Tuesday, September 26, 2017

McCunttell & Korff - Made for each other


  1. "Hi everyone. Several of you have asked me WHERE can you hear my radio show, Kal's Korner?"
    Kal, you claim to be a professional writer, yet you can't write a very simple sentence. LMFAO What the fuck, Kal? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL Just admit it, Kal, nobody has asked you about your shitty segment on some small show, other than your mommy. LOL LOL LOL I've read some of your stories, Kal, and they're simply awful. You never rose above the high school newspaper plateau of journalism, did you, Kal?
    Clearly, Kal, your writing is among some of the more amateurish, driveling, and completely unoriginal tripe. It is rather clear that you, Kal, lift the words of others and make a poor attempt at making them your own.

  2. here is kal's all might apple making news - A Flaw Found in Apple's Mac Software Could Expose Your Keychain Passwords

  3. did korff manage to post a third iBook to iTunes for his iBuddies or did he get bored already and announce a new ridiculously exaggerated undertaking.

  4. niedermeyer, yes he did. Al Gore must be so proud to be "covered" by Kalvin.

  5. Fantastic! Lard Ass Kalvin has once again managed to save Western Civilization by getting ready to release another unwanted, unreadable, juvenile bullshit "book". Damn, think I will go have another beer...

  6. Kal gets OWNED by Raj once again!! LMAO Raj took that wanker Kal to task over his ass kissing about Apple being the most valued company. We all know Kal has a large dildo with an Apple sticker on it and shoved up his asshole. Kal is publishing these books himself in hopes of gaining some sort of media attention. Kal is a washed up clown who is grasping at any way to himself back in the spotlight.

  7. Attribution is journalism 101 and it's hilarious Kal doesn't use quotations properly nor does he attribute the quote to the source. Fail. Again.

  8. "... there will be no more snows..."

    Snows.... SNOWS, what the fuck is a snows?

    Ha, ha, ha, Your high school education is showing Kalvin.

  9. McCunttell & Korff - douchebags! McCunttell & Korff - douchebags! McCunttell & Korff - douchebags! McCunttell & Korff - douchebags! McCunttell & Korff - douchebags!

    McCunttell & Korff - douchebags! McCunttell & Korff - douchebags! McCunttell & Korff - douchebags! McCunttell & Korff - douchebags!

    McCunttell & Korff - douchebags! McCunttell & Korff - douchebags! McCunttell & Korff - douchebags! McCunttell & Korff - douchebags!

    McCunttell & Korff - douchebags! McCunttell & Korff - douchebags! McCunttell & Korff - douchebags! McCunttell & Korff - douchebags!
