Monday, February 27, 2017

Kalvin Karlton Korff; No Wife, No Life... plenty of Girth....

New Kalvin Video, nice investigative journalist t-shirt Kalvin.... LINK

Raj calls out Kalvin....

Kalvin Drive's A Car... NOT!


  1. I know you may find it difficult but please, at the very least, listen to the first 5 minutes of this video. Anytime Kalvin says a name, replace that name with Kalvin's name. Uncanny...

    Fat and ignorant is no way to go through life.... but it sure in entertaining.

  2. lolololooooserFebruary 28, 2017

    lol did korff really post a picture of his visit to a Subway?


  3. Yes he did, Raj kept pestering him for photos of the "steak" he was bragging about, for photos of him and his Mother, etc. The only thing that he posted was an image of a pizza and a few subway sandwiches. And of course, he never mentioned his wife during any of his pre, during and post trip back and forth.

  4. WAG - Kalvin can't stop lying, not about the amount of videos, that anyone asked him about them.

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone, I have been getting a lot of messages and emails asking me how many Daily World TV online videos I do each day. The short answer is I have done around 150 videos, I do as many as 10 Newsbytes videos each day and also other shows which don't follow any specific pattern. Yes I have been a slacker posting them here, including written published articles.

  5. Oh sure, just like "real life", a television presenter, reporter, whatever always dress in their most thread bare ratty t-shirt. Hey Tons of Fun get a clue why don't cha? I can not believe you still think there are people out her in real-ville that will buy your crap! When are you going to start back on your med's again?

  6. everyone knows "the PRINCIPAL is your pal"

    he doesn't even know how to spell his own lie.

    i thought he said he was Headmaster

    Master Bates

  7. Do you referee the Noble World school's spelling bees, Mr "Principle"? Snigger ...

  8. Kal Korff's new boss downplaying the US consulate's warning on travel in India.

    Not sure which is more pathetic: The sound quality or the poor schmuck who wanders into whatever airport lobby this was taped in. Apparently KALVIN's bragging about Daily World having a studio was a lie and they still cannot afford or have never heard of body microphones and just record ambient sounds. If this is what passes for "news coverage" in India Kal has indeed finally found a niche low enough for himself.
