Sunday, June 2, 2019

Korffing Is Fun


  1. I wonder what F1 Racer is up to these days.

    By the way, Kalvin - approximately ten years ago you said that you had posted Czech police outside my apartment. When are they going to pounce?

  2. AnonymousJune 05, 2019

    Kal on facebook "Multi-millionaire Al Gore, is charging only some $350,000 to appear in Australia to "educate" people on climate change. Al is being generous, this is a discounted rate!

    Let's forget the enormous "carbon footprint" he and his entourage will make, especially flying in their own private jet, etc., because you know, flying coach is beneath him." At least Al Gore has fame, money and an education unlike Kal. And he was vice president of the United States. What has Kal ever done but been a liar and poser.

  3. AnonymousJune 05, 2019

    Kal Korff
    9 hrs ·
    BREAKING NEWS! The LAWSUIT re famed FOX Producer Robert Kiviat against Joe Firmage and his fake “anti-gravity” device, etc HAS NOT BEEN SETTLED! It is NOW EXPANDING TO INCLUDE MORE INDIVIDUALS. Details soon, developing.

  4. AnonymousJune 07, 2019

    Kal Korff is with Manish Tiwari and 3 others.
    4 hrs ·
    During my travels in India, especially in the far eastern part along the Nepal border where I went to the temple where Buddha died and was escorted by the wonderful Abhishek Tripathi and Commandos from my boss' security force at Daily World newspaper, I met a dentist there who had a devout Buddhist patient who refused drugs. He wanted to transcend dental medication. :-)

  5. Don't forget to email Kalvin regularly to let him know how much you loathe him:

  6. AnonymousJune 08, 2019

    Kal on facebook "Same bullshit, different day. Biden's methodology is this:

    1. Open Thy Mouth, not necessarily with THINKING things through FIRST.

    2. Say whatever only makes sense to Joe Biden.

    3. Get deservedly mocked and criticized.

    4. Have a "revelation" and then change your mind and the most important step....

    5. PANDER and declare "Victory!""

    I see Biden has taken a page out of the Kal K. Korff playbook. Still no book released from Kal. lmfao

  7. AnonymousJune 17, 2019

    Korff on FaceBook:

    I would gladly give up my annual salary to have scores of govt officials pay to stay at a resort I owned.

    That’s a fantastic return on my investment!

    I hope you understand my point.

    I do not agree with most of what the Republicans today do especially the neo cons.

    Neo cons like la la left wing liberals are extremists but in opposite ends.

    I do not see taxes being improved for MOST Americans.

    For MOST Americans wages are not keeping up as they should.

    MOST Americans continue to have healthcare plans that must be done better.

    MOST Americans agree that govt spending is out of control.

    Trump NEVER has lived in the world you and I have and MOST people grow up in here in the USA.

    I’d be more impressed with higher ethics and most importantly, the right ethics.

  8. AnonymousJune 21, 2019

    Annual salary? Otherwise known as the allowance mommy gives me.
