Friday, March 10, 2017

Professional T-Shirt Wearing Schulb

Schlub Video LINK

And, Kalvin get's called out, again, on FaceBook


  1. Grossed out.March 12, 2017

    He might as well be sitting outside the men's room at a bus depot. What a slob.

  2. The Unknown KorfferMarch 13, 2017

    what's up with korff's FB homeboy there? any response from El Kolon?

  3. Today is Kalvin's birthday. There. Done.

  4. A schulb is the correct term to describe our Village Idiot, Kalvin. What a dull and slow witted simpleton that is depicted at the front of this post. Truly a "poster boy" for junk food. Good God, it is very hard to believe but .. this village moron is still trying to be "out there"! No shame, none at all. And, one wonders if India has something similar to the Salvation Army ... because if so, I know where our "boy" shops!


    My current favorite channel on YT. Run by an expert and scholar on firearms who specializes in offbeat or unusual weapons. Not a gun nut. He's sober, professional, hip and now. No politics, just a love of the history of firearms and a zest for wanting to know how they function.

    His videos usually get 20.000 views on the first day they are posted. Some of the older videos have view counts in the hundreds of thousands. Thousands of thousands. They call them "millions".

    Kalvin Korff's Daily World YouTube uploads have perhaps generated 1500 total views since he began passing his gas off as "television shows" last spring. Plus zero movie, no more "radio show" uploaded to SoundCloud, and here he sits in front of the men's room at what looks like a hotel pretending to be a news anchor as he is filmed on an i-phone.

    You are a failure, MR. Korff.


  6. #kalkorff

    Kal's big dream was to be a police detective. Only problem was he thought he shouldn't have to be a street cop first because he thought he was smarter than everyone else. I wonder if Kal is aware the police do not hire liars and thieves or fat ass miscreants? Those three things clearly disqualify Kal. Kal wouldn't amount to a pimple on the ass of his convict brother.

  7. Dumb, slow, dull witted .. and STILL .. Mommy dresses him funny! Sheesh .. why am I not surprised?

  8. In fact, I know a guy who's straight arrow, A student, never in trouble kid wants to be a cop. It's been very difficult for him to jump through all the hoops, etc.

    This from a kid who's the complete opposite of Kalvin.

  9. Brent Cross, Action News Ten at ElevenMarch 19, 2017

    Colonel Kal K. Korff of the Prague branch of the YS3 Super Secret Services during an impromptu interview with Swiss media on the subject of nuclear proliferation by known terror cells. Colonel Korff offers startling evidence confirming the existence of nanodust components engineered by YS3 which have proven useful in surveillance of known weapons-grade production facilities that US intel sources will neither confirm nor deny. Colonel Kofff offers his frank estimation of the threat potential with his attractive Czech operative at his side, and I bet he's getting some of that. Here's raw video from our pool reporter, Angela Nicerack:

    Back to you in Brussels, Charles. Signing off from SAPSTOE Headquarters, somewhere near the Pakistani border.

  10. I've been waiting udderly and literally for years for Kal's books to hit the shelves. LMFAO Kal "Butt" Kork must be pretty stupid to think anyone would ever believe the fucking nonsense coming out of his flap. There are no pending books, no special secret services, so SAPSTOE position, no rank, no school where Kal is "principle". This is all in the mind of someone who needs professional help, in my opinion. What it must be like to be an old man living in a delusional fantasy world and having mommy send you money to pay the bills. Pathetic.

  11. No alien movie, etc., etc., etc....

  12. niedermeyerMarch 23, 2017

    kal korff is a big wet chunky hippo fart
