are you referring to me as "bro"? You sound like an individual and not a school. Instead of posting photos in this thread why are you not adding them to the photo section?

  10. AnonymousMay 24, 2016

    Part 2 and 1:

    Korff claims he isn’t involved with the FaceBook page for this “school”. Really, then why would this exchange take place between Korff and his high school buddy Raj Reddi.

    This is the ONLY exchange, of any kind on this FaceBook page since the page was posted way, Way, WAY back in February 8, 2014.

  11. AnonymousMay 25, 2016

    Why do you have to lie, Kal. What does it do for you? Why do you have to make up stories or invent things that aren't true. It always comes back to bite you in your ample behind, doesn't it. Like Raj here. Do you think he is completely stupid? You're supposed to be his friend and yet it's so obvious that you're deliberately lying to him and everyone else about this pathetic Noble World School scam. Can't you get it into your head that people are alarmed by the notion that your involvement with children might not be all that innocent? You are at least using children as a way to further a lie to boost your prestige and it's backfired. It's obvious that the page and website are not maintained meaning that the school doesn't exist and it's all a lie.

    Why can't you see that? And just take the fucking shit down, issue a few apologies and keep writing your pathetic newspaper stories that nobody reads. We don't care about you soaking your family or Manish or anyone else to get by. But leave the children alone. It's creepy.

  12. AnonymousMay 26, 2016

    Kal is a narcissist only concerned with trying to get attention. He comes off as the kind of guy who has a lot of sexual hang ups, hence his need to post photos with women he's more than likely hired for that purpose. Maybe Kal and his brother played doctor when they were younger? Who knows. It is clear Kal hasn't been firing on all cylinders for a very long time. The scams, blaming everyone else for his fuck ups, having his mommy send him money, all the lies tied directly into how great he desperately wants people to view him as, and all the rest of it. Kal should seek help but he will never do it because his fragile ego won't allow it. Kal knows he's an utter failure in the United States so he has to seek out countries with people he believes will be in awe of him and his bullshit stories.

  13. AnonymousMay 28, 2016

    Well, as of today May 28th, 2016, Mr. Lying Lard Ass is NOW 630 days past due on his promise to have his book or series of books out for the public. Just another worthless lie from a world class bull shit artist who lies and lies for a living.

    Where is S-3, where is the movie???, just another bull shit boast from a 2 ton moron. Yes Tubby, we are still here and will be here as long as you are still around. We have not forgotten the people you threatened, tried to hurt and the lies you spewed. We are here Kolonel Kolon, we are here.

  14. niedermeyerMay 28, 2016

    so sad that a man in his 50s would rely on a take home school project from the 8th grade to bank their career on. even the real "atom bomb kid" moved on.

  15. AnonymousMay 29, 2016


    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. Here's the official Sneak Prview 1 of the new movie I am doing, a second official Sneak Preview 2 will be put online on 5 June 2016, in just one week. The movie should be finished in June and then it goes out for release. Comments welcome, as usual :-)

  16. I LUV KALMay 30, 2016

    Brother, if this movie really happens I can't wait to REVIEW IT!!

  17. AnonymousMay 30, 2016

    Oh sure, this movie is going to happen, just like the Dough Boy's book or series of books! One suggestion however .. Do Not Hold Your Breath.

  18. AnonymousMay 30, 2016

    You know, every once in awhile I like to "time travel" back to the beginning with this lunatic Korff .. just to once again get a handle on him. His lunacy goes back years but the first researcher to nail this tub of shit down was Royce Meyers. If you would like to go "way back" to the beginning of the lunatics real acting out .. here you go;

    Nice JOB there Mr. Royce Meyers .. very nice. We Korffers are very proud to carry on.

  19. AnonymousMay 31, 2016

    The Royce Meyers site is fantastic! Here are some choice comments from Mr. Tub a' Shit to Meyers. Great to remind yourself with!

    " Naturally, I WANT my enemies to take me "not seriously". "
    -- Kal K. Korff in an e-mail to Well, I suppose Korff has stunningly succeeded.

    " I remind everyone I AM a SAPSTOE and the fact none of you seem to know what this means will remain a liability to you until you start to factor it into everything I do. IF you do, or when you do, you won't be so "surprised." You'll say instead, like they did today at the Embassy where two new contacts and liaisons had to be briefed, "Wow, I had no idea, but that sounds like something Korff would do." "

    --More amazing evidence provided by Korff regarding his visit to the US Embassy in Prague. Did I miss something? Mmm, didn't think so.

    " I just called the US Embassy about 30 minutes ago. They told me the story today and what I wrote about our meeting yesterday, where I visited them as a beyond 100% bona fide Captain, "gave them goose bumps." They not only are blown away, pleasantly, but as they told me yesterday when they saw the previews of the Meier books, where I showed them Scot Ritter, and the nuclear components from Iraq, etc., IMAGINE THIS... We went over ALL this stuff. "

    Fucking Looney Tunes!!

  20. AnonymousMay 31, 2016

    Did you know India is ranked as the country with the most slaves in the world? Now I know why Kal moved there.

  21. AnonymousJune 04, 2016

    Well, after about 10 years of this blog and 5 years of the web site and Youtube channel, this Korff ass wipe is shut down for the most part.

    I enjoy the fact that when a person acts the fool and when a person tries to adversely affect a persons personal life and when a person is just really fucking annoying, hateful and a cyber bully, it's wonderful to know that the internet can tighten the noose of evidence, truth and reason so tightly around that persons neck that the result is a muzzled lunatic, knowingly and afraid to do much of anything on the internet because they know, for certain, that the consistency of truth will attack, swiftly.

    Well done.

  22. AnonymousJune 04, 2016

    One more day until the 2nd PREVIEW is released! Yippee!!!!!

    Oh wait, this ain't gonna happen...

  23. AnonymousJune 04, 2016

    Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get, except my box of chocolates is missing ... I think Korff ate them.
