Thursday, August 17, 2017

Rob McConnell, FUCK YOU

Not only does McConnell have Korff on his show, he appears with him. Rob McConnell is a cunt.

I present to you, Rob McCunttell


  1. Many, many, many, empty words by a "man" who thinks hate speech is not protected speech in the USA. Stupid, stupid "man,"


    Kal Korff: Ben, when I post stuff without comment, it is to see people's reactions and get feedback. As far as my own personal and direct experience goes with the Obama administration and his supporters, racism was rampant.

    As I explained on the radio show the other night, I was asked to vote for Obama to help elect the USA's first black president. My response was No, I won't do this and such a position is racism. I care about individual candidates, I don't care what race they are nor what party they belong to. I had taken the view since the late 1990s that both parties have failed the American people and we need a viable third party alternative which won't happen for a long time and it has now been several elections later.

    I never bought into the birther stuff, and helped expose it in fact as being BS. I also predicted Trump would win and wrote and did my longest ever show warning people that a Trump presidency would be a disaster.

    These brief facts put me different than many people who seem to e all or nothing types, like if you criticize Trump you must be a pro Hillary type or vice-versa.

    I was posting memes and will continue to do so, my next ones cover Putin, because I want to see people's reactions. Raw, and unprompted.

    I did not support Obama because I predicted where he would not keep his promises, like holding Wall Street accountable, breaking FOIA laws, prosecuting journalists, etc. I also did not support McCain.

    I take each issue on its own merits or lack of, and each candidate. I have never been a my party right or wrong type.

    So when I have problems with people calling Trump "Hitler," I find it offensive and flies in the face of history. Same as when they called Bush "Hitler," and yes I have seen and been the target of both the race card by Obama types, and the gender card by Hillary supporters.

    It's a false charge where it concerns me, but as I explained tonight in the show which will air in a few hours, it was quite amazing spending all night at Prague castle with his hardcore supporters debating the issues, trying to warn them about Obama and his stupidity where it concerns the Russians and this "reset," then see Obama along with his supporters listen to his speech about the reset, and his supporters leave the event disappointed and disillusioned knowing there is no reset and that they were either lied to or Obama was delusional.

    Either way, it was priceless.

    Kal Korff: I forgot to add that each characterization of Bush or Obama or mischaracterization must be taken on a case by case basis. There's no single paintbrush here.

  2. "I was asked to vote for Obama to help elect the USA's first black president. "

    Get the fuck outta here Kalvin!

    And I was asked to be on the OJ case!!! Ha, ha, ha!

    But you did want to vote for the "first" socialist didn't you. I'm sure Bernie would have backed you up on your claim that hate speech isn't protected speech in the USA...

    Ha, ha, ha!

  3. This never happened.

    April 21 · Kal Korff : BREAKING NEWS! = Hi everyone. I am pleased to announce that starting the first week of May 2017, my new book shown in this photo below, will be available for sale to the public. Price is only $8.95. If you are interested, please message or contact me for direct orders and RESERVE your copy today! The evidence presented in this book proves that the Obama administration did in fact spy on Donald Trump and associates, despite lying "denials" to the contrary. Thanks again for your interest and support!

  4. The comments are open on that YouTube clip of McConnell/Korff. Korffers should make their feelings known.

    Likewise, they should let McConnell know directly how they feel. Is there a place to comment on the Xzone site? Is any email address given?

    This is outrageous.

  5. I was looking at the McCunttell's YouTube channel. His view totals are sorry to say the least. As bad as it is that McCunttell gave Korff a place to spew, given these totals, it really doesn't matter in the big scheme of things.

    Two losers made for each other.

  6. "BREAKING NEWS! STEVE BANNON IS OUT OF THE White House!" This was posted by Kal on his facebook page. Why didn't Kal break this story? Because Kal is a pseudojournalist with no real world connections who has to post headlines from legitimate news outlets Kal has nothing to do with. Appearing on this X zone radio show and youtube is the best Kal can put together and it is pathetic at best. No professional self respecting journalist would waste their time on some paranormal show with a tiny audience. A guy like the x zone radio guy is a fool for letting Kal back in on any level especially after what Kal did to him and vice a versa. Let those two idiots hug each others nuts and let's keep Korffing and never let the public forget what Kal is.
