Saturday, October 22, 2016

Korff Truth


  1. That Korffrump image, klassic! ha, ha, ha!!!

  2. This "article" by Kal shows his utter ignorance of not only politics, but how the world really works. Kal has clearly bumbled through life.

  3. It looks like Kal has found twitter. Take a look at his account. He has been busy.

  4. "they weren't green"October 23, 2016

    what a humbling honor!

  5. If someone has access to Kalvin's tweets, post a few here please. His account is private, of course.

    By the way, Kalvin joined Tweeter in 2011 and these are his current stats:

    TWEETS: 28

    FOLLOWING: 148


    LIKES: 1

    The Syndicate is on tweeter too:

  6. niedermeyerOctober 25, 2016

    what in god's name is the point of a private twitter account? is he posting porno?

  7. Our Tubby hero knows that the Korffing Syndicate keeps a very close eye on him. This lard assed little wanker knows that the second he even burps .. we know and report on it. He has to keep most of his krap locked down .. less we get it and then report it. And we do ... eyes follow this turd every where. He knows it .. we know it .. and he knows we know it. Ergo little fat Kalvin tries to be covert ... good luck tubby.

  8. It Won't Work, KalOctober 26, 2016

    DW Newscap for October 20: More appropriated footage without proper attribution. Most professionally run news services usually add a "Video courtesy of Whomever" layover insert when utilizing footage taken from other sources. Like a defense contractor. Kal Korff just copies the video onto his.

    Fabulous use of matting has Korff now awkwardly running appropriated footage (again without attribution) with himself matted over it, sort of resembling a 1970s "chroma color" effect. It does not look professional.

    The Just for Men is also starting to rinse out again at the sides, also demonstrating that Korff has no makeup or producer eyeballing his on-camera appearance to make sure he looks consistent from appearance to appearance. Well he does, he consistently looks like shit. And like the pompous idiot playing make-believe news anchor on YouTube which he is. Mom must be so proud.

    Mom might also suggest using a shower cap to keep the hair dye (over the counter hair color is a dye used to mark animals at slaughter houses) from rinsing out to quick. Only an idiot colors his hair and shampoos it or puts their head under warm water. And as soon as it starts to rinse out there come the age lines, the bags around the eyes, the double chin, and other physical attributes which belie the fraudster's actual age.

    You don't look thirty Kal. You actually look about fifty six to sixty. Older than your years.

  9. Hey Kalvin, where's that iMovie movie? Come on dude, don't cheese out on us again.

  10. A private Twitter presence is the same as no Twitter presence. Unless you do porn.

    No professional "news anchor" (LOL!) would keep their Twitter account private because they'd be spending too much time vetting and approving (or declining) new followers ... Though with Kal that is apparently not a problem, as his "broadcasts" on DW YouTube are not watched. Funny that the number of Twitter followers is about the same as the number of views his video uploads receive.

    Makes sense. I would imagine that Kal's whopping 28 followers are comprised of the same 8 - 12 usual apologists who cheer his delusions on regardless of how obvious it is that he needs mental health care (yay mom) plus a couple dozen who re-followed him out of misplaced courtesy after he started stalking their accounts.

    Because only his approved followers can see what he is posting we can rest assured that he is not reaching a new audience no matter how provocative he tries to be, that he will get bored by the lack of action and stop bothering with it. Just like he stopped bothering with the radio show, the TV show, the movie, and the books (or series of books).

  11. Fuck you Korff....


    Kal Korff: Someone who had terminal cancer once said, "don't be sad for me, we all come to this world to be a tourist, enjoy life, sightseeing, do good deeds and I just so happen to leave earlier than others." Today is Cancer Survivor Day. Can I ask a favor?? Just a few of you will do it. If you know someone who fought a battle against cancer and passed away, or someone who is still struggling, or know a brave survivor copy and paste this to your status to show support, respect and love. Copy, do not share.

  12. I can see Kal's tweets because I am a friend of a friend of a friend.
    I will post some of them soon. Mostly the same stuff from Facebook.

  13. Thank you very much. If you'd like, you can send those and if your able, screen captures to:
