Saturday, September 9, 2017

McCunttell & Korff - 10 cents a page douchebags!

"Book" number Two. 76 pages long. Most of it plagiarized from Deepak and then commentated upon by Kalvin. Not bad for a high school graduate.
"Book" LINK

And let us not allow the world to forget the kind of  bigot and Homophob that Kalvin Karlton Korff is. Korff just posted this on his FaceBook wall in 2017...

Would you like to check out Kalvin's first book?
Here you go LINK... 130 pages, no charge.


  1. 76 pages is about right. for a pamphlet.

    like on testicular self-examination for overweight males in their late 50s. Kal could be an instant authority on the subject. like he is an instant authority on any other subject, just check his bio on all of the subjects he has mastered to his satisfaction.

    it's korff's wet dream come true: no editorial oversight. and no page limit. as soon as the copy paste material is used up that's it. time to head to Kentucky Fried Chicken for an extra crispy big bucket 20 piece with lots of mashed potatoes. then self-examine those testicles again

    Yes this is exactly what i would expect of a high school graduate and the best Kal Korff can manage: basic functional incompetence compensated for with lots of overeating and masturbation.

  2. '''' basic functional incompetence compensated for with lots of overeating and masturbation.
    '''' basic functional incompetence compensated for with lots of overeating and masturbation.
    '''' basic functional incompetence compensated for with lots of overeating and masturbation.
    '''' basic functional incompetence compensated for with lots of overeating and masturbation.
    '''' basic functional incompetence compensated for with lots of overeating and masturbation.
    '''' basic functional incompetence compensated for with lots of overeating and masturbation.
    '''' basic functional incompetence compensated for with lots of overeating and masturbation.

    and one more for good luck....

    '''' basic functional incompetence compensated for with lots of overeating and masturbation.

  3. The Master Thinker Speaks!

    Kal Korff: Apple will be the world's first TRILLION dollar company. This is my prediction, made years ago before this recent article appeared. What critics of Apple continue to fail to understand is that with each new Apple product sold, it enlarges their ever increasingly profitable ecosystem. It's basic logic.

  4. 20 days an no reviews.... No surprise.

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  5. WAG Update

    Korff does use his Twitter a little and he unlocked it. Even Korff understood that by locking down a social network that network is pretty useless.

    Kal Korff‏ @KalKorff Jan 13

    Happy to report pre-production of my new movie is almost done, will be filming in India, Dubai and Europe. Official press event in February.

  6. Great news update on Kalvin's movie. I do have one question however, I wonder if Kalvin's great big flabby fat gut gets in the way of him using his iPhone camera?

  7. "
    Great news update on Kalvin's movie. I do have one question however, I wonder if Kalvin's great big flabby fat gut gets in the way of him using his iPhone camera?"

    Only when he tries to take pictures of his own crotch to see how big his vagina has grown.

    Kal could be the poster child to show kids how important it is to go to college so they don't wind up being a fat, useless tub.

  8. Since it is so cheap to live in India these amateur books Kal is slopping together may actually help him sustain his KFC addition. If Kal is able to reel in a few suckers each month with his shitty little e books he may be helping him to eke out a living. Kal can spam Apple's store with shitty little e books and he knows it. Expect a lot more "books" from Kal to start popping up.

  9. 27 days later and not enough reviews (5) for iTunes to show them.

    And, you'd think that if he had gotten one review, he would have posted it on his FB wall so he could humble brag. Nope.

    And, much to the disdain of Art Levin, a real reporter who Korff would love to deep throat, there's still no version other than the one that will work only on an Apple product running Apple software.

    Way to go Tubby.
