Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Kristmas you lunatic...


  1. Kal on facebook "It’s true, the UN didn’t give a shit about Chinese inhumane treatment of people." Because we all know Kal would never treat anyone as an object except women http://kalisanidiot.blogspot.com/2013/01/kal-korff-hypocrite.html

  2. Looks like that sad sack Kal K. Korff spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day posting to Facebook. All he posts about is Apple, his terribly written articles and politics. He probably got his dopey mother a picture of himself for Christmas.

  3. The BBC covered those Billy Meier UFO photos. No mention of Kal. LMFAO. Kal can;t even get a mention in the BBC? LOL https://www.bbc.com/news/in-pictures-50634120

  4. Steven Cambian is with Kal Korff.

    Tomorrow at 10PM (EST) join me in the LIVE CHAT on my youtube channel (Links to follow) for an incredible and groundbreaking MIDNIGHT HOUR SHOW special report from Kal Korff. Kal Korff destroys the Billy Meier case, drops amazing new information on TTSA being a techno scam, and destroys Annie Jacobsen's book of lies!


  5. EX PAT clown that doesn’t even live the US anymore Kal “Captain” Korf.

  6. Kal on facebook "Hi everyone. Here's the episode from Steven Cambian's Midnight Hour where Mikey Horn and the Meier UFO cult gets exposed, the inside story of the second undercover trip and how I used the name Oscar Meyer Wiener while there; info exposing the Hill "alien" star map, Roswell, etc. I enjoyed doing the show, Steve really knows his subject. UFO BELIEBERS can't take these events out of history, just remain in denial of them." Kal just cannot do anything new so he has to recycle his old nonsense that nobody cares about. Does this Steven Cambian guy not know about Kal's own false and exposed claims?????????????????????

  7. Here's the video if you care:


  8. Change the blog name back to "Kal Korff is an Idiot". Use the "Labels" function to tag posts Kal K. Korff so people searching his name end up HERE rather than on Medium or the Library Thing. Get the blog visible in the top 20 search returns for his name using Kal's own terminology.

  9. "Does this Steven Cambian guy not know about Kal's own false and exposed claims?????????????????????"

    See the above suggestion to help others find the information which that individual apparently missed.

  10. Very disappointed that Santa in a Floppy Hat didn't get his act together this year. The drunken sot ...

  11. We waited all weekend... never arrived, never called, texted, nothing....

  12. Kal on facebook "No "excuse" for this sad state of affairs today in the USA. Lack of critical thinking. This is from the REAL Disclosure event of Oct 19, 2019 that UFO CONspiracy nutters lie and deny, ever took place!" Kal could just post all the video from all the supposed media that were there. but Kal can't because no real media were there when kal sat around in his underwear at home while mommy made him lunch.

  13. Kal on facebook "BREAKING NEWS! Former CONgressman Dan Marriott, REPUBLICAN, oh he of the famed Marriott Hotel family, CALLED ME YESTERDAY after I had sent him a message informing him that my evidence against him, Joe Firmage, et al re their technoscam is being turned over to the FBI. I SPECIFICALLY TOLD HIM NOT to contact to me. I will now add this issue to my complaint re the FBI." This is because Kal Korff is a pussy and always has been. Think I'll send the FBI all of the info on Kal Korff posing as a colonel. I think Kal seriously fucked with the wrong people this time and his big mouth has landed him in a pile of shit with some people who are actually rich and powerful. Maybe Kal can call his Saudi sugar daddy for some cash? LOL Why would you go after someone and then tell them never to contact you? It is because Kal wants to keep his distance from any real fight just like all loud mouth blowhards do.

  14. Kal Korff
    27 mins ·

    Isn't it AMAZING, FOLKS, how Donald Trump "doesn't know" key people he not only has met but has made a point to take selfies with? During my research for my upcoming book on Trump, I have seen this lying pattern. Think Felix Sater

  15. Kal Korff
    1 hr ·

    Hi everyone. Well, I’m registered to vote, have been for sometime. I refuse to register as either a Democrat or a Republican because I am neither. Now I find they screwed up my address. Wankers!

  16. Kal Korff
    14 hrs ·

    Hi everyone. Here's my call in appearance on Jimmy Church's Fade To Black radio show. I really enjoyed this, nice to finally speak with Jimmy Church, look forward to further conversations, sharing views and experiences.

    My appearance is at 124:55 in the recording on this link when he goes to the LIVE lines. This was a spontaneous call, Jimmy Church did not know I was calling.


  17. We need a new blog posting!!!!!!!!

  18. Listen to Kal yammering on in full bullshit mode https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=714&v=Y-xPmBjnMEQ&feature=emb_logo&fbclid=IwAR2zP-1KBkm5Q-wFY0IxMv313QcHMMhfqARmuzcpu-wU4qSVEZ9IVzYUxFo

  19. Kal on facebook "Hi everyone. The FALLOUT from Steve Steven Cambian's show continues! It's actually just starting. Topics: TTSA, Annie Jacobsen, Betty Hill exposes, Harry Reid, Skinwalker Ranch, Hal Puthoff, Billy Meier, Roswell, Art's Parts, UFOlogy/UFOOLogy, Mossad, UFOs, JFK CONspiracy, INCLUDES PICS!" What the fuck is Kal on about here? Fallout?? LMFAO Looks to me that the flying saucer crowd even thinks Kal is a bonehead. Kal still thinks he was famous as a kid. LOL. Kal's a dip shit.

  20. Kal posted a link to an articled titled Church Leader Caught Trying to Pay for Gay Sex with Arby’s Gift Card. I guess Kal didn't get to eat at Arby's after all.
