Sunday, February 23, 2020

Kalvin Korff - Hater of the Gays


  1. Has the great man pronounced on the coronavirus crisis yet?

  2. From Kalvin:

    This article was published on February 20, 2020 in Daily World newspaper: Exposing Cause and Cover-up of Coronavirus Outbreak in China

    Let the Chinese Communist Party bail their collective asses out. They know everything, are all seeing, all-knowing, all wise, their Dear Leader and self-appointed dictator-for-life Xi Jinping will solve all of their self-inflicted problems. The outbreak of this virus was directly caused by Chinese Communist stupidity.

  3. Kal Korff exposes the myth that Permafrost melting will spike global temperatures, additionally exposes two lies by Al Gore about global warming, then issues an open challenge to UFO researcher Richard Dolan to DEBATE the Roswell UFO crash case of 1947. A special TWO HOUR episode is being arranged for this debate, should Mr. Dolan accept this challenge, Rob McConnell has agreed to be the neutral host. This debate is being requested because people are asking for it, both Dolan and Korff will be asked to lay out their case so that the public can decide the issues for themselves.

  4. Mad. Completely batshit crazy. Should we really be laughing at this creature?

    Oh, what the hell. It *is* fun ...

  5. Maybe Richard Dolan will ask Kal about his fake colonel rank and all of the other bullshit Kal has been claiming for years. But we know that Kal and Rob McCONell will never let that happen and would end it right there. Kal needs to come clean and admit to all of his LIES. That would be a long show if Kal came clean but we all know his ego will never allow him to admit he made the whole colonel thing up. Nothing worse that a fat guy with an ego and a huge mouth.

  6. Check out this thread where well known UFO skeptic calls Kal Korff a liar for saying Kal sent him smoking gun evidence of his colonel claims

  7. Looks like Kal's buddy Art Levine is daring to question the colonel about his bullshit cornavirus article "Art Levine: You make reference in this show to an article I'm assuming that you wrote in something called The X Chronicles (sp?) newsletter.
    can you post URL here so the rest of us can see it, re: bats, an infected scientist, rogue bio-lab , etc. Do you quote from named documents in that article or on the record sources we can see and is it online yet? Fascinating material."

    LMFAO Let's see how long it takes Art to figure how full of shit Kal is. He might already be there with this carefully worded question that Kal will not be smart enough to see through.

  8. Just happened on this - it made me well up:

    A true American hero, and a real uniformed veteran of a real fighting service.

    And then we have Colonel" Kalvin Karlton Korff of the imaginary Special Secret Services. He pisses on true patriots and heroes every time he opens his stupid, lying, braying trap.

    And then we have his dirtbag brother. Which one is worse? Kalvin, I guess, because I would say that dirtbag Kurtis at least probably knows he is a dirtbag.
