Thursday, October 10, 2019

Korff adding to his fake history.

Kal Korff: I was working in Security at Apple after getting laid off at Atari along with around 5,000 other fellow Americans after Warner Brothers bought it and sank the company. I was then asked if I wanted to go Apple, said yes.

Briefly, I was assigned to the Lisa project near its end, didn't; even know what it was, originally didn't care until I saw it. I have always loved computers, but hate arcane C:\ bullshit like MS-DOS.

When I was 11 in the sixth grade I sketched out my first "dream computer" which had icons, hyperlinks, etc.

So after Lisa tanked at Apple, it was already a failure when I was moved to the project to become familiar with providing security for Apple's upcoming products, much planning in advance, etc., I was then put in charge of the Macintosh side of things and ran the Cupertino side of things and my territory was from in the hills up at Foothill all the way down to the Mac factory in Milpitas/Fremont area.

When I met Steve, he told me that this Macinotsh was going tom "change the world," and I replied to him in jest that, "You always say that."

He was right, absolutely. In fact in seeing the Mac I will never forget the feeling of, "THIS is a computer I can relate to. This is exactly how I would do it, icons, no commands to memorize, point, click, and back then the Mac using MacInTalk could even talk.

So I was hooked and dropped my "grand plans" pursuing a degree in criminal justice and forensics, I switched over to IT and went back to Apple and then Claris (their software subsidiary) after leaving it after Jobs left, and have worked in IT steadily since, but after I moved to Europe switched to devoting my career to about half It and half journalism, with being an analyst and other things in there, but mostly in these two fields.

Was on the HyperCard Development Team, which was the ancestor to the Web and the first Internet browser was done on HyperCard connected to a NeXt machine.

Stayed in touch with Steve off and on, flew to the USA to see him and others at MacWorld when he used to do it, bought a computer from him there, I will always admire and respect him.

I know people like Raj Reddy like to attack him, and I know much about Jobs' personal life, used to see him and Lisa skate in Palo Alto, but there is no denying he changed the world and without him and Apple overall so much of what we take for ranted today would not exist or IF it eventually would have, not the same and many more years out.

Today the iPhone reminds me of HyperCard on a phone.

I’m honored to have been there at some very amazing times in history. Very humbling and personally impactful.

At the Mac launch in Jan 1984 I was there at De Anza college, providing security for him and roaming up and down the isles in a dark blazer in uniform, still have my old Apple Security patch!, and was casing the audience, and it was at that launch that I made the decision to switch fulltime to IT and drop police work and forensics and getting a degree in Criminal Justice wanting to be a lab rat type per se.

That time at Apple and later Claris was very special, later the Sj Mercury News did a large piece on my HyperCard HyperMedia work before the Internet and Web browsers existed. They titled the article “UFO Buff Switches Attention to Computers” or something like that.

They did this right after I started working at Lawrence Livermore Labs, wrote their Classified viewgraph tracking system because none existed and that horrified me, etc.
It was really a special time window in the industry back then.

On October 19th, I will be rolling out NEW software, can't wait to showcase it.



  1. Bless the Beasts and ChildrenOctober 11, 2019

    Here is a translation of that richly entertaining fantasy of Kalvin's:

    "Dead guy who cannot refute my claim of being close because he is dead, me me me me me, me me me me. Me, me me me me me me ME! Me me me me, me me. Me me me me, me me me me. ME ME ME! Me, me me.

    Me me me me, me me me me. Me me me me me. Me, me me me me me me. Me me me. Me me me me me me me me, me me me, me. Me, me me.

    Me me me, me me me. Me, me me me me me me. Me me me me, me me me! ME! Me me me me me, me me me me dead guy. Me me me, me me me me me me. Me me, me me me me, me me me, some guy on Fakebook who I am friended with who has seen through my bullshit. Me me me me me me me me me me me me me. Dead guy.

    Dead guy, me me me, me me me me me me. Me me me me me me me me. me me me me me me. Me me me, praise and congratulate me, pay attention to me, praise and congratulate me, believe my bullshit, me me me me me. Praise and congratulate me for doing nothing with my life except running away from my problems, living at the expense of others, and using Fakebook. Me me me me me.

    Me me me me, me me me me. You may now praise and congratulate me."
    (Edited for length and feeling too nauseated.)

    Wout enjoy a running tab on how few likes Korff's post receives before he deletes it.

  2. kurrent korff fantasy: lifelong IT specialist who was close to Steve Jobs, who debuted the Macintosh to korff personally, haha. they kept in touch! lmao. shied away from a career in law enforcement & forensics to help invent the internet. mmppphhhhlolol.

    no mention of the journalism thing let alone the counter-terrorism thing, the headmaster thing, the radio show host thing, the television host thing or the flying saucer expert thing. because all along, korff was really working IT. he just kept it secret including from his family, friends and Fakebook ... until now.

    so, since fleeing India in shame after the local women got too creeped out he has been dutifully "engineering" independently designed "software" in mom's basement, of no particular function and for no particular purpose, other than to get Likes on Fakebook from people he gets off lying to.

    this should be very entertaining. blab away, fucktard

  3. Same old Kal K. Kkrff making promises he never intends to keep just to try to get some attention. Kal's mouth writing checks his tugboat ass cannot cash. Nothing new.

  4. Kal on facebook "Maybe he will have to get a REAL job now." in reference to Joe Biden's son. How about you go first Kal? Biden's kid is more successful than you ever will be you loser. How is your job in Reno going? Is it weird having to actually work for money instead of having your mommy give it to you all the time? Now mommy only has to pay your rent.

  5. Only five more days until Kal A. fails to produce anything B. Delays it with some excuse C. publishes another nothing burger of his shit writing and/or him talking into a microphone and babbling. Hell it might be all the above. Kal really is desperate for that spotlight again. LMFAO #kalkorff

  6. the only thing that karlton k. korff the KKK flying saucer idiot will be "rolling out" on october 19 is a big tub of butter he can use to deep fry fattening foods with so he can overeat to heart's content.

    nobody will care when the announced deadline passes with no "roll out". anyone who saw the post in question knew on-sight it was another bulbously made up story from a small, insignificant person who has failed in life at everything they had ever undertaken. they feel sorry for kal, see through the lies and hope he somehow accepts treatment for his many mental ailments. everyone he comes in contact with ends up suffering the effects of his mental illness. none of those whom he wishes to impress with his lies pursue direct contact. most likely have korff muted and do not respond if prompted by him.

  7. Almost October 19th. What exactly is that fucking dolt Kal going to put out? Probably nothing as usual or he will just drone on and on and on with nonsense that amounts to nothing like he usually does. Kal got exposed by the fine folk here years ago. Poor dumb and desperate Kal probably wishes it was 1985 all over again. My mommy stopped paying my bills when I turned 16. No real man keeps living off his mother.

  8. Hasn't posted anything since October 17th....

    The Syndicate


  9. Kal Korff : Hi everyone. Today was an incredible day. What happened is that several year’s worth of presentations got squeezed into an all day event, everyone either received today their data sets, or are now getting them since this is the weekend. The first article to be published is an exclusive expose called Here Comes The Judge: Whistleblower To Expose CIA “UFO Disinfo” Scientist, Congressman in Court. This is the long promised UPDATE and INSIDE SCOOP into famed FOX Producer Robert Kiviat’s lawsuit, it identifies a whistleblower who plans to give testimony against the CIA’s Ronald Pandolfi and others in his suit against Firmage and InterNASA. NOW a slide show is being put together CONTAINING HIGHLIGHTS of everything that was covered today, including news about TTSA and their being sent official legal docs demanding answers under penalty of perjury since they have been under investigation by parties for months. It is all in the slide show video, I am going to eat and regroup for a small bit, then pound out the narration and get this shared, also sent to our partners in media. Because of time differences in USA, Europe and India, this stuff may start appearing at no synchronized times, but they will come from several different Internet sites. I'll be offline to get the video highlight stuff narrated and shared, since I did NOT expect to be narrating anything - then back online as time permits after it is shared. OK, steak burrito waiting, then back to work… here are some slides I have to narrate to as examples from today when this was all gone through.

  10. Mike Boyle: Who is the whistleblower? You said the update identifies them

    Kal Korff: Mike Boyle there is actually more than one, depends on the case. The updated Kiviat lawsuit article names one of them, I have spoken to this person, and re others I have to wait to hear from legal re when they can be named.

    One issue is important issue is to try to cover this in a way which doesn’t interfere with proper investigation by officials, it’s a fine line to walk.

    Example: I have seen legal docs that are going to be filed.

    But I can’t publish them ahead of their official filing, but they’re real and are being submitted to the court.

  11. Kal Korff: hi, thanks. I’ve been doing this kind of stuff for years as an Analyst, the video highlights from this I’m narrating includes slides from several different briefings over the years, including with SEC, CIA, etc on this stuff investigating TTSA, Reid scandal, etc.

  12. Fuck You And Your Steak BurritoOctober 20, 2019

    Nonsense. Reads as half-concieved ideas gleaned from Drudgereport headlines, which also had a software release last week. Nothing about software engineering or working security for Steve Jobs, eyeing the crowd with his Apple Security emblem and Science Fair ribbon. Instead it is back to the flying saucer expert bullshit and trying to suck Bob Kiviat's dick to get on television.

    Let me say this to Kal for the rest of the world: fuck you and your steak burrito..

    Have fun pretending while the rest of us go to work on Monday morning. That's all your high school classmates respect. People leading real lives, boring and reliable.

  13. Virtually no feedback to his first two posts regarding this ground breaking and world shaking release....

    Kal Korff: BREAKING NEWS! Part 2 of the Kiviat lawsuit expose re Pandolfi, Firmage, Congressman Daniel Marriott, etc will be published later tonight. It’s over 3,000 words long. I’ll post the links as soon as I have them since it will be appearing in several different places.

  14. In case you'd like to take a look at Kalvin's "work"...

  15. One of the only responses to Kalvin's "work"...

    Mike Boyle: No offense, but this is one extremely unimpressive presentation

  16. no further reason to pay attention

  17. Kal Korff: Hi everyone. Here are some of the key slides from the October 19, 2019 REAL UFO Disclosure event, this was one of 10 expose and research projects being released, started, this is the Annie Jacobsen expose book. It will be in stores on November 22, just to fuck with CONspiracy nutters.

  18. Kal Korff: My Cousin, Lonnie D. Franks, is a REAL, GENUINE HERO. He was the whistleblower whose info about illegally bombing Communist North Vietnam STOPPED that practice. Declassified records from Nixon Library prove that Nixon was less than thrilled with my Cousin over this, since it was Nixon who ordered the illegal bombings.

    Lonnie D. Franks: North Vietnam

    Kal Korff: My typo, honestly I was just reading about Nk and they announcement for a "Big surprise" coming shortly.

  19. lol way to steal valor from your cousin, and way to show what a shithead you are by getting it wrong while hotlinking his name

  20. Kal really misses Steve Jobs. Not. If Jobs were still alive then Kal couldn't make his little stories about Jobs up. Someone should contact Apple and try to get the scoop on this bullshit.

  21. The Unknown KorfferOctober 24, 2019

    I am konfident that Kal K. Korff's kousin enjoyed being used for cheap attention like that. Lonnie's two word response korrekting Korff's konfusion between North Korea and North Vietnam says it all. "My typo" what the flip is that supposed to mean? Try "My mistake" or "Sorry, typo", but it wasn't a typo. More along the lines of dimwitted fucktardism by a fucktard dimwit trolling for attention by using his more accomplished relative like a tool.

  22. Kal says his latest release has received a lot of media attention. HaHaHaHaHaHaHa It has one like on his Facebook post. One. His "article" on Medium has 6 claps. That's it! It hink the voices in Kal's tiny brain are the only thing paying it any attention. Odd how the big media services have not so much as farted about this. Looks like Kal is trying to get his flying saucer glory days back. Kal's in his 50s and soon his 60s. Sad to see a person that age do everything he has done. To live a fantasy your entire life and convince yourself that you have accomplished so much without once taking an honest look at yourself. What a pathetic and meaningless life to have tried to live.

  23. even the sound of the pages turning is fake.

  24. "On October 19th I will be rolling out NEW software" was an outright lie.

    You are a LIAR, Kalvin Korff. Nobody should put any faith in anything you say about yourself. Total fraud with zero to contribute to society. A parasite.
