Monday, September 4, 2017

McCunttell and Korff - Ignorant Lying Dick Bag


  1. Available in 51 countries with no reviews. Why? No sales. LOL Poor dumb desperate Kal is trying to get back his meager glory days where he was able to lie and con people into being on tv. Now nobody buys Kal's bullshit lies because he's been exposed as a pretender who has had to leave the United States in an effort to somehow capture fame. Kal couldn't even do this in 2 different counttries! LOL LOL Yet poor fat stupid Kal CONtinues trying to grab something resembling fame and fortune but he only falls in shit. LOL

  2. BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kal Korff: BREAKING NEWS! Hi everyone. In about 3.5 hours I will be recording the next episode of Kal's Korner radio show, then it will be available for listening worldwide a few hours later. The TOPICS will be EXPOSING AL GORE'S MOST RECENT "Global warming" false claims made in his new movie and book; Communist North Korea's nuclear weapons test, Exposing Illuminati "Satanists," and the launch of my newest book exposing Deepak Chopra. As soon as the links are available, I will post them, THANKS again for your support, hope you enjoy the show.

  3. Monsoon flooding costs thousands of Indians their lives and displaces hundreds of thousands others. But Kal Korff is too busy posting to his pals from high school on Facebook about his new paranormal e-book scams to mention it, let alone do some actual reporting on the crisis. I guess we look in to be reminded that while the world grows and changes Kal Korff does not and is still failing miserably every day. It is very reassuring.
