Wednesday, August 23, 2017

McCunttell Opens Wide and Swallows...

McCunttell Opens Wide and Swallows...

Korff Raj kalls Kalvin out!


  1. Korff mentions that he hasn't been involved with the Noble World School in a few years. The school started in 2014.

    So Korff got bored and left in its first year. The FaceBook page does show Korff posts, in 2014, it's Friend total has not changed since that time. Their template web site shows zero use since 2014 and every page of the site has been hacked and infected with Buy cheap Viagra online ad's.

    Now that's education.

    Do we believe that a school was set up and Korff was part of it? Yes we do. Do we know for a fact that Korff reneged on his endless promises of promotion, financial deals and free products from Apple and others... yes we do.

    Another example; Korff promised McCunttell XZone branded Apple devices, McCunttell even started to take orders for the promised devices... they never arrived.

    As always, a little bit of reality mixed together with lie upon lie upon lie.

  2. A new thread already? Okay, in that case it is time for ... A FUCKING HISTORY LESSON!!

    One thing that seems to never change is how Korff is and remains a total fucking moron. This has been the case and has been documented now for many, many years. For you newer Korffers ( Korffer= those who follow and document the antics of Korff ) if interested you will finds so much information on the antics, lies, delusions and the huffing and puffing of this very sad little fat man ... on the web. So much that after a bit of wading thru much of it, you will want to take a break and then a very hot shower.

    Korff has been discussed ad nauseum (sp? .. who gives a shit?) all across the web from the James Randi foundation to the web site Above Top Secret. Here is an easy one and I put it up here because I have been a long time Korffer and recalling what a disgusting little fat troll he is ... I simply just LOVE TO HELP SHOVE "IT" UP HIS ASS!

    And rest assured .. this is not even the tip of the iceberg etc. etc. etc.

  3. Hi miss Squonkamatic....

    posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 10:46 AM

    One of the main interests in what we call "Korffing" is our alarm at how Kal K. Korff time and again infuses himself into an issue of the day and trivializes it as a way to promote himself. The discussions cease being about UFOs or Bigfoot or JFK or O.J. Simpson or counter-terrorism or technological frontiers, and instead become discussions about Kal K. Korff. Instead of debating the merits of ET visitations, we end up discussion the so called credentials of Kal K. Korff. Instead of discussion the possibility of a cryptozoological explanation for Bigfoot, we end up discussing the methods of Kal K. Korff. Instead of discussing the seriousness of worthy subjects like the JFK assassination, we instead end up discussing Kal K. Korff's claims or assertations about himself. It trivializes what could be profound subjects relating to the human condition and makes the focus of everyone's attention on Kal K. Korff himself. The UFOs and Bigfoot and forensic data cease being important, and what becomes important instead is trying to root out the truth on trivial statistical data about someone who has no discernable connections to those subjects beyond how he can use them to aggrandize himself.

    He also goes about this self aggrandizement via character assassination rather than actual research or formulating hypotheses on his own which might contribute to the discussion: Instead of revealing further information about the O.J. Simpson murders, the claim of involvement becomes away for Kal K. Korff to promote himself at the expense of anyone who might publicly challenge his claim. Instead of pursuing a useful debate about various Roswell claims, he uses the opportunity to attack and discredit other researchers, to the point of giving himself the rank of a Colonel so that he has a moral authority over someone with a legitimate rank of a Major. It's childish, infantile, and trivializes not only the subject matter but the reputations of those who may have previously been involved with the discussion.

    If this is what paranormal interest studies is reduced to then we might as well give up on it right now and let individuals like Kal K. Korff dictate what the human condition is supposed to be about, including our values systems on the different mysteries that add some spice to our otherwise dull communal existence. I reject such a conclusion and am offended by Kal K. Korff's single minded fixation on trivializing any and all subjects of inquiry into the mysteries of existence into platforms to promote himself, especially at the expense of the reputations those who arrive at conclusions that are at odds with whatever pet theory Kal K. Korff would rather us arrive at. Character assassination does not equal useful debate, and repeating the claims of others just to dismiss them does not equal valid research. He is also either completely delusional or a liar of such proportions that it is impossible to discern when he is putting on the world to pursue one of his charades and when he may be actually relating the truth of the matter.

    But then again this is exactly the kind of attention that Kal K. Korff craves: the shifting of emphasis away from the phenomenon in question to a discussion about Kal K. Korff. In the end the only person who benefits from any of it ends up being Kal K. Korff, whatever the discussion maybe inevitably ends up being hijacked and trivialized. I don't know about anyone else but to me the subject of whether ETs have visited us or not is a far more interesting subject than whether or not Kal K. Korff is a Colonel or a computer pioneer or the Atom Bomb Kid. The problem is that if he has his way that's all we will discuss, and it sickens me to see such a single minded pursuit of self-interest to the expense of all other concerns. Whatever the subject it always ends up being about Kal K. Korff, and the rest of us just end up getting in the way of his "making history all over again."

    Steve N. aka Squonkamatic
