Sunday, July 16, 2017

My Punjab Wife Knows Her Place


  1. AnonymousJuly 17, 2017

    "Hi everyone. Today we will be filming some key scenes from the upcoming docudrama movie The Zeta Reticuli CONspiracy. It will be a loooooong day but looking forward to it. I want to thank everyone who has been involved in this. Here's another promo piece for the movie." Just stop Kal. Everyone knows Kal is filming this on shitty equipment and using iMovie to edit it and it might see a you tube release at best. Maybe. It is just embarrassing watching a grown man put out such lame and amateur material.

    "Hi everyone. I am honoured to report that I have a full page Special in Daily World newspaper. As a Journalist it is always an privilege to be able to write articles, especially lengthy Specials. I hope you enjoy this article. As usual your comments are welcome." Hardly any likes on posts like these from Kal and if you read his shitty stories you'll quickly see Kal regurgitates what other media outlets have said.

  2. Fuck OFF KorffJuly 18, 2017

    "Hi everyone it's me. Me me me me me. Pay attention to meeeeee. Hi I'm here too. I'm important! look at these people's names you have never heard of that I can tag. How many celebrities can you go friending and tagging and poking and emailing like meeeeeee. Facebook Facebook Facebook. All I am is Facebook and meeeeee. Pretending to be all friendly and kind. Gentle and wise. Facebook Facebook Facebook. All I do is post things to Facebook about meeeeeeeeeeee"

  3. AnonymousJuly 18, 2017

    "You can't make this stuff up." Kal back to politicla commentary on everything he reads in other news media. Kal knows how to make stuff up like being a colonel in a fantasy organization, getting a 500 book publishing deal, having millions from a Saudi sugar daddy to expose flying saucer freaks, being a journalist, suing people and having them arrested, having international jurisdiction, having a wife and genius iq son, having a 215 iq, getting 100,000 hits on a video when it was really barely over 500, "soon to be released" books that nobody ever sees. We could take up pages and pages and pages and pages with what Kal has made up.

  4. AnonymousJuly 18, 2017

    "Hi everyone. Had a great time yesterday filming scenes for the upcoming movie The Zeta Reticuli CONspiracy with Sam Rattan NY, she's a real pro. We will be back at it today. Then I have the honor of filming scenes with Urvashi Tripathi, who is also great to work with. We'll keep at it until this gets done. More info and updates coming soon!!" More bullshit from Kal about his flying saucer film that we all know will never see the light of day. Do these girls know what they're getting into by being involved with Kal? Does he pay them? Con them? Are they just fucking stupid? Maybe someone should reach out to them and let them know about Kal. Nah! It will be more entertaining this way when Kal implodes and sinks his own ship again.

  5. AnonymousJuly 20, 2017

    "Whatever it takes to legally keep him in prison I support. It would be poetic justice if his parole were denied over this!" This is Kal on Facebook about OJ Simpson possibly getting paroled from prison. Kal LIED when he tried to claim he was an expert witness in OJ's criminal trial or when OJ got sued. Kal is absolute SCUM for trying to RIDE THE COATTAILS of this TRAGIC MURDER case for his own ego and delusions.

    "Remember this classic? Steven Spielberg was accused of poaching a dinosaur?" Now Kal is talking about a picture on the Internet of the famous director posing with a fake dinosaur and people thought he really had killed it. So whatever happened to Kal's book that was supposed to expose Steven Spielberg? Butt of course it never happened because Kal was AGAIN trying to CAPITALIZE on someone more famous than he'll ever be. Kal wouldn't amount to a shit smear on toilet paper used by the great director.
