Sunday, October 30, 2016

I'm trying to think, but nothing happens!

We get e-mail! Thanks!


  1. WAG:

    Kal Korff: Well having spent decades dealing with UFO and JFK CONspiracy nuts, and people polarised on politics, it's the same BS: attack the source or messenger, ignore the message or facts. This has always been that way at least in my lifetime.

  2. WAG:

    Kal Korff: Democracy is like bodybuilding, you get out of it what you put into it. There has never been an election like this one in the USA.

  3. "they weren't green"November 01, 2016

    What a humbling honor!

  4. Korff Report 4 November 2016November 04, 2016

    Kalvin K. Karlton K. Korff focuses on the success of "Lovely University" in his latest video upload to YouTube. He has gotten a haircut and re-done the Just for Men but is still wearing the same Klingon badge turtleneck and only appears in the first minute of the video upload. Focus is on "interviewing" students and faculty, with no surprises that the bulk of the duration is given over to an attractive female teacher. I wonder what she would say if confronted with the evidence on the Korffing exposure site that Kal is an insane pervert who prefers underage girls.

    Speaking of preventing Korff from having contact with the young girls he prefers NO WORD ABOUT NOBLE WORLD SCHOOL AND KALVIN'S FAILED "HEADMASTER KORFF" SCAM which still sits waiting for him to not be so overwhelmed by the logistics of his fraud vs the limitations of his intellectual capacity. Dullards, morons, idiots and incompetent buffoons usually leave stuff unfinished because they prefer something easy.

    Like turtlenecks. Who wears a tie or a blazer with a turtleneck? Two for $19.95 and your on-air wardrobe for the next year is complete. Just don't get any greasy food stains on it and make sure to wear something else when masturbating with the Indian Princess model inflatable love doll.

  5. 790 and 1/2 days Past Due and the clock continues to tick-tock .. tick-tock .. tick-tock ....

  6. WAg

    No, we don't don't give a shit and by the looks of the non response to this post, nobody else gives a shit either.

    Kal Korff: And people wonder WHY I do not like the electoral system. maine and nebraska allow electoral votes to be split. in maine, two of four electoral votes go to the statewide winner and one electoral vote goes to the winner in each of the two congressional districts. in nebraska, two of five electoral votes go to the winner of the statewide vote. one electoral vote goes to the winner in each of the nebraska's three congressional districts.
    for both states in this feature, one electoral vote is added to the statewide winner total on the premise that a candidate has to win at least one district to win the statewide vote.

  7. WAG:

    Levine is a guy who wrote a piece that included Korff decades ago. Korff continually lies to him as well, we've seen this on Facebook for years now.

    Why would this hack appear with with lunatic... Who knows... Levine will rue the day if he does appear....

    Santa is not going to like this... Christmas is coming up Korff....

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. The next episode of the Kal Korff TV Show will cover politics, the US Presidential election and lay out the case as to WHY Donald Trump should NOT be elected as the next President of the USA. As you know I am also not a supporter of Hillary Clinton. My GUEST is ace Investigative Journalist and Reporter, Art Levine, who shares his insights and expertise. The show is lengthy and very detailed, I hope you'll find it to be of interest. I'll post the link on Daily World TV as soon as I know it later this evening. THANKS everyone!

  8. "Show" = video file prepared by Kal and uploaded to YouTube while gorging on fast food. Also going to predict that this "interview" will be a Levine video segment "borrowed" by Kal Korff rather than the two sitting in a studio as his boasting implies. There's no broadcast. No crew, no producer, no studio, no equipment, no anything. He wears a turtleneck with a Klingon badge on it, like a child might think is a cool idea.

    Kal Korff does not have a television show or a radio show or a movie in production or a book series or anything. He is a liar of the worst kind. He is also stupid as nobody "knows" a link. It is posted and shared by copy paste. Lies lies lies lies lies, all lies, and the intellectual capacity of a 9th grader. A moron, simpleton or dullard, fit to do only the most menial of tasks like washing dishes or cleaning public toilets.

    Kal Korff would be an object of pity for this apparent developmental disability and general unemployable nature if it weren't for all the bragging about having done nothing coupled with the endless lies to pump up his self-worth. By lying to people. Human leech who will always be just another computer nerd wearing fake eyeglasses to try and appear more intellectual.

  9. Maybe a Skype interview, at best....
