Friday, July 21, 2017

Living in the past when it's all you have....

Kalvin attended Ohlone College, a Fremont, California, Junior College for a short time. He dropped out, never to attend any school of any kind beyond high school.

Little Kalvin was 14 years old when he penned this Einstein level prose. What kind of a man brings his high school reports and ribbons with him while he travels the world, hiding out from his poor behavior in the USA.... Man-child, Kalvin Kartlon Korff, that kind of man.

It should be noted that Kalvin has begun to "protect" his images on Facebook. This book report was protected as well as the image below. Obviously, another failure for our Little Kalvin. Well done Kalvin.


  1. niedermeyerJuly 22, 2017

    uploading an unreadable hand written note from a teacher for a book report done in 1976 when you were in the 8th grade just to one-up a pal is a new form of desperation even for korff. such a wasted life.

  2. AnonymousJuly 23, 2017

    "The politicians behind this should be stripped from power." here is the ever dumb Kal K. Korff calling out politicians from news story but it looks like Kal didin't even take the time to actually read the story and instead just went with the headline and a few sentences. Here's what his pal Raj Reddi said in response: "Raj Reddi Actually, if anybody took the time to read beyond just the headline you would discover that the stairs were removed because they were a hazard and not to code. They weren't anchored to the ground. Politicians had nothing to do with their removal. Also, apparently the stairs were on public land. This poorly build structure was actually reported to the city by a citizen." Kal K. Korff gets owned AGAIN!!

    Kal is also posting a lot of stories about nude girls and body paint. That poor desperate fuck Kal must jack off all the time and probably has carpal tunnel damage in both hands. For a guy who claims to be married it is clear Kal isn't having sex with anyone other then himself.

  3. AnonymousJuly 24, 2017

    To inquire whether can help you, please email us at

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  4. Has Karlton pronounced on OJ's parole?

  5. AnonymousJuly 24, 2017

    Not much at all.

  6. But Kalvin - I though you were a key expert witness at the original trial ...

  7. AnonymousJuly 25, 2017

    korff disgusts me

  8. AnonymousJuly 26, 2017

    "I guess next they'll be offering majors in Safe Space." Kal talking a university offering some sort of silly class. Kal never went to a major university and only has a high school education in a small town. No wonder the fat fuck tried to convince everyone he was someone with his delusional nonsense about being in a secret military group. How sad and pathetically desperate poor dumb Kal must be inside. Everyone sees right through but Kal convinces himself otherwise.
