Monday, November 7, 2016

Two hours and forty two minutes of Ignorance

Two hours and forty two minutes of Ignorance.

And we present the glacier like video here,
with one minor change....

Here's the full 2 plus hours if you dare.... LINK


  1. WAG:

    What? Physics?

    Kal Korff: What bothers me about so much of America and elsewhere today is the fact that if you dare attack one side, people automatically assume you are "for" the other.

    I have ALWAYS been clear that I support NEITHER the Democrats nor Republicans, and since this has been the case since 1999, I CANNOT be "partisan" -- physics doesn't work that way.

  2. Well, to be totally upfront about this tripe, I was only able to listen to under _ one minute of this crap ... btw loved the echo, and then my brain began to turn to jello. And, has anyone mentioned to Korff that he really should lay off the carbs? What a rotund little troll he is these days. And, I actually wonder if he actually thinks anyone, with any type of life .. of course, would sit still at their computer and actually listen to almost 3 hours of this krap? Delusional? Betch your ass ...

  3. Delusional? Betch your ass ...Delusional? Betch your ass ...Delusional? Betch your ass ...

  4. Hey Mr. Fumble-Fuck, do you realize we are closing in (very fast) on 800 days that you are past due on your book or books? So, with that being pointed out where are those books? Where is your "radio show" these days? Where is your "movie" on the Betty and Barney Hill abduction story? What is the story on the famous or infamous Special Secret Service? (You know S-3) Well Colonel? Where is Lt. Martina? Is she still a "super model" sending out letters to your kritics? Where is Warrant Officer Avim? He still bringing you your coffee and toilet paper? Hmm? Of course now that you are hiding out somewhere in India ... you really don't need toilet paper .. do you? I understand that if a guy there needs to "pinch a loaf" so to speak, he jus' drops trou and takes a dump, right? You should fit in just fine there Mr. Fumble-Fuck, right?


  6. Fumble-fuck? Hahahahahahahahahaha -- still failing, eh .. Kolonel?

    Ya hit that 800 day past due there .. Mr. Fumble-fuck .. hahahahahahahahaha

  7. Mr. Fumble-fuck .. hahahahahahahahaha... Mr. Fumble-fuck .. hahahahahahahahaha... Mr. Fumble-fuck .. hahahahahahahahaha... Mr. Fumble-fuck .. hahahahahahahahaha...

  8. Regarding this movie. The comments are disabled. Gee, I wonder why. Nothing like some free and honest discourse, right Mr. Fumble-fucker.

    BTW, 90 views: 88 of which watched the first few minutes, his Mother falling asleep and walking up after it was over, accounting for the only full view, and Korff's, of course.

  9. You all know Kal lost his Prometheus book deal because he couldn't make his deadlines? Kal was given a couple of chances to get a manuscript in and the final straw for Pometheus was when Kal started posting his nonsensical secret agent and nano tech fantasy. I'd like to say Kal is kicking himself over wasting all that time with his delusions and raging against certain people, but Kal is clearly not smart enough for that sort of self reflection. Kal has burnt so many bridges he literally has no where else to go.
