Monday, May 27, 2019

Gender Fluid Korff

Reno or Bust!


  1. AnonymousMay 27, 2019

    Sexy Sad Dumpling!

  2. AnonymousMay 28, 2019

    Kal on facebook "UFO CONspiracy types are falsely claiming that “Disclosure” is going on. Bullshit! Instead, History Channel is airing a TV series on UFOs, the media’s UFO happy feet cycle is back in full schwing again. The series is being exposed, trust me." Kal is just jealous because even the flying saucer people shun him.

  3. AnonymousMay 30, 2019

    Kal wrote this on Facebook, "Hi everyone. Here’s the latest issue of the X Zone Chronicles. The lead story is some inside info about Stanton Friedman. I apologize for the wide use of the personal pronoun “I” but it’s a first person account containing facts never revealed before."

    What Kal really means is now that Stanton Friedman is dead Kal can take license and make up whatever he wants because Stanton is no longer around to call bullshit on Kal. Stanton could not stand Kal Korff and was just being nice to an irritating kid with a huge ego.

  4. AnonymousMay 31, 2019

    Kal on facebook "Had Hillary Clinton been elected President, it is arguable that UFO CONspiracy nutter John Podesta would have continued the fraud that Harry Reid started. Emails show that some of the current hypsters pushing their agenda found a receptive Podesta. Maybe they can visit Podesta's brother in prison to continue this CONversation...." I guess we can visit Kal's brother in prison and see what he has to say about Kal.
