Sunday, August 20, 2017

And it kontinues....


  1. Kal Korff: BREAKING NEWS! On tonight's radio show Kal's Korner, which I'll be recording in 2.5 hours, it is one hour long, I'll be talking about two new books I have written that will be available anytime now, and in the last segment talk about the Hill UFO expose movie, the Zeta Reticuli CONspiracy. Here's the graphic image for the new books. More books still to come...

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone, quick update. Just finished recording the latest installment of Kal's Korner, the radio show. It will be broadcast shortly, I'll post the link once I know it. I was finally able to talk in detail about my two new books which hit the market over this weekend, they are shown in the photo below. They are the first of many to come. One exposes UFO related material, the other Deepak Chopra. Tomorrow we finish filming in Dubai for the movie The Zeta Reticuli CONspiracy, then return to India to finish the movie for release soon. In the last segment of the show I talk about the movie, and will increasingly do so over time. I will also feature its two leads, Sam Rattan and Urvashi Tripathi.

  2. Take a look at the new menu Kalvin inserted into his template web site, there are located just under the "book" images... They are clickable, check them out for a laugh.

    The Zeta Reticuli CONspiracy
    Movie Advert - Overview - Urvashi Tripathi - Sam Rattan - Kal Korff - FAQs

  3. Oh my... I did a search under images for this Model Sam Rattan and Urvashi Tripathi. I wonder how happy they are that Korffer dick images pop up on page one.

    Lady's, you might wanna check the web before you go much further with this lunatic.

  4. Isn't it strange how life keeps turning in circles? You see, I remember when Fat Boy Kal and Rob "Full OF SHIT" McConnell had their "little spat" when McConnell tossed Lumpy out of the X-Zone line-up and Kalvin the Turd Boy went on his rampage on our Canadian lover-boy! McConnells wife kicked the shit out of him for some reason, and Rat Boy, aching to get even with McConnell, managed to get a photo of McConnells beat up mug with two black eyes ... (he looked like Rocky Racoon) and spread that picture far and wide .. to of course, embarrass McConnell ... and now they are *hugs hugs kissy kissy* and they are once again ... Sweeties.

    Now, remember how Rat Boy Korff tried to go after Kevin Randle and even called Randle a coward when lard ass claimed Randle ducked out of a debate with him? Of course that was bull shit ... but Randle has a show on our lover-boys network and now Korff is there? I wonder how Randle is reacting to that? .... Hmmmmm
