Wednesday, November 16, 2016

As expected, very, very low....


  1. Gee, and nothing is there .. like EVERYTHING Tubby promises ... and you are surprised ... why?

  2. Well we can't have a new post and ONLY ONE note, so here is number 2.

    Also, if we are going to have a second note .. gotta say hi to Kalvin ...

    Kalvin, you are still FAT .. and your Mommy dresses you FUNNY .... hahahahahaha!!


  4. No mention of his wife for two years now.

    No mention of his radio show in two months.

    No mention of his book or series of books in almost three years.

    EPIC... failure.

  5. Why, are you telling me that Kalvin Korff is not actually a documentary filmmaker, radio show host and television personality as he claims to be? And that his current "fame" is based on a bunch of exaggerations, put-ons, or outright lies?? I AM SHOCKED.

  6. Kai's Kristmas PresentNovember 20, 2016

    perhaps they ship to india?

  7. So has anyone (other than Kal) ever come forth with a genuine copy of this Daily World "newspaper" in print form? And if so do its readers pay for their copy or pick one up for free at the bus terminal?

    And yes. Kal Korff should eat a bag of dicks. Goes without saying.

  8. Failure and more failure: Now sixteen days have passed since the last ridiculous "Kal Korff TV Show" Skype interview with the blogger dude. Looked in presuming there would be a sanctimonious bloated JFK special and notta.

    Also dug through the Daily World YouTube uploaded videos and note that there still have been no replacement of the mysteriously deleted "Episode Two" with its awkward interrogation of a female "guest".

    So Kal's grand total of "The Kal Korff TV Show" episodes available to all his friends from high school is four with even his pet subject overlooked out of laziness and dross.

    Failure and failure compounded by more failure -- Please stay in India for the rest of your life, Kal Korff.

  9. Please stay in India for the rest of your life, Kal Korff.

  10. Kal Korff Stolen ValorNovember 24, 2016

    Dinner with the Troops, Kal. Dinner with the Troops.

  11. Had a fantastic Thanksgiving with friends, family, and great food! Kal probably spent the day secluded in his tiny living quarters dressed in camo pretending to be somewhere else and likely wishing he was someone else. Poor dumb, fat, useless and desperate Kal.
