Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Kreepy does as kreepy knows....

Ha, ha, ha!!!!


  1. Mmmm, exactly:


  2. Kal Korff
    10 hrs ·
    I REMEMBER this building from my days when I was a Lieutenant in Apple's security forces and as a Shift Supervisor had anywhere from 24-30 officers under my command. This was before I met Steve Jobs and switched to IT. I used to have to drive to this facility twice, do inspections, check posts, etc. It was cool being in there, there were pieces of ROBOTS there from Star Wars and stuff from Star Trek. The personnel there were typically "geeky" so Sci-Fi reminders were everywhere. It really is triangular shaped. Back then Apple had only TWO floors, not they have leased the entire bldg. Ahhh the memories...

  3. Kal Korff
    21 hrs ·
    Hi everyone. Over the next week, new web sites are being launched along with the Annie Jacobsen expose book, these sites will start to tie together disparate elements and will, going forward, be integrated where it makes sense with other platforms, like Facebook, etc. The purpose of these sites is to separate fact from fiction in ways so that it will be obvious WHOM is telling you the truth versus not. Look forward to this, there is so much going on...

  4. Kal Korff
    Yesterday at 12:59 AM ·
    Web site design is NOT set for mobile devices YET. That will be a completely different interface. Should view as "just fine" on a normal sized screen for PCs and laptops, mobile devices coming soon.


  5. Kal Korff
    Yesterday at 12:27 AM ·
    Web site design is NOT set for mobile devices YET. That will be a completely different interface. Should view as "just fine" on a normal sized screen for PCs and laptops, mobile devices coming soon.

    Full Web Site:


  6. So the great computer genius Kal K. Korff is using Wix to build a website? LMFAO I sense "colonel" Korff is about to emerge again.

  7. Guy calls out Korff.... Of course, Kalvin doesn't respond to the meat of his question. Korff's a Bernie Bro.

    Kal Korff: Maybe THIS is WHY Trump chose Pence? Other than being low-energy, Pence is corrupt and a hypocrite. That's a valued skill set in Trumpistan.

    David Orriss: Hey Kal, maybe you should ask Bernie Sanders, a man who never had a paying job until he went into politics how he afforded the two homes that he bought.

    And people who rely on John Oliver and HBO for their facts and data are fucking fat and retarded.

    Kal Korff: I don’t watch HBO nor Oliver.

    David Orriss: No but one of your more rich and buttery “friends” does.

    David Orriss: Seriously - 32 years ago. Later Clinton was getting blown in the White House and then lying about it later. And you’re going to hold something this stupid over someone’s head? JFC I really hope NONE of your sins come home to roost.

  8. Kal Korff
    January 24 at 9:03 PM ·


    Hi everyone. Here's the link again to my expose on the CIA's Ron Pandolfi who ran the CIA's "Weird Desk," Republican Congressman Daniel Marriott, Silicon Valley entrepreneur/technoscammer, Joe Firmage, etc. The evidence against these people is in the possession of various media entities, three letter agencies, the TRIAL BEGINS SOON, NEXT COURT ACTIOS IS IN FEBRUARY. This is unprecedented, the evidence against them in Robert Kiviat's case is a SLAM DUNK. I sent Congressman Marriott a message NOT to contact me ever again, he's BUSTED LYING IN THIS EXPOSE, I informed him about my turning over evidence to the FBI and others. I WILL NOT accept a "Friend Request" from Joe Firmage. Developing...

  9. # days later, no Likes, no comments, no nothing....

    Kal Korff
    January 24 at 7:29 PM ·

    Hi everyone. Here is the latest episode of my radio show Kal's Korner. As usual, your feedback is always welcome.

  10. Kal Korff
    12 hrs ·
    The Billy Meier UFO Cult and Billy Meier and his claims, are FRAUDS! Please see Steve Steven Cambian's Midnight Hour show on YouTube for the exposes of Billy Meier and see also how his official spokesman in the USA, Mikey Horn, was also busted for lying and exposed. This article is being used and this crisis ASS USUAL, is being EXPLOITED by the Meier cult and there are some really STUPID people out there who believe it's true. Their circus, their monkeys. Thanks to Neil Gould for originally sharing this. Neil is right!

  11. Kalvin, you having fun in Reno?

    Kal Korff
    20 hrs ·
    Due to rents being jacked up with impunity, DIRECTLY CAUSED by huge numbers of Californians leaving and moving to Nevada, the city of RENO has seen a huge spike in homelessness, city is holding CRISIS meetings, yet they are AGAINST rent controls. They want it BOTH ways. Reno is turning blue from being purple, people are now calling Nevada “Eastern California” and prior residents here are now livid. Even the HOMELESS from California are settling in Reno.

  12. Sweet baby Jeebus!! Kal has been on a Facebook posting tear. Him and Trump should rub nuts together at this rate. Fuck Kal K. Korff.

  13. Kal on facebook "Hi everyone. I keep receiving links from many people regarding past appearances over the years, hope you find them interesting and informative." A whopping two likes. LMFAO Do people not know about Kal pretending to be a colonel or any of the other mountains of lies Kal has promoted?????? Why does anyone give this fucking creep any attention. You would think his skeptic pals would have taken note and called him out but they have not.
