Sunday, September 8, 2019

I promise... again.


  1. Why does October 19th ring a bell. Is that the calendar date from 1973 when Little Kalvin had his incident of being sent to the principal's office for refusing to read "Bless the Beasts and Children", which then set off his life-long pursuit of being a complete failure no woman in their right mind would ever marry.

  2. Kal Korff
    September 7 at 7:23 PM ·
    Hi everyone. This Tweet CONFIRMS the FACT that a whistleblower re the Harry Reid UFO AATIP Scam, TTSA, etc exists. DETAILS will be MADE PUBLIC no later than October 19, 2019. Hopefully earlier.

  3. hahahahahaaahahahahahahaaaa I see that fucking idiot Kal Korff is back at it with the flying saucer bit since he has utterly failed in everything else he says he will do. No books out and no movie and certainly lads there is nooooooooooooooooooooooo television show. I think Kal was desperately trying to get noticed for some sort of reality show with all these rubbish claims. The great failure only has mum left to cheer on his lofty notions and delusions. hahahahahahahaha I wonder if Kal going back to the states has landed that dream security job working the night shift at some gambling house or other seedy venue. I believe prostitution is legal in Nevada. Anyone else notice Kal likes to lives in places where prostitutes are very accessible??

  4. I'm watching Rachel Madlow right now and remember Kal raging about her. She has a real college degree, is a professional journalist, has a show on a major news network and is successful. Everything Kal dreams of having.

  5. A wasted life.

  6. Kal on facebook "Ok, YES IT IS TRUE. On October 19, which is a few weeks away, Tom DeLonge, TTSA, Hollywood Producer Bryce Zabel, Annie Jacobsen, several others all get exposed. Stay tuned..." Sure this will happen LMFAO poor dumb desperate Kal begging for attention with more claims that he will never comeout with and if he does it will be some nonsense with no actual proof. When will Kal admit this blog exposed him years ago for the lying crackpot he is?

  7. Stay tuned to what? A download link posted to social media?

    By "exposed" we take it Kalvin means "upload a sound file of me babbling for ninety minutes in my mom's basement about entertainment celebrities who made it where I failed, ran off to Prague and became CAPTAIN KORFF which I won't discuss on Fakebook since being outed by people who are much much smarter then me". Anyone outside of Kalvin's dwindling circle of supporters who listen will be duped into doing so by dropping the other people's names. It's called cashing in which is all Korff has managed to do all his life. Cash in on other people's success.

    Fucking tool.

  8. Two words, Karlton:
    I thank you.

  9. Coming October 19, 2019 from Kal Korff:

    n-o-t-h-i-n-g a-g-a-i-n

  10. The Unknown KorfferSeptember 28, 2019

    If I recall correctly the "October 19th" date references October 19, 1973 when Korff had his "great revelation" which led to his life as a SAPSTOE super duper secret Israeli-funded (or founded, he would use the terms interchangeably) volunteer UFO fraud analyst with the rank of Colonel, and as we all know Israeli military uses US rank insignia & spuriously issues US Marshall's badges.

    Back to October 19th 1973: if memory serves Korff was sent to the principal's office after a confrontation with a teacher in regards to his refusal to read and then write a book report on "Bless the Beasts and Children", and had instead written a book report about the JFK assassination -- I believe this epic tome was the "8th grade book report" Korff referenced a few years back as being his great accomplishment in life, going so far to post pictures of the student notebook it was scribed upon (but no images or text of the "report" itself). Mom kept it safe over the years until sending it to him in India and he bragged about it being a Hail Mary type end-all to any questioning of his blithering idiocy.

    Again if memory serves Korff confabulated the event of being sent to the principals in a rambling first person email account to Royce Meyers into his being called to the office to learn that the FBI/CIA/MIB/government spooks were alarmed by this 8th grade book report. I cannot recall if he claimed government agents were in attendance but am pretty sure the story went that the book report was confiscated and sent to Washington DC for analysis. This event set Korff on his grand quest to cash-in on other people's work in paranormal research, using established semi-authorities on the subject to validate his claims of exclusive knowledge of everything from flying saucers to sharing birthday parties with world leaders.

    So it's back to October 19th again! with the arbitrary selection of that date about as obvious as the target next to the dunk-tank with a clown sitting on the trap door. Why not October 15th? Or November 8th? Or just fucking tomorrow. Because it's part of his madness and we can rest assured that the insanity Korff will breathlessly indulge himself in will be of no significance to anyone living or dead on this planet. OR, as others reasonably speculate, nothing will happen at all and the date will pass with silence on Kalvin's always entertaining Fakebook feed.

    Then an announcement a few days later that there were "technical glitches" "server hoster problems" or "terrorist threats" etc which derailed his announcement. Which will be re-announced to take place at another arbitrarily arrived at date comfortably far enough off for Korff to issue "UPDATES" to remind everyone to pay attention to his meaningless existence.

  11. When travelling by bus (through France) I got the following message from the in-house wifi system when trying to catch up on the blog. Just sayin':


    Ce domaine a été classifié dans la catégorie et n'est pas accessible sur ce Hotspot Wi-Fi
    Retour vers Google

    Powered by DNSProtect - 2018

  12. Wow, that's rich. This little dickweed accusing others of fraud. As usual, he has no clue about the topic he is infesting with his brain dead opinions.

  13. niedermeyerOctober 06, 2019

    so does Fuck-Face Reacharound Korff still talk up the self-claimed KKK jewish ancestry and jewish faith to his Fakebook "friends"? or has he dropped that ruse now that he is in surroundings where it would be openly ridiculed by his own dysfunctional family as the horse shit online manipulation tactic it was.

  14. The first line from Kal;'s "big" story in an obscure newspaper in India, "Communist North Korea is busy doing what it does best, which is continuing to be a world belligerent." No professional reporter, let along one with any sort of secondary education, would ever write this sort of trash. This is just one of many examples of juvenile writing Kal excels in. No wonder he can't get a job with an American news outlet. But I'm sure his mommy is so very proud of her little man.

  15. Kal on facebook "He’s always done this and it’s wrong." Kal is referring to a story about how Trump leaves a bunch of unpaid bills. I recall Kal leaving a bill for someone else to pay in Prague for some Apple stuff. Hypocrite.

  16. Kal on facebook "She's pathetic, sorry. This is NOT "about Her" -- HER campaign slogan, "I'm with HER." Go away Billary, Democrats need something new and different, not more retreads." Kal should take his own advice and do something new instead of reliving and dredging up his washed up work. All Kal does is try to throw around the same tired crap and nonsense he did 20 years ago. Hypocrite.
