Monday, August 19, 2019

I'm ready, call me Reno.


  1. Kal on facebook "Here is my Tweet to Bob Lazar hoaxer promoter Jeremy Corbell. He’s now been officially told that a former KMI EMPLOYEE who knows all about Lazar is exposing him. Lazar worked at KMI. Like the TTSA scam, exposes ARE coming, I PROMISE you." Just like Kal promised a movie, books and the rest. Maybe this is why Kal is trying to suck Robert Kiviat's dick for work. Kal wants nothing else but the spotlight but it will not have him. Be careful about wishing for that spotlight Kal because you just may get it but not the way you think.

  2. Kal says he is glad to see that two men who lied about their military service have to wear signs that say I am a liar. If that is the case then Kal should have LIAR tattooed on his forehead. Hypocrite.

  3. Kal on facebook responding to the military liars "it’s FRAUD, Aric. Those who claim they work in the govt or served in the US military and did not, often commit crimes using those lies.
    So I’m glad we have laws to try to prevent that." I wonder what the Israeli military would do to Kal for claiming to be a colonel in one of their military branches.

  4. The Unknown KorfferSeptember 05, 2019

    Fake US Marshall's badge too. Impersonating a law enforcement official. The internet never forgets, Kal.

    US Captain's Bars

    US Colonel's Eagle, incorrectly worn sideways.

    From his own video.

    Trying to pass off paintball with (soon to be ex)friends as a military exercise he led

    Keep posting about Stolen Valor, Kal.


  5. Kal on facebook "Hi everyone. This Tweet CONFIRMS the FACT that a whistleblower re the Harry Reid UFO AATIP Scam, TTSA, etc exists. DETAILS will be MADE PUBLIC no later than October 19, 2019. Hopefully earlier." Sure, Just like the Annie Jacobson book and all the other blow hard bullshit Kal has said was forthcoming. This is just more of Kal trying to get some attention since all of the ufo people know what a flake Kal is. Nobody takes Kal seriously except Kal. Remember Kal aying he was going to expose Art Bell? We all know how that turned out LMFAO
