Saturday, September 2, 2017

McCunttell and Korff - Apple or get fucked!


  1. I went to Korff's FB page, this was posted 9 hours ago, no Likes, no comments, no nothing. Seems they've lost interest as well.

    Well done Korff.

  2. The silence is deafening. The ineptitude and amateurishness on display is embarrassing. There's nothing to say except here's yet another Korff failure and wonder how long until he has been distracted by some other scam.

  3. Kalvin Karlton Korff, lover of the falsetto.

    Kal Korff: By the way, as I recall, you're the one who turned me onto the Rolling Stones when we were in high school; and the Beatles, whereas I was listening to Frankie Valli, Beach Boys and Bee Gees because of their falsetto, and Boston.

  4. WAG FaceBook Update

    Korff always finds away to bring it all back to him so he can humble brag. What an ass sniffing cocksucker.

    Raj Reddi: Nope. You stole High Tides and Green Grass from the library.

    Kal Korff: Raj Reddi I got the Stones albums after you mentioned them, you used to talk about how they were more risqué than the Beatles and cited the song Let's Spend the Night Together and how it was banned.

    And yes I kept the albums a long time but did return them and didn't have to pay a fine. I even ended up lecturing on UFOs at the library, we hit it off 👍

    Raj Reddi: Good memory, but not quite accurate. But it was a long time ago.
